Chapter 833: Lure the enemy to go deeper

“Why does it take time and effort to set up an array? For such a large area, the time required may be in months. Even if we are willing, do you think Dahuang Dynasty will give us this time?”

Ye Xiu asked back.

“What does the marshal mean?”

Xia Yufeng is also a little confused. If you don’t set up the line, why do you say so much? Do you want to play with us?

“This place itself is a natural Five Elements formation. It’s just hidden and unspoken. Once activated, it can become a weapon in our hands. It’s easy to kill hundreds of thousands of enemy troops in one fell swoop.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

When he came here, he carefully studied the environment and topography of this place, because when the enemy is strong and we are too many, they can only outsmart, not be invincible.

After he turned on the Shenlin Transformation to obtain the soil attribute physique, even if he stayed in place, he could easily understand the situation within a radius of tens of miles.

Not to mention, it really made him find a few interesting places.

This is just one of them. It looks ordinary on the surface, but there is a cave in the underground. Once activated, it will be a natural formation.

Just a little adjustment can be used for my use, good use, can be worth hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

“But there is no master of formation in the army, even if there is a hidden Five Elements formation here, it can’t be activated.”

Xia Yufeng thought for a while and said: “Furthermore, this Five Elements array is naturally formed. Even if it is successfully activated, it will be treated indiscriminately, and we will not get the slightest benefit either.”

“You don’t understand, I understand, and I am sure that the big array will only target others. You can rest assured of this.”

Ye Xiu didn’t get too entangled in this issue, and directly took out the prince’s token and said: “The people will listen to the order.”

“The end will be!”

Everyone looked serious and immediately knelt on one knee. At this moment, Ye Xiu took out King Qin’s token, and they had to treat it with caution.

“This commander will mobilize 250,000 troops, of which 150,000 soldiers are divided into five groups and hidden behind the five hills. One hundred thousand will be led by me to introduce the enemy into them. The rest will stay at Wushan Pass, and General Xia Commander, you are not allowed to leave the city without my order.”

Ye Xiu ordered: “When the big formation is activated, five people and horses charge at the same time, dividing and eating the enemy, do you understand?”


Everyone looked at each other. They were still not sure whether Ye Xiu really understood formation. He actually gave the order, which was too sloppy.

Moreover, as the commander of an army, how can he commit danger with his own body? This is a taboo of military strategists. Doesn’t he understand.

“Why, do you have objections?”

Ye Xiu’s face sank. According to his past temperament, he could only have his own voice in the army. Even if it was wrong, it could only be summarized afterwards. Once the order was issued, it must be strictly implemented.

Actually, he is not arbitrary, but many people on the Nine Heavens continent have no experience in this area. Fighting is all based on passion, and this is the most undesirable in a war.

You must know that the battle situation changes rapidly, and the fighters are fleeting, especially when the enemy is strong and we are weak.

Otherwise, what awaits them will be a one-sided slaughter.

“The general thinks this is too risky, it is better to let the general lead people to lure the enemy, and the marshal sits in the middle of the tent, in case of accidents.”

Xia Yufeng didn’t dare to embarrass Ye Xiu too much. After all, his marshal was issued by King Qin himself, and he also had King Qin’s token in hand.

Although King Qin had given them secret orders, he couldn’t judge whether Ye Xiu’s plan was feasible in this situation, so there was no reason to replace it.

So he could only replace Night Attack with himself, even if something really went wrong, he could easily escape with his strength, and then banned Ye Xiu from taking over his own army.

Although he didn’t have enough access, he still had some experience in defending the city.

This is why King Qin didn’t let himself be in charge, but instead asked him to help Ye Xiu.

“Don’t worry, I’m just taking people to lure the enemy, and I won’t take personal risks. If something goes wrong, you can immediately return to Wushan Pass, which will not have much impact on the overall situation.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“How can this…”

Xia Yufeng wanted to say something, Ye Xiu’s voice came in her ears: “Nothing is impossible, don’t you know what the nature of a soldier is?”


What else can the generals say, they can only agree.

“I don’t want a similar situation to happen again. Once the war starts, I hope that there is only my voice in the army. If there is any objection, I will wait until the war is over, otherwise the military law will be engaged.”

Ye Xiu said with a cold face, this time he explained it to them because they didn’t understand him, which already gave them a lot of face.

Next time, he will never be merciless.


Everyone nodded, but they didn’t care about it in their hearts.

If you are really capable, we will listen to your orders even if you don’t say it, but if you are a wine bag, then we can only say sorry to you.

“Very good, let’s go.”

Ye Xiu nodded. He actually saw the real thoughts of these people, but he didn’t care too much. After all, he was a newcomer and wanted them to recognize that he had to let them see the results.

This is also the reason why he insists on playing. Only by doing it himself can they refresh their understanding of own and lay a mass foundation for the next thing.


With that said, the 250,000 troops were divided into six groups, of which five groups were hiding behind the five mounds according to Ye Xiu’s orders, and they gathered their body and breath with battle formations.

Ye Xiu led an army of one hundred thousand and headed straight towards the place where the army of the Great Desolate Dynasty was stationed.

After half an hour, they had already seen the enemy’s camp, densely packed, with no end in sight.

With a rough calculation, this is more than 1.5 million.

“The first battalion, the second battalion, and the third battalion quietly touched over. Once they are found by the other party, they should return immediately and draw the enemy here. Don’t confront them head-on.”

Ye Xiu gave the order. Although the soldiers of the third camp did not understand his intentions, because they didn’t have to face the enemy head-on, the people of the third camp immediately moved at the order and quietly touched over there.

Ye Xiu did this not to let these people go to death, but to better lure the enemy.

You must know that enticing the enemy is also a technology job, you can’t blindly do it, and you need to use some tactics when necessary.

After all, the other party is not a fool. There must be a general who is in charge. If their 100,000 people directly press over, they will not be able to hide, and they will be sieged by the army.

One hundred thousand to one and a half million is simply hitting a rock with a pebble.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to draw out some people first, wipe them out, and make them feel the pain, so as to draw out more enemies and chase them hard.

“The remaining people lie in ambush on the spot. Once the enemy gets close, they will hit me fiercely, trying to kill them all within one breath.”

Ye Xiu looked at everyone.

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