Chapter 747: Auction Saint Yuan Pill

Inside the city lord’s mansion of Shengwu city.

“This kid is a little bit courageous. He even dared to come to my place at this time.”

Liu Qingyun raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were full of hatred. This kid not only broke his own good deeds, but also caused him to lose a master of Human King Realm.

You must know that their biological city is not comparable to the four sects, and there are only two masters in the human king realm.

One is himself, and the other is the one killed by Ye Xiu.

Now that the celebrity king Elder is dead, he is the only polished king left in Shengwu City. This loss is really too great. He really hopes that Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo can be frustrated to vent their bones. Hate in the heart.

“City Lord, if you can’t bear it, you will make a big plan. At this time, you can’t mess around.”

Elder below hurriedly reminded that the previous masters of the Scarlet Cloud Sect came and said that Luo Qianshan held the apprentice collection ceremony and invited them to participate.

In fact, they came to demonstrate to them.

If they really dared to do anything to Ye Xiu, Scarlet Cloud Sect would immediately turn his face against them.

The previous Saint Martial City couldn’t be compared with Scarlet Cloud Sect, and now the two are even more incomparable, and the consequences of head-on confrontation with it are simply not something they can afford.

“Damn it.”

Liu Qingyun smashed the table beside him with a punch, his face was full of anger.

He can still recall the arrogant attitude of the few people in the Scarlet Cloud Sect, wishing that he could completely trample his own dignity under his feet.

Before this, even the people of the Swordsman Sect didn’t dare to treat him like this.

But he also knew that today’s Scarlet Cloud Sect is no longer what it used to be, especially as the strength of Scarlet Cloud Sect has become stronger relative to them.

Against it, there will never be any good fruit, even if the major forces unite, it will be difficult to completely suppress the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

“Father, I have a way to deal with this kid.”

At this moment, Liu Tianci ran in from outside and said with excitement.

“God, don’t mess around, dad also wants to vent your anger for you, but today’s Scarlet Cloud Sect is no longer the Scarlet Cloud Sect of the year. If we can’t make it, both of us, father and son, will be implicated.”

Liu Qingyun knows his son too well, what can he do is to find someone secretly to kill Ye Xiu.

But the problem is that if Ye Xiu kills well, Scarlet Cloud Sect is difficult to deal with.

Today’s Scarlet Cloud Sect changed from the low-key of the past and directly came to threaten him. He had every reason to believe that once Ye Xiu had something to do in their Saint Martial City, Scarlet Cloud Sect would not let them go.

Therefore, he didn’t even listen, and directly denied Liu Tianci’s ideas.

“Father, I’m serious. Did you forget that this auction was organized by people from China? I got news that it was true that Martial Ancestor also sent a disciple to participate in this auction. ”

Liu Tianci continued: “As long as we tell this person about the Phoenix Blood Stone, I don’t think we need to take action, he will help us solve that kid, so that we won’t be implicated.”

“Is your news accurate?”

Liu Qingyun’s eyes lit up. Martial Ancestor, he naturally knew that he was one of the seven powers in the central part of China, and inside the gate was a master of the supreme realm.

Its strength is naturally very powerful, even if the strength of the Scarlet Cloud Sect is twice as strong, he will not dare to challenge the real Martial Ancestor.

According to his understanding of Ye Xiu, this kid is a fearless master. Once he offends the real Martial Ancestor, not only will he die, but Scarlet Cloud Sect will also follow suit.

This is a trick that kills two birds with one stone.

As for the Phoenix Blood Stone, although it is precious, they don’t dare to expect it anymore. In that case, it’s better to use this map to become a reminder for Ye Xiu and Scarlet Cloud Sect.

“Of course it is accurate. They will come tomorrow. I will personally entertain them and then tell them this accidentally.”

Liu Tianci excitedly said that it was the first time he had been beaten and fled when he grew up. Ye Xiu and him were not in love with him, and he had to avenge this grudge.

“Okay, I’ll leave this to you. Remember, try to maintain a good relationship with the other party. Don’t let them think that we are using them, understand?”

Liu Qingyun reminded that the true Martial Ancestor is not only unattainable by the Scarlet Cloud Sect, but even more unattainable by the Saint Martial City.

And the people who will be sent by the real Martial Ancestor are definitely not simple roles. If people think that they are using them, they are likely to be hated by them.

You have to know that geniuses have temperaments, who want to be manipulated as chess pieces at will.

“Father, don’t worry, I’m still very confident about this.”

Liu Tianci said confidently.

On the other side, after Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo entered Shengwu City, they came directly to the place where the auction was about to be held, but they were stopped before they even entered.

“The auction will only be held the day after, so come back the day after tomorrow.”

A guard said, it seems that he is not a member of Shengwu City, whether it is the tolerance or Cultivation Base, they are much better than the guards of Shengwu City.

“We are here to auction things, can’t we go in?”

Ye Xiu asked back, he had a lot of resources now, especially this trip to Yunmengze was even more profitable. They didn’t use many things anymore, so he planned to sell some of them for primordial stones.

One part is used for cultivation, and the other part is to buy something of interest in the next auction.

“This auction is the sole responsibility of our Daqin Chamber of Commerce, and does not accept consignments from outsiders…”

Before this person had finished speaking, a voice rang in his ear: “Who says that we don’t accept consignments from outsiders, as long as the value is sufficient, we can still consign them.”

Then a middle-aged man with a fat body and a fleshy face came out.

This person’s waist circumference is basically the same as his height, and the belly is already out before the person arrives. Compared with him, he has a lot of money and is simply too slim.

“Meet the steward.”

When the guard saw this person, he immediately saluted.

“Retreat, I will receive them.”

Fatty waved his hand, and then said: “My dear Zhao Xudong, I am the manager of the Daqin Chamber of Commerce this auction. I wonder what you want to consign?”

Before he came, he had investigated the situation of Wu Yu, so he recognized Ye Xiu at a glance.

Today, Ye Xiu is a well-known celebrity in the Wu Yu family. If he has any good things in his hands, the Daqin Chamber of Commerce is naturally willing to accept it.

The reason for not accepting consignment sales is mainly because anyone in the Wuyu domain will consign some worthless items, which will lower the style of their auction.

But he believed that Ye Xiu would not let him down.

“Can this Medicine Pill be sold on consignment?”

Ye Xiu took out the previously refined Saint Yuan Pill and asked.

“Sheng Yuan Dan?”

Zhao Xudong frowned, and a look of loss flashed through his eyes.

Although Sheng Yuan Dan also has a certain value, it is really not enough to participate in this auction, because all the auction items they prepared this time are fine.

and many more……

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