Chapter 745: You Are Not Dead

After chatting with Luo Qianshan for a while, the two walked out of the Great Hall, and then the group walked out of Minor World. There was no need to stay here.

However, before leaving Minor World, Ye Xiu used Xiaodie’s method to teach him to collect this Minor World into the world treasure.

In this scene, everyone was full of envy.

Let’s not talk about this Minor World first, just say that this world treasure is a treasure that can not be found, even Luo Qianshan does not have such a level of world treasure, let alone other people.

And this Minor World itself is also invaluable. If a master of the Human King Realm can refine this Minor World and integrate it into its own Minor World, his strength will be at least several times as powerful.

However, they admired and admired but did not have the idea of ​​taking it for themselves.

They all knew that the changes in Scarlet Cloud Sect during this period were brought about by Ye Xiu, and it could even be said that Ye Xiu was the hope and pride of Scarlet Cloud Sect.

The greater his potential, the higher his future achievements, and their Scarlet Cloud Sect will be able to follow along.

“Xiu’er, you are lucky. This Minor World is several times larger than the teacher. It seems that it won’t be long before you will be the number one in the martial arts.”

Luo Qianshan smiled.

“Master joked, how can I compare with you.”

Ye Xiu was also very happy. He naturally knew the value of this Minor World. Although it could not be refined, it could be used as a treasure.

Whoever dares to trouble him, just go up and down, surely he can be smashed directly to death.

“It’s good for you to know about this. If you let me know that you dare to talk nonsense behind your back, don’t you blame me for disregarding the sentiment of the teacher, do you understand it?”

Luo Qianshan reminded.

Both Jiebao and this Minor World are very precious. Once this incident is spread, it will also cause Ye Xiu a lot of trouble, and he must take precautions before it happens.

“Don’t worry, Uncle, we know what to do.”

Everyone responded one after another, even if Luo Qianshan didn’t talk about this matter, they would still be tight-lipped.

“Just understand, let’s go.”

Luo Qianshan nodded and said, and then the group left here.

But before leaving the mausoleum, Ye Xiu took the coffin from Minor World and placed it in the mausoleum.

Previously, Xiao Zhantian’s location was also any Minor World, and the place connected to it was the bottom of the coffin. In the future, after Mu Tianye breaks through, he will need to come out of the coffin.

To be safe, he also asked Luo Qianshan to adjust the large formation outside the tomb so that it was completely hidden in the void and no longer appeared.

In this way, no one will go in and disturb him.

After doing this, a group of talents went out.

When he was about to leave Yunmengze, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of him. They were the disciples of various martial sects, and among them there were several celebrities who were masters of the king realm.

When the celebrity kings died before, the Sect behind them got the news for the first time, so they sent someone to check.

But these people did not dare to set foot in Yun Mengze. After all, six famous kings died in it. At this time, Yun Mengze had become a dangerous endorsement in their hearts, and who would dare to enter it.

“You are still alive!”

Seeing Ye Xiu, Liu Tianci directly cried out incredulously.

This time they sent a lot of people from the four forces to kill him, but everyone from the four major forces died, but Ye Xiu was alive and well, which made him really unacceptable.

“God, don’t talk nonsense, don’t accompany me to meet Luo senior.”

A middle-aged man next to Liu Tianci’s face became stiff, he hurriedly winked at Liu Tianci, and then saluted Luo Qianshan.

This person’s name is Shao Ming, who is the worship of Shengwu City, the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage of the King of People. If this kid weren’t for the son of the city lord, he would have liked to go up and slap Liu Tianzi.

You are so arrogant and regardless of occasion, don’t bother me if you want to die.

Liu Tianci didn’t recognize Luo Qianshan, but he did. This was recognized as the number one expert in Wuyu, not to mention him, even the city lord would not dare to stand in front of others.

Your kid dare to curse their disciple to die in front of them, aren’t you looking for death?

“What are you doing here is to intercept us here?”

Luo Qianshan glanced at them, and said with a slightly displeased expression.

“Senior joked, we just brought our disciples to experience.”

Shao Ming and others hurriedly laughed. At this time, who would dare to touch Luo Qianshan’s brows, after all, this time all of their forces have suffered heavy losses. Once they do, the forces behind them will be implicated.

“Then why don’t you go in yet.”

How could Luo Qianshan fail to see what they meant and sneered in his heart.

“We are going in. Didn’t this happen to see you senior, so I came to see you here.”

One person laughed and said, how dare they enter Yunmengze now, this is just an excuse, you really take it seriously.

“Okay, I have seen you before, you can go now.”

Luo Qianshan didn’t bother to talk nonsense with them, he might as well go back to sort out his medicine garden when he had this time.

“Yes Yes Yes.”

Everyone repeatedly said yes, and then left as if they fled.

As for Yun Mengze, they didn’t dare to go in at all, and Ye Xiu and the others had already come out, it didn’t make much sense for them to stay here, so it’s better to go back and report the news.

“Let’s go too.”

Luo Qianshan Road.

“Master, I won’t go back with you. I plan to go to Shengwu City. Didn’t you say that there will be an auction there? It’s almost time to start.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while.

“Junior Brother Ye, are you kidding me?”

Before Luo Qianshan spoke, the Elders next to him couldn’t stand it anymore. Don’t you go to Shengwu City at this time to give others a chance to trouble you.

Although those people didn’t explain, but from their appearance, they knew that they wanted to take Ye Xiu away directly.

At this time, he should return to the Scarlet Cloud Sect to avoid the wind, and wait until this matter is over before coming out, so as not to encounter any more danger.

“What are you afraid of? Don’t you just go to the Saint Martial City? Just go there.”

After Luo Qianshan finished speaking, he looked at the Elders and said: “You guys, the old ideas are going to be changed. Anyway, you are idle and you are idle. Go and lie down for me in a few big gates and tell them that three days later, I A reception ceremony will be held for them to send people to participate.”


Everyone nodded, and this time they didn’t worry at all.

Luo Qianshan said that he was accepting disciples in this way. In fact, he was telling others that Ye Xiu was his old man’s disciple. Whoever dared to move Ye Xiu would suffer his revenge.

With Luo Qianshan’s words, Far away did not dare to say, anyway, no one dared to trouble Ye Xiu on the one-third of the martial arts field.

And they are also very happy to do this thing. Before, they used to shit on themselves, and this time it was their turn to turn over and become the master.

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