Chapter 752 Cooperation

“I’ll be there.”

Ye Xiu said, he had seen it before that Qin Wanqing’s purpose in returning to China should be to seek revenge, but he didn’t know the girl’s life experience before, so he couldn’t help him.

Now that he knew it, he wouldn’t stand by without reason.

“Now we can talk about the next cooperation?”

Qin Wanyao said that she was very smart and did not continue to ask Qin Wanqing’s whereabouts, because even if she asked, Ye Xiu, who was still skeptical of herself, could not tell herself the truth.

Then she asked for nothing.

And she believed that with Ye Xiu’s talent, Wu Yu couldn’t keep him trapped for too long. The interior of Shenzhou was where he should go, and she wouldn’t let her wait too long this day.

“Yes, I plan to sell all these things.”

Ye Xiu nodded and waved his hand, he took out a large amount of medicinal materials, and the whole room was suddenly filled with strong medicinal fragrance.

Although he doesn’t believe Qin Wanyao very much now, after all, people are separated by the belly, and it is impossible for him to make a one-sided decision just because of her alone.

However, what she said about Qin Wanqing’s identity should not be wrong, as for other things to be verified.

But this matter did not affect my transaction with Qin Wanyao, and these things were not of much use to me. In exchange for some yuan stones, I could buy some things I needed in the next auction.

“All sold?”

Qin Wanyao was surprised. He didn’t expect Ye Xiu to have so many good things in his hands.

Especially these medicinal materials, each of them has a year of more than ten thousand years, although the value is not as good as the seven-patterned holy yuan pill, but it is also a rare good thing.

Together, that’s a huge sum of money.


Ye Xiu nodded.

“These things are too precious. With all due respect, if they are auctioned in Wuyu, their value will not be truly reflected. If you believe me, I can cooperate with you to bring all these things into the interior of China. Selling, everything is done by me, and I only need 40% of the profit, what do you think?”

Qin Wanyao said that she actually wanted to buy all these things and then go to the internal auction of China by herself, so that she could at least double the profit.

But these things add up to at least 300 million high-grade primordial stones, and she can’t come up with so many kinds of stones now.

So she thought of this method of cooperation. If done properly, not only can she make a lot of money, but Ye Xiu can get far more yuan stones than what she can get from auction here.

“Dage, I think I can give it a try.”

Seeing a lot of money, Ye Xiu looked at him, so he nodded. Of course, there are certain risks in doing so, but the greater the risk, the greater the return.

“Okay, then do as you said. However, I need some precious stones now. After all, there may be something I am interested in in the next auction. If I don’t have enough precious stones, I need it. Advance from you in advance, no problem, right?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Of course this is fine.”

Qin Wanyao nodded and waved her hand to take out a gold card and said, “All the precious stones you need for this auction can be paid by our Daqin Chamber of Commerce. After the auction of this batch of medicinal materials is completed, we will calculate it separately.”

“In addition, this is our Supreme Gold Card of the Daqin Chamber of Commerce. With it, you can contact me at any store in the Daqin Chamber of Commerce. At the same time, it also allows you to enjoy a 30% discount. If you participate in other auctions, you can also get one. Independent private room.”

“Then I would be disrespectful.”

Ye Xiu accepted the gold card. Just like the previous card that the Lin family gave to own, he liked the independent private room because it would save a lot of trouble.

As for other offers, he doesn’t care much.

“I won’t give you the invitation letter. With a gold card, you can come in directly. In addition, this is a list of the auction items. You can find out in advance.”

Qin Wanyao said, this time she traded with Ye Xiu, she could make at least 300 million high-grade yuanshi.

This is a windfall, and it can completely solve the problem of the emptiness of the treasury temporarily, leaving her with some buffer time.

Moreover, Ye Xiu brought herself news of the third sister. Although she didn’t know where the third sister was at the moment, it was enough to make sure that she was still alive.

So she was very grateful to Ye Xiu in her heart.


Ye Xiu nodded, then signed a cooperation contract with Qin Wanyao, and then left here with Qian Duoduo.

“Dage, do you think what she said is true?”

Qian Duoduo asked.

“It’s not good, but I tend to be more true, but it’s hard to paint skin and tigers, knowing people knowing the face and not knowing the heart, so we still have to guard against it, so as not to harm Wanqing.”

Ye Xiu understood what Qian Duoduo asked about. As he said, Qin Wanyao said at least 60% of those words were true.

As for whether the remaining 40% is true, he needs to verify it.

Therefore, he will not disclose Wanqing’s situation to anyone before thoroughly confirming it, so as not to harm Qin Wanqing and the others.

“Then should we help Sister Wanqing, how can she do this alone?”

Qian Duoduo asked.

“The help is definitely to help, but not now.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, “You and I are too weak at this time. Even if you find Wanqing, they may not be of much help. The most urgent thing is to Ascension own strength as soon as possible.”

From the process of contact with Qin Wanyao, he could feel the power of this great Qin dynasty, among which there must be many masters in the human kingdom.

Such a force could not be compared with the Scarlet Cloud Sect. How could they be able to control them now, and they didn’t even know where Qin Wanqing was.

Of course, another point is that if Qin Wanyao deliberately lied and tricked them to find Wanqing, wouldn’t they become accomplices?

So, what they have to do now is to act as if nothing happens, and don’t do anything for Wanqing, just work hard to Ascension own strength.


Qian Duoduo nodded and said, he was also concerned and confused. If it was in normal times, he would not ask such a question.

After all, he had always treated Wanqing that girl as a Little Sister, and he was naturally angry when he learned that her life experience was so miserable.

However, he is also an extremely smart person, and now he understood his intentions immediately after being so touched by Ye Xiu, and this is undoubtedly correct.

As the so-called small intolerance leads to chaos, they can’t stand up and give the enemy a chance to kill them all at once.

“Let’s go, go and have a look in your shop.”

Ye Xiu knew that Qian Duoduo had already opened a shop in Shengwu City, so there was no need for them to live in a restaurant.


Qian Duoduo nodded, and then brought Ye Xiu to his shop.

At this time, his shop had been sealed, but Qian Duoduo directly tore off the seal without seeing it, walked in, and looked at the emptied shelves inside. Qian Duoduo’s face looked very ugly.

These are all the special products he brought from the wasteland. In today’s Martial Region, they are invaluable. As a result, they are all cheaper than the people of Shengwu City.

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