Chapter 744: Don’t, Don’t

“They are all dead…”

Ye Xiu simply told what happened before, and he didn’t conceal the Phoenix Blood Stone, otherwise he would not be able to justify the latter.

Moreover, he only needs a little of the Phoenix Blood Stone, and the rest is nothing to give to the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

He is such a person, and he will repay the dripping grace of others.

“It’s all dead!”

Everyone at the scene was shocked and stood up on the spot, and they could lay an egg with their mouths open. The news was too great.

That was a master of the Human King Realm. There were only a few in the entire Martial Domain. This time, Ye Xiusheng was forced to die by five, and one was struck to death by lightning. This was something they didn’t even dare to think about.

“Well done, well done, haha, making them so arrogant before, really deserves to be killed.”

Luo Qianshan was just screaming at the case. This was too enjoyable. This kid did what he had always wanted to do and couldn’t do it. It really made him feel refreshed.

When their Scarlet Cloud Sect was suppressed by various sects before, he was like going to secretly kill a few of them, venting his resentment.

But before he finished saying this, Li Chunyang was scared to death.

After all, the current Scarlet Cloud Sect is too weak, and if other sects don’t come to their troubles, Li Chunyang is already thankful, so how dare to take the initiative to find them.

Of course, Luo Qianshan himself knew that this matter was like a fuse, once it was lit, the entire Scarlet Cloud Sect would be implicated.

So he just said at the time, to vent his anger, but he didn’t expect Ye Xiu to realize it. It was so beautiful.

“Uncle Master, this is not a good thing!”

Others have a bitter look. The big sects have lost so many manpower this time, especially the king of people, and they are the pillars of the big sects.

If so many kings died all at once, the big sects would definitely not give up.

“What are you afraid of? This matter is that they are at a loss. As long as they are not ashamed, let them find it.”

Luo Qianshan didn’t care about it. The cause of this incident was that they wanted to trouble Ye Xiu, but they were forced to death by Ye Xiu. If this matter spreads out, they will only be ashamed.

Therefore, he concluded that the various martial arts can only suffer a dumb loss this time.

“Yes, we all understand this. What we are afraid of is that they will come to Yin and secretly attack our disciples. In this way, it is equivalent to breaking our foundation.”

One humane.

“I said that your kid is getting more and more alive. Are you still the same as before when we are in the Scarlet Cloud Sect? I hope they will do it so that I will have a chance to kill.”

Luo Qianshan didn’t care about it.

If it was before, this thing is really not a good thing.

But today’s Scarlet Cloud Sect is not the previous Scarlet Cloud Sect. All the big sects have suffered heavy losses, but Scarlet Cloud Sect has recovered the Scarlet Cloud Sword, and at the same time it has also obtained the improved Scarlet Cloud Sword Canon and many powerful Cultivation Technique combat skills, strength greatly increased.

Under the circumstances, their status has quietly changed.

As long as they dare to kill a disciple of Scarlet Cloud Sect, then he dare to kill an Elder of other sects, or even their Sect Leader, to see who loses.

“Yes too.”

At this time, everyone realized that Scarlet Cloud Sect was no longer in the past, and they immediately relaxed a lot, and at the same time there was a proud look on their faces.

This is the first time they have been proud of being a disciple of Scarlet Cloud Sect since they entered Scarlet Cloud Sect.

In the future, you don’t need to be a human being with your tail.

“Well, you all go out, I need to talk to Xiuer alone about some things.”

Luo Qianshan waved his hand.


Everyone walked out of the Great Hall one after another.

“Xiu’er, tell me the truth, did the ancestor really not keep the mantra of soldiers?”

Luo Qianshan asked, he didn’t believe what Ye Xiu said, and no founder of any school would watch Own’s efforts go to waste.

Therefore, he believed that when the ancestor Chiyun was dying, he would definitely keep the mantra of the word soldier.

He said that just now, just to cover up.

“It seems that I still can’t hide from the master’s fiery eyes. Yes, the ancestor did keep the mantra of the word soldier, but I…”

Ye Xiugang wanted to explain. He didn’t want to swallow it alone, but Luo Qianshan interrupted him: “You don’t need to explain. Of course I know your mind. I also agree with your approach. I can’t afford the impact of finding the mantra of soldiers.”

“In addition, this matter is very important, and I don’t want to say that you understand it, so I want you to put the mantra of war in the belly of own, and don’t tell anyone, including me, until the Scarlet Cloud Sect is able to bear it.”

“Also including you, don’t you want to cultivate the mantra of soldiers?”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised, he thought Luo Qianshan wanted the mantra of soldiers.

If Luo Qianshan wanted it, he would not refuse, because he himself did not plan to swallow the mantra of the soldier character, he just wanted to wait until the Scarlet Cloud Sect had enough strength to protect the mantra of the soldier character.

But he didn’t expect Luo Qianshan would not want it, which was beyond his expectation.

“Thinking, how could I not think, this is the nine-character mantra, each word represents a great way, I dream of cultivation, but compared with that, I don’t want to see the Scarlet Cloud Sect be destroyed because of this, you know me Mean it.”

Luo Qianshan smiled.

“I understand. Otherwise, I will give you the location of the Tibetan Soldier Mantra and the method to find it. Then you can choose whether to cultivate or not according to the situation.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, Luo Qianshan is a sensible person, so it shouldn’t be a problem to tell him the method.

“Don’t, don’t.”

Luo Qianshan shook his head and said: “If you really tell me the method and location, I’m afraid I will not be able to help but check it out. You should know how tempting this mantra of soldiers is.”

“Well, since that’s the case, I’m rotten in my stomach about this matter. When Scarlet Cloud Sect is qualified to bear it, I will deliver it to you as soon as possible.”

Ye Xiu understood Luo Qianshan’s meaning, and at the same time admired his will, because many people could not resist the temptation of the mantra of soldiers.

“I hope that my lifetime can wait until that day comes.”

Luo Qianshan’s eyes are also full of expectations, but he knows that Scarlet Cloud Sect still has a long, long way to go to gain the strength to withstand it.

“Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait too long that day.”

Ye Xiu said sincerely, although he had just joined Scarlet Cloud Sect not long ago, he had a very good impression of Scarlet Cloud Sect, and he also received a lot of care from Scarlet Cloud Sect.

Without the help of Tianqingzi, he would still be trapped in the lost swamp.

Now that he has joined the Scarlet Cloud Sect and has obtained the mantra of soldiers, then he has the responsibility to contribute his own strength to the development of Scarlet Cloud Sect.

“I’m relieved with your words.”

Luo Qianshan laughed, what he was waiting for was Ye Xiu’s words.

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