Chapter 788: The King of Colorful Tigers

The Wugui Grand Canyon was wider than Ye Xiu had imagined. After entering, it was like entering a virgin forest, with towering trees as high as hundreds of meters everywhere, covering the sky and the sun.

As soon as he entered it, he immediately smelled decay and a faint smell of blood.

Since there are still three days before the dense fog subsides, many people are staying in the five cities to adjust their state. Not many people enter here, and most of them are moving outside.

So after Ye Xiu came in, he didn’t spend much time on the periphery, but approached the depths directly.

After walking for about a long time, Ye Xiu saw a thick mist appear in front of him. Before he got close, he felt a nervous feeling in his heart.

It was as if countless pairs of cold eyes were staring at him.

Ye Xiu stopped immediately and looked ahead vigilantly, not daring to approach any more, then jumped onto a big tree and took out the two maps.

At first glance, the contents of the two maps are almost identical, but if you compare them carefully, you can see the differences.

Where there are no lines on one map, there are places on the other map, and they are still very clear, while some places with lines are not on the map at the other station.

After that, Ye Xiu neatly overlapped the two maps according to his own ideas, and suddenly a brand new map appeared before his eyes.

This map is completely different from the previous two, and even the location has changed. If Ye Xiu didn’t guess wrong, these three maps probably corresponded to three places.

Ye Xiu didn’t know why this happened, but he had a feeling that no matter which one he got on the two separate maps, it was impossible to find the Phoenix Blood Stone.

Maybe it can lead people into a very dangerous place.

Only the one that appeared after the two maps overlapped was the actual hiding place of the Phoenix Blood Stone.

“Little Ye Zi, what is this place?”

At this time, Qi Tian’s voice came out, and he found that the surrounding environment was very strange, and he couldn’t help but remind him of the cemetery of ten thousand bones in the Eastern Wasteland.

“This is the Grand Canyon of No Return…”

Ye Xiu briefly told Qi Tian what had happened during this period.

“Your kid was able to toss when he was in Eastern Wasteland, but it is still the same in China. I have also made such a big noise after Closed Door Training for a while. Can’t you stop for a while?”

Qi Tian was speechless.

“I think too, but he doesn’t allow strength.”

Ye Xiu smiled and asked, “By the way, do you still need to continue Closed Door Training?”

“No, my soul power has been sorted out, and all problems have been solved, thanks to the Universe Soul Forging Technique you gave me.”

Qi Heavenly Dao.

“That’s good.”

Ye Xiu nodded, then picked up the map and said, “Look at this map. If I guess right, the one after the two overlaps should be true. What do you think?”

Qi Tian has more experience than himself, so he wants to see what Qi Tian means.

“It’s not that it should, but it’s true.”

Qi Tian directly gave an affirmative answer: “This is a very common security measure, but the people who drafted the map were very clever and divided it into two parts. It’s elusive.”

He has seen similar techniques many times before, and if he is a real master cartography, he can even switch a map into three different places.

If someone forces himself, then he will hand over part of it, so that the other person will die without knowing how it died.

And this one was considered to be the more clever kind of similar maps he had seen.

“Then you said, I will separate these two maps and give them to those who want to harm me. Wouldn’t it be interesting?”

Ye Xiu asked with a smile.

“Your kid is really insidious, but I like it.”

Qi Tian laughed and said, “If I’m not mistaken, after the two pictures are separated, each one is life-threatening. It doesn’t matter if you give it away, but you can only give one copy and burn the other one. ”

“You are afraid that they will find a different place, and then they will find the problem, right?”

Ye Xiu wasn’t stupid. When Qi Tian said this, he immediately understood Qi Tian’s intentions.

“Yes, although the two maps look very similar and the difference is very small, if the two maps appear at the same time, they will inevitably be found strange. If you want to kill them completely, you can only send out one map, and The other map was burned to ensure that no one would discover the secret.”

Qi Tian wanted to be more perfect than Ye Xiu, so that he could be foolproof.

“Understood, when there is a chance, I will release this one, let them kill each other first, and then let the rest of the people go to the destination to die.”

A sharp light flashed under Ye Xiu’s eyes. To the enemy, he never knew what softness was.

So now he only hopes that more people will come, so that it will be lively.


Suddenly, a roar came from the front, and immediately afterwards, Ye Xiu saw a colorful tiger stepping out of the white fog, which was more than two meters high.


Ye Xiu’s eyes widened.

This white mist was very terrifying, and just getting closer, he felt a very dangerous feeling, as if countless eyes were staring at him.

But it’s incredible that this gorgeous tiger king who lives in the Seventh Stage can survive inside.

“Someone, get out of this king.”

The Colorful Tiger King immediately noticed the movement here, and a pair of golden eyes looked directly at the place where Ye Xiu was, and a breath of the king of beasts spread.


Although Ye Xiu hadn’t completely condensed his own breath at this moment, it was not something that ordinary Demonic Beasts could feel.


At this moment, the silver emperor falcon on Ye Xiu’s shoulder seemed to be provoked, and he let out a loud eagle’s voice, like a magic sound, directly shocking the colorful tiger king.

Just about to escape into the white mist, I felt a flower and a Daoist shadow in front of it.


The Colorful Tiger King was startled. It thought it was a Demonic Beasts with a strong bloodline, but it didn’t expect it to be a small human, so it was relieved.

But when it saw the snow-white Silver Emperor Sky Falcon on Ye Xiu’s shoulder, the tiger hair on his body stood up.

“You, are you the legendary beast master?”

The colorful tiger king was really taken a jump. It could see that the bloodline of this silver emperor falcon was much stronger than its own. Especially the golden touch of eyebrows made it terrified.

But what frightened it most was the human under the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon. He could even conquer the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon back to the ancestors. The only possibility was the legendary Beast Master.

Beastmasters are very scary. They don’t rely on their own Cultivation Base, but the demonic Beasts that are subdued around them.

In particular, the method used to guard against beasts has changed their demonic beasts.

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