Chapter 746: Coming to Holy Martial City Again

Magic knife door.

“What are you talking about? Not only did Ye Xiu not die, but the Scarlet Cloud Sect also didn’t lose a few people. How could this be possible?”

After listening to the report, Li Cangsheng stood up directly from the seat and looked at the Elder below in disbelief. He couldn’t believe it was true.

You know, they sent two kings and many inner disciples to Yunmengze this time, but they all died inside.

According to his understanding, several other forces have also sent masters from the Human King Realm. In total, there are only six Human Kings, and even Luo Qianshan cannot kill them all.

So he guessed that those people masters should have encountered some danger before the entire army was wiped out.

But if this is the case, why didn’t the Scarlet Cloud Sect people fall among them? The most important thing is that Ye Xiu didn’t even die. Could it be that he has three heads and six arms.

“This is what I have seen with my own eyes. There is nothing wrong with it.”

This Elder didn’t want to believe it, but it was the case.

“What about people from other sects, have they come out alive?”

Li Cangsheng asked again, he now wants to know what happened inside.

“Not yet, and as far as I know, except for Zhou Yan of the Five Elements Sect who is still alive, everyone else has died inside.”

The Elder replied that he also heard about this matter from Elder of the Five Elements sect.

“Where is Zhou Yanren, did he come out?”

Li Cangsheng asked.

“not yet.”

Elder shook his head. People in the Five Elements sect knew that Zhou Yan was not dead because his soul, Jade Slip, was not broken, but they didn’t know where he was and what state he was in.

“Continue to stare at this matter, and notify me as soon as there is news. I want to know what happened inside.”

Li Cangsheng said, their losses this time were too great, and he couldn’t let these two people die in Yunmengze inexplicably.

But now in this situation, he can’t act rashly, otherwise they can only be ugly.

“Don’t worry, Sect Leader. I have already told the Five Elements Sect. As long as there is news from there, I will notify you immediately.”

Elder nodded. Even if Li Cangsheng didn’t talk about this matter, he would always pay attention, because he also wanted to know what happened to Yunmengzeli.

The same situation is also happening in Tianxing Pavilion, Shengwu City and Five Elements clan, because this thing is really incredible.

They not only sent a large number of forces from the Quartet, but also a lot of masters, how could it be annihilated.

On the Scarlet Cloud Sect, although Luo Qianshan was sent, the overall strength was not as good as them, and it was impossible to lose only a few people no matter what.

The most important thing is that Ye Xiu was still alive, he was earlier than Luo Qianshan and the others entered Yunmengze.

But no one knows what happened inside, so they are all waiting for Zhou Yan. As long as he comes out, what happened inside will be revealed…

Shengwu City.

As before, it is still very lively, coupled with the upcoming auction, making this place already overcrowded.

When Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo came to Shengwu City again, they suddenly felt as if they were separated from each other, especially Qian Duoduo, he had escaped all the way before.

I even thought that I couldn’t survive this time, but I didn’t expect that not only did I survive, but Cultivation Base also got a great Ascension.

After a few months of accumulation, he can break through his destiny.

“There is a lot of money, so you dare to come back. There is really a way for you to stay in heaven. The Underworld has no way for you to come back. Come on, take him down for me.”

Before they entered the city, some guards recognized how much money was, and immediately took it down.

Because they had been ordered to capture a lot of money before, but he escaped. If they could take him down, it would be a great achievement.

“Go away.”

Ye Xiu said impatiently.

“Boy, I advise you that you’d better not be nosy. You can’t manage this matter. Just get out of it. Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude to you.”

The guard did not recognize Ye Xiu.

He was standing guard at the time of the Wuyu Grand Competition, so he only knew the name of Ye Xiu, but he had never seen him.

“Bastard thing, how do you speak, do you know who he is?”

At this moment, a person walked out from the rear, who seemed to be the commander of the guards. He came to Ye Xiu and laughed and said, “Master Ye, this kid is a newcomer and ignorant. You must not be familiar with him.”

“Can we go in now?”

Ye Xiu naturally didn’t bother to talk nonsense with them, looking at this humanity.

“Of course you can, please.”

The guard commander quickly made a gesture of request, and the posture was lowered to the lowest level.


Qian Duoduo snorted coldly, and then walked in with Ye Xiu swaggeringly.

“Commander, who is this kid, so arrogant, and how do I think you seem to be afraid of him? Also, didn’t the city lord order to seize a lot of money before, why did he let him go?”

The guard who was being reprimanded was full of question marks at this time.

“Didn’t you say that the person you admire most in your life is Ye Xiu?

The guard commanded a question.

“What, you, you said he is Ye Xiu?”

The guard was taken aback, only felt his feet were soft, and he slumped directly on the ground, his entire scalp felt a little numb.

“Of course, daddy was almost killed by you. They are the masters who even dared to kill Xiang Shaolong. Killing you is not like playing with me. You kid will have a snack.”

The commander was irritable, but fortunately he took a look back, or else this kid would have gotten into a catastrophe.

“No, how can he dare to come to Shengwu City? Isn’t he afraid that the city lord will trouble him?”

A few days ago, he heard that Young City Lord was almost killed by Ye Xiu. He came over at this time, didn’t he throw himself into the trap?

“He is now a direct disciple of the retired elder Luo Qianshan of the Scarlet Cloud Sect. In terms of seniority, he is the same generation as our city lord. In my opinion, the city lord may not dare to trouble him now. But this matter must be reported. This matter I’ll leave it to you, go and come back soon.”

The commander said that his status is much higher than this guard, so he knows more inside information.

In fact, there is one thing he didn’t say, that is, before Ye Xiu and the others came, Scarlet Cloud Sect had already sent a master to visit and went straight to the City Lord’s Mansion.

It is said that when they left, the young city lord smashed the things in the room completely, and even the city lord was pale.

Soon after, he was ordered that no one had to embarrass Ye Xiu, and offenders would be cut.

Although he didn’t know what the Scarlet Cloud Sect’s Ren came to say, but from this situation, the visit of those Scarlet Cloud Sect people must have something to do with Ye Xiu.

Because this was the first time he received such an order after joining Shengwu City.

In the past, disciples of various sects did not receive such treatment.

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