The 754th chapter is a broken sword

With the golden card given by Qin Wanyao, Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo easily entered the auction room and were directly taken into a box, where you could just see the outside situation from the inside.

At this time, the auction room was already overcrowded.

“Dage, is there something wrong with my sister-in-law?”

A lot of money is not stupid. From the previous conversation between Ye Xiu and Murong Bing, he has already understood some things.

“If there is no accident, it should be like this, but for the time being they dare not deal with Qingcheng.”

Ye Xiu nodded.

“Dage, what are we doing here, go directly to the Sky Star Pavilion to ask someone.”

Qianduo immediately became anxious, and at the same time secretly scolded the women in the Tianxing Pavilion for shamelessness. If they wanted revenge, they would come to them, and it would be nothing to deal with my sister-in-law.

“It’s useless. We are too weak at this time. We go straight ahead. I’m afraid we won’t even be able to get in, let alone pick up Qingcheng.”

Ye Xiu shook his head. It wasn’t that he had never thought of going directly to the Sky Star Pavilion to VIP people, but he knew that this obviously wouldn’t work.

If he tears his face with them, Qingcheng’s situation will be even worse. This is not the result he wants to see, so he must think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

“Then what should we do, are we just doing it like this and watching my sister-in-law suffer in Tianxing Pavilion?”

Qian Duoduo asked.

“Of course not. You forgot the blood book. With it, Qingcheng will not be in danger in a short time.”

Ye Xiu was more anxious than Qian Duoduo, but this matter was related to Qingcheng’s life. A bad one might lead to irreversible consequences.

At that time, even if he had destroyed the Sky Star Pavilion, Qingcheng would not be able to return.

Therefore, he had to be cautious.

Of course, the best result is that the other party can understand the meaning of the Elder after seeing this blood book, and rein in the precipice in time, so that he doesn’t have to worry about the safety of Qingcheng.

But he can’t pin all his hopes on this.

“Why not, let’s pretend to be disciples of the Tianxing Pavilion and mix in, and then secretly pick up the sister-in-law?”

A lot of money.

“This is also a way, but it’s still a bit risky, let me think about it again.”

Ye Xiu was still in the mood to take care of this auction, and focused on Qingcheng. He would never allow Qingcheng to appear in any danger.

The reason why he came in was to create an illusion for the Tianxing Pavilion, and the blood book was enough to make them cast a rat-avoidance weapon.

But this method won’t last long, so he still has to think of a better way to rescue her.

“Great guy, does someone say something inappropriate?”

At this moment, Fluttershy spoke up.

“Xiaodie, don’t call me a handsome guy. It sounds weird. Call me Xiaoyezi. My friend called me that. If you have any ideas, you can give me your reference.”

Ye Xiu didn’t dare to underestimate Xiaodie, this girl’s mind was filled with the memories of many people, maybe he could think of a good way.


Xiaodie was startled, a certain string in her heart was directly touched, but she also knew that it was not the time to think about it, and said: “Little Ye Zi, I think you got into the tip of the horns and left. In fact, this matter did not miss you. It’s so complicated.”

“how do I say this?”

Ye Xiu asked incomprehensibly, he didn’t think he was on the horns, but it was indeed very difficult to handle.

“Have you forgotten that Jiebao? There is it, no one below the supreme can withstand its blow, so you can use the method Little Fatty said to get in and find the person you want to save , And then just rush out, who would dare to stop you and smash to death.”

Xiaodie Dao, she also understands the situation of Wuyu, there is no master at the supreme level, and no one can withstand the blow of Jie Bao.

Isn’t it too wasteful to have this treasure and discard it?


Ye Xiu was startled, he really forgot about this.

When Qian Duoduo talked about this method before, he thought it was easy to get in, but not easy when he got out, maybe he would even get them in.

Hearing what Xiaodie said now, he was suddenly enlightened.

Yes, with Jiebao in his hand, even if the Tianxing Pavilion is in the Tiger’s Den of Longtan, he can kill a few in and out, he doesn’t believe it, the opponent’s king is not afraid of death.

“Now I want to understand.”

Seeing Ye Xiu’s appearance, Xiaodie knew immediately that this kid had realized it.

“Understood, let’s go now.”

Ye Xiu had no intention of staying now, and no amount of treasures could compare to Lin Qingcheng’s hair.


But at this moment, the Pluto Sword trembled violently, and when he looked up, he saw a broken sword on the auction floor, and the host’s voice sounded in his ears.

“This broken sword was accidentally obtained by the Daqin Chamber of Commerce some time ago. The specific grade is ominous and the material is ominous, but it can easily cut off a high-grade mysterious soldier, and can chop each other with the best-grade mysterious soldier without falling into the wind. Although it is broken, But it is also a rare treasure.”

The host continued: “So, the bottom price of this Broken Sword is 5 million high-grade Yuanshi, and each bid must not be less than 100,000. Please bid.”

“Five hundred and one hundred thousand…”

“5.3 million…”

“Five and five million…”

As soon as the host’s voice fell, the bidding began immediately below, and the increase was rapid.

Although this sword is very ordinary, it is still a short sword, but the broken sword that can be comparable to the best mysterious soldier is also rare. The most important thing is that the price is very beautiful.

More than five million, not even a middle-grade Xuanbing can be bought.

“What’s wrong, Dage, are you interested in this broken sword?”

Qian Duoduo asked.


Ye Xiu nodded. The whole body of this broken sword was made of black, as if it were made of a piece of black jade, with a crystal clear luster.

But this broken sword is only one-third of the normal one, and the hilt occupies half of it.

He really couldn’t see what was special about this broken sword.

However, the perception of the Pluto Sword is not wrong, and its movement is stronger than ever before, which shows that this broken sword is not as simple as it is not intended to be seen.

So he planned to take it down, maybe after the Pluto Sword refines it, he can be promoted to the rank of Taoist soldiers in one fell swoop.

“Ten million……”

Suddenly, Ye Xiu heard a voice coming from the box next to him, and he directly increased the price from 6.5 million Ascension to 10 million.

“Fuck, who is the person in this box, who is so lavish, just a broken sword, is it worth so much money?”

“I heard that the people in that box seemed to be from the middle of China, and they were real disciples of Martial Ancestor, and I also heard that they seemed to be coming from this broken sword.”

“Isn’t this just a broken sword? Is there anything special about it?”

“Then who knows.”

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