Chapter 832: Five Times Strong Enemy

“Enjoy the Marshal, the scout has returned. The Dahuang Dynasty is currently stationed thousands of miles away, with a force of 1.5 million. The information we received before is incorrect.”

In the big tent, a guard walked in from outside and knelt in front of Ye Xiu and said.

This time the situation was urgent, and Qin Sheng was unable to arrange Ye Xiu’s beautiful Great Hall to be printed, so everything can only be simplified. In order to allow Ye Xiu to better control the 300,000 army, the generals among them have followed him for decades. Old subordinates for a long time.

Whether it is ability or Cultivation Base, they are considered first-class, and at the same time they also handed the own order to Ye Xiu. See Lingru and see him personally.

Therefore, even if the soldiers below have some complaints, they dare not speak under the suppression of the generals.

“Didn’t it mean there are only one million?”

The expressions of the generals changed. The news they received before said that the Great Wilderness Dynasty had dispatched a total of a million heroes, and in a blink of an eye, there were more than half a million more.

Could it be that they will make a big change in life.

Although the million heroes are still three times more numerous than theirs, they are still confident that they can do it just by holding back their march.

But now, the number of enemies is five times that of them, which makes a completely different meaning.

“Why, afraid?”

Ye Xiu looked at a kind of general and asked.

To be honest, his mood at the moment is not much better. The intelligence error is too large, which doubles the pressure on him. If one is not good, the entire army may be wiped out.

However, there is no other way. After the Cultivation Base reaches a certain level, it will come and go like wind. If you want to get an accurate figure, you must visit it in person to confirm it.

But he is the commander of the first army. If he panics, there is no need to fight this battle.

Moreover, the reason why he was able to sit firmly in the middle of the account now relied on the prestige of King Qin and the suppression of these generals, but the name of others could not last for long.

Although these generals are helping themselves, they are also monitoring themselves. He believes that Qin Sheng must have given them secret orders. If he is unable to control these 300,000 generals, they will immediately replace them.

After all, this matter is related to the fate of the entire Great Qin Dynasty, and Qin Sheng did not dare to be careless, let alone believe in himself completely because of the words of a few people.

Therefore, what Ye Xiu needs most now is a tough battle to establish his own reputation and prestige, and only in this way can he suppress the people below.

Although the current situation is very dangerous, it has not yet reached the point of exhaustion.

“To be afraid is not to be afraid. It is nothing more than a death. In the end, the general will only be worried that the task given by King Qin will not be fulfilled.”

A general bluntly said that he had only King Qin in his eyes. Before that, they didn’t know who Ye Xiu was. If there was no order from the prince, they would not give Ye Xiu a good face.

And when they came, King Qin had already told them that if Ye Xiu was unable to serve as the marshal, he would take his place.

Therefore, they are also testing heart now.

“Do not worry.”

Ye Xiu didn’t think about it at all. The enemy’s strength was too strong, and head-to-head is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg, so they could only outsmart it, and then he turned his attention to Wushan Pass.

Wushan Pass is the only way to go from Lincheng to the hinterland of the Great Qin Dynasty. Because it was built on Wushan, it was named after Wushan.

Wushanguan has a large formation under the Great Qin Dynasty, and only masters above the human king can ignore the existence of the large formation.

But even for forces like the Great Wilderness Dynasty, there are not many masters in the human king realm. The total number of people in the entire dynasty may only be a hundred people, but it is impossible for them all to fight.

Therefore, among the millions of army, the number of kings will not exceed 30, and the rest of the natal masters account for 20%, and the rest are cultivators of the Dongtian realm and the Tongxuan realm.

But the battle between the two armies is the battle formation and the morale and strategy of the two sides. Even the masters of the Supreme Realm can not get the slightest benefit when facing tens of thousands of troops.

This is the terrible part of the battle formation. It can concentrate the power of countless people, and with the help of the power of heaven and earth, it can exert a hundred times or even a thousand times the power.

The higher the Cultivation Base of the war, the higher the morale, and the more terrifying the power of the battle.

Therefore, in front of the real army, personal strength is insignificant, which is why the three dynasties are respected in the central part of China.

In their eyes, the four Sects are like a mob. If the three dynasties are not restraining each other, the entire Shenzhou Central Region will not have a foothold for the four Sects.

Of course, if the opponent dispatched a master of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, it might be able to turn the tide of the battle, but if they really had a master of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, I am afraid they would not be willing to shrink in the middle of the Shenzhou.

“So, the Marshal already has a way?”

The generals were interested. If Ye Xiu really had a way, it would be a good thing for them. After all, facing this situation, even if they replaced it, there would be no better way to solve the matter.

“You follow me.”

Ye Xiu led everyone out of the big tent, came to the head of Wushan Pass, pointed to a plain on the left a hundred miles away and said, “What do you think of this place?”

“What’s special here?”

The generals looked at each other, isn’t this just an ordinary plain, what can it do?

“watch carefully!”

Ye Xiu said again.

“The subordinates still don’t understand. Please also ask the Marshal to make it clear.”

At this moment, the generals are full of brains. This plain is a plain, there is not much grass, and the end can be seen at a glance. Even a Tibetan individual can’t hold it, and it has no military value.

So they didn’t even know what Ye Xiu asked him to do to look at the place.

“Don’t be confined to one area, you need to expand your vision to include the five hills that connect.”

Ye Xiu said again.

“Five hills?”

Everyone naturally noticed the five hills, but it was said that the hills really exaggerated them. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are mounds, and the tallest one is only thirty or forty meters.

For cultivators like them, it can be crossed by lifting their feet, but it is also ineffective at all.

So they are now even more confused.

“Five, Five Elements Array, Marshal, do you want to use this place to lay the Five Elements Array?”

The speaker was an older general named Xia Yufeng, who was the guide Qin Sheng sent to Ye Xiu, and he was also Qin Sheng’s right-hand man.

He has experienced more than a hundred battles, large and small, and he has a strong knowledge of marching formations.

He hadn’t seen Ye Xiu’s intention before, but he only noticed after Ye Xiu’s guidance that this was just a simple Five Elements formation.

If you build an array on a mountain, you can really get a good result with the help of the terrain.

It’s just that this area is too large, and it is impossible to lay formation in a short period of time.

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