Chapter 786 You, you are Ye Xiu

“The same thing, I don’t want to say it again.”

Ye Xiu said faintly, the murderous aura on his body had already diffused, but this was the murderous aura he had accumulated along the way. It was so rich that it directly reduced the temperature in the entire tavern a lot.

“Boy, do you really want to be nosy?”

This person’s face also sank, and the breath he radiated from Ye Xiu could roughly tell that Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base was only about Fifth Stage days, and the highest could not exceed the Sixth Stage days of his life.

Although the murderous spirit was very strong and made him feel chills, but Cultivation Base was nothing in his eyes.

He is a master of the Eighth Stage of his life, three Realms taller than him. Such a gap cannot be made up by that mere murderous aura.

“Brother, what can I do with him, just kill him directly, let him know what the consequences of offending our Divine Knife Sect will be.”

Behind this person, a Seventh Stage Divine Sword Sect disciple finished speaking, and he killed Ye Xiu directly. A Cultivation Base with only Fifth Stage days, a soft guy who didn’t even dare to show his true face. What’s so terrible. of.

Killed directly, do you dare to refuse them looking at the little girl?


With a loud bang, the seventh-stage genius master flew upside down at a faster speed than before, and there was a very eye-catching shoe print on his face.

The whole face was knocked down.


Everyone was shocked and looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief.

You know, the person who was beaten up had a Seventh Stage Cultivation Base, two Realms taller than Ye Xiu. Although he was not a genius, he couldn’t even be one of Ye Xiu’s. You can’t stop it.

Is this the master of the Seventh Stage of Fate? It’s the other way around.

“Boy, who are you on earth?”

The face of that person changed, and he crossed two levels to defeat his opponent. There were only a handful of people in the entire Martial Domain who could do this step, and all of them were famous.

Coupled with the appearance of Ye Xiu at this time, a person’s name that scared him appeared directly in his mind.


Ye Xiu said again, this was also his last exhortation.

“Huh, the rat who hides his head and shows his tail, just because you want to kill us, it’s a wishful thinking. Let’s go together and kill him.”

The next few people were directly angry. When did their Divine Sword Sect disciples suffer such humiliation, when their words fell, six people sacrificed to the soldiers at the same time, and rushed towards Ye Xiu like a tiger.

Among them, the lowest Cultivation Base has the Sixth Stage, and there are two masters with the Seventh Stage.

With so many masters joining forces to attack, even if the masters of the Eighth Stage of their lives are facing them, there is only one dead end.


The head of the person’s face changed, he already suspected that this person was Ye Xiu, but before he was sure these guys rushed over, isn’t this looking for death.

It’s a pity that he is still a step late.


A sword chant sounded, everyone only saw a glare of cold light burst out, and then all these people flew upside down, all the soldiers in their hands were cut off, and the incision looked like a mirror.

On the other hand, the right arms of these people were all cut off by Qi Gen, blood was injected, and they were wailing on the ground in pain.

“You, you are Ye Xiu!”

Seeing Ye Xiu’s hand holding a long sword that was as black as ink, the head of the person immediately recognized Ye Xiu’s identity, because the drawn sword had become his sign, and no one in the entire martial arts possessed such a sword.

At this time, he only felt a chill on his back and wanted to escape, but found that his feet were hard to move as if they were filled with lead.

You know, this Ye Xiu kills even Li Xuanyi and Hao Yang say, especially Hao Yang, who is the master of Seventh Stage King Realm. What did Ye Xiu give to him? In front of Ye Xiu, even the ants weren’t even considered.

Now he really wants to slap himself. It’s okay. What are you doing? If you don’t look for so many beauties, you just go to the woman next to Ye Xiu. Isn’t this looking for death?


Ye Xiu didn’t kill them, actually is not his kindness, but it doesn’t make any sense to kill these people.

What’s more, own identity has been exposed, even if they are all killed, they can’t be kept secret.

“Yes, yes, let’s get out of here, get out of here.”

Several people dared to stay here, and fled one after another. As for the others, they didn’t dare to stay here any longer, for fear of being implicated, they put their lives here.

This Ye Xiu was too terrible and too cruel. He defeated six masters in a row and cut off all their right arms. This strength was completely beyond their imagination.

Originally, they only knew that Ye Xiu’s strength was very strong, but they didn’t expect to be so strong that if they stayed, wouldn’t they be looking for death?

However, some of them were bold and immediately took out the token after escaping here, and reported Ye Xiu’s appearance in Purple Moon City.

You know, the rewards from Martial Ancestor can be exchanged for 100,000 top-grade gems even with news. Naturally, they don’t want to miss such a good opportunity.

“Are you really Ye Xiu?”

Before Zhao Lingjun, he only felt that Ye Xiu’s feeling was very unusual, but he didn’t expect that he was Ye Xiu who caused the entire Martial Domain to make trouble.

“You should go back, the Grand Canyon of No Return is not for you.”

Ye Xiu looked back at them. Although he had a good impression of the siblings, it didn’t mean that he wanted to take them together.

These two guys knew at a glance that they hadn’t grown up yet, and their minds were completely different from Cultivation Base. With them, they would be tired.

Also, now that their own identity has been exposed, the real Martial Ancestor will definitely not let it go, they will only be more dangerous if they continue to follow themselves.

So letting them leave is for their sake.

“Yes, I’m sorry, I exposed you, this is for you, maybe it can help you.”

Zhao Lingling said weakly that she is a bit more mature than own Big Brother. Although she has no experience with the outside world, she is still very smart.

She knew that Ye Xiu wore a cloak because he didn’t want people to recognize his own identity.

But all of this was destroyed by herself. Next, he would definitely suffer revenge from the real Martial Ancestor, so she was very self-blame in her heart.

But their strength was limited, and they couldn’t help Ye Xiu at all, so they gave her a map they had obtained before.

The reason why they came was actually because of this map, which recorded the specific location of the Phoenix Blood Stone, but they overestimated their own strength and the degree of danger outside.


Ye Xiu frowned and took it out of curiosity.

After opening it, it was similar to the one he got from Fu Jingyun, but there were some differences.

“I see.”

Before, he felt that the map that Fu Jingyun gave him looked a bit wrong, but he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

After seeing this map now, he understood.

It turns out that the two maps together are the complete map. Searching for only one of them will not only find the Phoenix Blood Stone, but may also be led to dangerous places.

This can be considered a blessing in disguise.

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