Chapter 787: All parties move together

“This map is very useful to me. If I owe you a favor, I will be rewarded in the future.”

Ye Xiu was not polite, so he put the map away, and at the same time secretly decided to give them some gratitude when he got Phoenix Blood.

After all, without this map, his situation would be very dangerous.

“It’s good to be useful to you, and you don’t need to repay. If you didn’t help before, our brothers and sisters might have been poisoned by them at this time.”

Zhao Lingjun and Zhao Lingling did not dare to take credit.

They had obtained this map accidentally, and they didn’t pay any price, and this map was no longer useful to them, and it was just enough to pay Ye Xiu this favor.

After all, they also knew very well that they probably wouldn’t have the chance to see Ye Xiu in their own capacity.

“You also know my situation, so I won’t accompany you, just don’t live there.”

Ye Xiu hugged the cupped fist head towards them, and then leaped forward towards the Wugui Grand Canyon.

“Brother, shall we go back?”

After watching Ye Xiu leave, Zhao Lingling spoke.

“Go back.”

Until now, Zhao Lingjun looked back a little bit reluctantly, and nodded.

He felt that to be a man, he should be like Ye Xiu, happily gracious, so he decided that after he went back, he could no longer do things behind closed doors as before, instead, he had to go out and practice more.

Only in this way can I continue to strengthen my own strength, and when I see Ye Xiu in the future, I won’t be dragged down too much by others.

Even Ye Xiu didn’t know that this move of own created two fascinating God of War in the near future, sweeping the entire martial arts domain.

Inside the Great Hall.

“What are you talking about, Ye Xiu appeared in Ziyue City, what is he going to do there?”

Li Cangsheng frowned slightly and asked inexplicably.

During this time Ye Xiu seemed to have disappeared, and they did not get any news after repeated searches.

Although they don’t want to provoke Ye Xiu anymore, the reward from the real Martial Ancestor is quite exciting. As long as they can get Ye Xiu’s trace to tell the real Martial Ancestor, not only can they get a lot of resources, but they can also get the friendship of the real Martial Ancestor.

This can’t be bought for much money.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that they hadn’t seen each other in the past few days, and Ye Xiu went to Purple Moon City hundreds of thousands of miles away, which really made him feel very strange.

“Sect Leader, do you think he is looking for the Phoenix Blood Stone?”

An Elder asked, the reason why their Divine Sword Gate had fallen to this point and the loss of two Kings was mainly because of the map of the Phoenix Blood Stone.

And Ye Xiu ran a long distance to Purple Moon City this time, surely not for sightseeing, it must have a different purpose.

So he immediately thought of the Phoenix Blood Stone.

“You mean, the specific location of the Phoenix Blood Stone is in the Wugui Grand Canyon?”

Li Cangsheng was not stupid either, he immediately understood it when he was reminded by this person, because Ziyue City was one of the entrances of the Wugui Grand Canyon.

And based on his understanding of Ye Xiu, this kid is a master who doesn’t see rabbits or scatter eagles. He must have something to do with the Phoenix Blood Stone when he goes there.

“Yes, Sect Leader, should we send someone over? If we can get the Phoenix Bloodstone, even a thumb-sized piece will be worth the trip.”

The Elder asked.


Li Cangsheng was a little embarrassed, this Ye Xiuke was different from ordinary people, his strength was too terrifying, especially the world treasure in his hand, it was extremely powerful.

Hao Yang was directly killed by it, and if he changed it to him, it would be impossible to escape the calamity.

Moreover, the situation in the Wugui Grand Canyon is very special, even if it is a once-in-a-hundred-year situation, the entry of a master of the human king realm is basically a dead end.

At this time, sending someone over to find him in trouble, I am afraid it is no different from looking for death.

As for the ball in Ye Xiu’s hand, they didn’t know what it was at first, but after several days of thinking, they had figured out its origin.

But the fear in my heart has not diminished much.

“Sect Leader, I think you are worrying too much. This matter must have reached the real Martial Ancestor. Do you think they will let Ye Xiu go? So, we just followed them and had some soup.”

The Elder continued: “Furthermore, Ye Xiu’s strength is actually not very strong. A master of Ninth Stage can easily suppress it. The real threat is the world treasure in his hand, but Now that we are prepared, he may not be able to help us, what do you think?”

“That’s true, that’s good, you immediately arrange for someone to go there, but try not to have a head-on conflict with Ye Xiu, let him and the real Martial Ancestor’s people die first, and we will take advantage of it.”

Li Cangsheng nodded, what he was most afraid of was the world treasure in Ye Xiu’s hand, but the reason it was able to kill Hao Yang was mainly by surprise.

Now they knew how powerful this thing was, and they were also wary of it in their hearts. It won’t be easy for him to think about it.

“Yes, I will do it now.”

Elder nodded, turned and went out.

A similar situation is also happening in other schools. In the end, they all decided to send masters, especially the real Martial Ancestor, who dispatched nearly fifty masters of Ninth Stage.

After all, Ye Xiu’s behavior has severely hurt the real Martial Ancestor’s face, so he must find this place back.


“Sect Leader, other schools have sent people over, should we send people over to help Ye Xiu?”

An Elder looked at Li Chunyang and asked.

“No, but the help will definitely help.”

Li Chunyang thought for a while.

“How can I help if I don’t go?”

Several Elders looked at each other, wondering what Li Chunyang was doing.

“How can’t it.”

Li Chunyang said with a cold face: “In this way, you guys will immediately lead people to attack the Shendao Sect and Five Elements Sect. I don’t believe that they still have enough energy to trouble Ye Xiu.”


Everyone was shocked by Li Chunyang’s crazy thoughts.

Although their current overall strength of the Scarlet Cloud Sect has gained a lot of Ascension, but with their current strength, it is impossible to get the slightest benefit against the two martial arts at the same time.

“What the hell, I am not asking you to attack the two schools, just let them have no time to take care of Ye Xiu’s side.”

Of course Li Chunyang knew about this situation, and then said: “You all know that Ye Xiu has left the Scarlet Cloud Sect now. We have no reason to help. If you act forcefully, it will definitely attract real Martial Ancestor’s revenge. But attacking the magic sword. Men and the Five Elements Zong have nothing to say. This will not only save us, but also reduce Ye Xiu’s pressure, why not do it?”

This was the only thing he could do for Ye Xiu, because even if their Scarlet Cloud Sect came out in full force, it would be only a drop in the bucket against such a powerful strength as the real Martial Ancestor.

As for whether you can escape this catastrophe, you can only look at Ye Xiu’s good fortune.

“Good way, Sect Leader, why didn’t I find you so insidious before?”

The Elders immediately understood Li Chunyang’s meaning, and smiles appeared on their faces.

“This is resourcefulness. Go ahead and prepare, the sooner the better.”

Li Chunyang glared at them, angrily said.

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