Chapter 753 You’d better not go

“Dao Duo, you hold this storage, there are a lot of good things in it, enough for you to make a comeback.”

Ye Xiu took out a ring and handed it to him.

“Dage, I can’t ask for these things. If you really want to help me, just refine a few holy essence pills for me. You don’t need to be too high-quality, just four or five patterns.”

A lot of money said with a smile.


Ye Xiu nodded, pill refining is just a matter of effort to him…

In the blink of an eye, on the third day, the shops with a lot of money did not open in these two days. As for Ye Xiu, he helped Qian Duoduo refine thirty five-patterned holy yuan pills in the past few days.

Regardless of the fact that this holy yuan pill has only five patterns, its medicinal power is no worse than that of six patterns, because all the holy yuan fruits used in this batch of holy yuan pill are obtained from Yunmengze.

Each one has tens of thousands of years of medicinal power and is very precious.

“Dage, I love you so much. Otherwise, I will hire you as the chief pill refining division of my Qianjia Chamber of Commerce. How about 100 million high-grade Yuanshi every year?”

Qian Duoduo exclaimed in excitement, thirty five-patterned sacred pill, definitely let him start the name of the shop.

The fly in the ointment is that Qin Wanyao’s seven-stripe sacred yuan pill has already been taken down by Qin Wanyao. If the auction is held, he can take advantage of the aftermath of the auction to make a fortune.

It’s okay if you can’t buy seven patterns, I have five patterns here, and the effect is also leveraged.

“Why not refine the seven patterns directly?”

Ye Xiu knew Qian Duoduo was joking and ignored him, but he didn’t understand why this kid didn’t want the seven-patterned Saint Yuan Pill.

For him, the difference between refining the seven-pattern holy yuan pill and the five-pattern holy yuan pill is not very different. In contrast, the refining of the seven patterns is simpler.

Because his pill refining is different from others, Da Ri Jin Yan is too powerful, and he directly refines the medicinal materials. Therefore, when he refines the five patterns, he also needs to control the temperature of Da Ri Jin Yan, which consumes more energy. Bigger.

“Seven patterns are too high-profile, and five patterns are just right.”

Qian Duoduo said with a smile. For businessmen, it is not that the higher the quality of the top-grade, the better, but the liquidity and the purchasing power of the people where it is located.

If he directly sells the seven-patterned sacred yuan pill, the price is low, he loses, and the price is high, and others can’t afford it.

Over time, someone who is jealous must come to own trouble, then he should not do anything, just keep these holy essence pills.

Therefore, the five-patterned holy yuan pill was just right for him, the price was not too high, and the efficacy was good. Someone would definitely come to buy it. Although there were only thirty, it was enough to open the situation for him.

“It’s up to you, is 30 enough? If not, I’ll refine some for you?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Enough, just use these as a town shop. Not many people can afford it. As mentioned, I didn’t expect it to bring me much profit. The main purpose of doing this is to let others I only know my Qianjia Chamber of Commerce. The real money is other things, Dage, you can rest assured, I know what to do.”

Qian Duoduo has his own development plan, and he believes that no one can do better than him.


Ye Xiu nodded. Qian Duoduo may be lacking in other things, but in terms of doing business, it surpassed himself by too much.

“Let’s go Dage, the auction should be about to start, see if you can find some good things.”

A lot of money.


Ye Xiu nodded, and then left the shop with Qian Duoduo and walked towards the auction site. Before reaching the place, he saw several women in white clothes approaching.

It was the disciple of Tianxing Pavilion, headed by their old acquaintance, Murong Bing.

“Miss Murong, we meet again.”

Ye Xiu didn’t evade anything, and walked forward directly.

“I have seen Master Ye, if there is nothing wrong, we will go in first.”

Murong Bing bowed to Ye Xiu, with an extremely obvious sense of alienation between his words. After all, their Sky Star Pavilion also dispatched personnel to deal with him this time.

Although she didn’t know what caused the people they sent out to be wiped out, she still felt that she didn’t know how to face Ye Xiu.

“Of course something is going on, why didn’t Qingcheng come?”

Ye Xiu’s words, the behavior of the Sky Star Pavilion disappointed him, in order to prevent them from being unfavorable to Lin Qingcheng, so he did not intend to let Lin Qingcheng stay in the Sky Star Pavilion.

He originally thought that Allure would also come to participate in this auction, so he planned to take the opportunity to talk to Allure about this matter.

In the end, she didn’t come, so he came to ask.

If not, he doesn’t bother to pay attention to them.

“Qingcheng is Closed Door Training, so I didn’t come this time.”

Murong Bing’s gaze was a little dodged. Actually, she wanted to bring Qingcheng over this time, but she was stopped by Master before she left. She said that Lin Qingcheng was in Closed Door Training, but in fact she had been banned. Sect That’s enough.

Of course, she knew that Master was wrong in doing this, and she also pleaded for Lin Qingcheng, but it was of no use.

“I want to see her after the auction is over, there should be no problem.”

Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes, and Murong Bing was obviously insincere. It was obvious that Tianxing Pavilion might have taken action against Lin Qingcheng, which made him very worried.

But the Tianxing Pavilion was not another place. He said he could go if he wanted to. If he rushed past, I’m afraid he wouldn’t even be able to get in, and he might even harm Lin Qingcheng.

He was not afraid of the trouble from the people of the Sky Star Pavilion, but the trouble from the people of the Sky Star Pavilion to Lin Qingcheng.

Therefore, this matter should not be urgent, it must be discussed in the long term.

“You better not go.”

Murong Bing reminded him that he and Lin Qingcheng got along very well during this period of time, and she had treated Lin Qingcheng as her own Little Sister, and she also knew about the relationship between her and Ye Xiu.

But today’s Tianxing Pavilion has a very bad impression of Ye Xiu, and many people even count the deaths of those people on Ye Xiu’s head.

If Ye Xiu passed this time, he would most likely be humiliated or even hurt by Tianxing Pavilion, and Lin Qingcheng might also be implicated.

Therefore, she felt that it was not appropriate for Ye Xiu to pass this time, and it would not be too late to talk about this after everything subsided.


Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

It seems that Own’s guess is correct. The Tianxing Pavilion has indeed done something to Lin Qingcheng, but now they have not completely smashed their faces, so they dare not do too much.

“Don’t mess around, even if you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about Allure.”

Murong Bing felt the murderous intent emanating from Ye Xiu’s body, and his heart suddenly shuddered.

What she didn’t want to see was that Qingcheng and Tianxing Pavilion completely broke off because of this incident, because that would not do any good for Qingcheng.

“I know what I should do, thanks for the reminder.”

Ye Xiu nodded, then turned around and walked towards the auction site. When he was about to walk in, he stopped again, took out a white silk and threw it to Murong Bing, saying, “This trouble, you give it to your Sect Leader.”

This is exactly the suicide note left by his Elder in Tianxing Pavilion before his death.

“This is……”

Murong Bing was startled, and immediately unfolded the white silk, 【Don’t be Enemy with Ye Xiu】Seven blood-colored characters appeared in front of her suddenly, her mouth opened in surprise.

She recognized this handwriting, which was exactly the handwriting of her uncle.

She can even feel the helplessness and fear of her uncle when she writes these words, and can imagine what happened to her uncle when she wrote these words.

She looked up at Ye Xiu, wanting to ask what was going on.

But there is no one in front of him.

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