Chapter 743

“No, if you do encounter it, you can only resist with your own will, but if the opponent’s strength is very strong, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to resist, so the best way is not to provoke them, especially the old monk. ”

Fluttershy suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and said, “However, you can do more research on the Lotus Sutra given to you by others. This is the treasure of Buddhism. After your cultivation is successful, even if you meet a Buddhism disciple, as long as the gap is not too big. Don’t worry about being transformed.”

“Cultivation of Buddhist scriptures is enough?”

Ye Xiu was startled.

“This is just a guess of others, because the wading technique also requires the blessing of Dharma, and the Lotus Sutra of the Miao Dharma is also one of the supreme sutras of Buddhism, and it should have a little effect.”

Xiaodie said: “Furthermore, the Buddhist scriptures have a great effect on Heart’s Demon. You can cultivate it, and it will only benefit you without harm.”

“Well, I’ll take the time to study it.”

Ye Xiu also became interested in Buddhism Cultivation Technique, because he had already looked at the content of the Lotus Sutra of Miao Fa before, and the cultivation method was completely different from the one he had encountered before.

Nowadays, the popular cultivation method in the wasteland and the Shenzhou is to condense the true essence Ascension Cultivation Base, but the Buddhism cultivation method is not like this. It seems that it only requires constant chanting. This is a completely new cultivation method.

He didn’t even know how the Lotus Sutra was created by Ascension’s own Cultivation Base.

But what Xiaodie said is not unreasonable. It’s good to get in touch in advance, as the saying goes.

In the event that I have conflicts with Buddhist disciples in the future, I can deal with them in a targeted manner.

“Xiuer, where is Amano?”

At this moment, Luo Qianshan and others walked in from outside.

The mausoleum is not very big, you can see the side at a glance, but he didn’t see Amano after he came in, so he couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

“Amano got the chance, right under the coffin, and is now in Closed Door Training cultivation.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, he didn’t want Luo Qianshan and the others to worry too. Of course, he wasn’t a lie. This was indeed a great opportunity for Mu Tianye.

“That’s good.”

Luo Qianshan breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time was happy for Mu Tianye.

He could see that this mausoleum should be made by a quasi-emperor realm master, that is to say, Mu Tianye was probably inherited by a quasi-emperor realm master.

This is a great thing.

“Master, you just came here, I found the bones of the ancestor.”

Ye Xiu took out the bones of the ancestor of Chiyun and placed them in front of Luo Qianshan and others. As for Jade Slip, he did not take it out, because the current Chiyun Sect could not withstand such an impact.

“What, this is the bones of the ancestor!”

Everyone was surprised, especially Luo Qianshan.

Although so many years have passed, many people in their Scarlet Cloud Sect think that the ancestor of Scarlet Cloud has passed away, but they still have a glimmer of fantasy in their hearts without seeing his bones.

He is not sure one day he will come back to revitalize the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

Unexpectedly, the bones of the ancestor Chiyun were found here. In this way, the last hope in their hearts for the ancestor Chiyun was completely shattered.

But they were not too shocked, because they had already anticipated this.

“Xiu’er, did the ancestor Chiyun mention the mantra of soldiers?”

Luo Qianshan didn’t doubt Ye Xiu’s words, he didn’t need to lie about this matter, so he immediately asked.

Only the ancestor of the Scarlet Cloud Sect knew the whereabouts of the mantra of the word soldier. Since he died here, he would definitely pass the mantra of the word soldier down.

As soon as he said this, the others also looked over, pricked their ears and waited for Ye Xiu’s reply.

Over the years, not only the big sects are looking for the mantra of soldiers, but also the people of the Scarlet Cloud Sect. They all dream of finding the mantra of warriors, so that the Scarlet Cloud Sect can regain its former glory.

Now that the corpse of the Chiyun ancestor is found, doesn’t it mean that the mantra of soldiers is about to surface.


Ye Xiu shook his head and shook his right hand. A Jade Slip appeared in his hand and said, “This is the suicide note left by the ancestor Chiyun. Among them are several Cultivation Techniques and the Chiyun sword canon improved by the ancestor. There is nothing more than these.”

This Jade Slip was made by himself, and he moved in the suicide note of the ancestor Chiyun intact.

He also read the suicide note to realize that the Chiyun Sword Classic cultivated by the Chiyun Sect is only the original creation of the Chiyun ancestor back then. Although the power is good, the flaws are also obvious.

Therefore, in the years when he was searching for the mantra of the word of the word, he carefully improved the Chiyun Sword Classic, and the grade was even closer to the middle grade of the Dao-level.

Coupled with some other Cultivation Techniques and combat skills, it can be regarded as injecting a lot of power into Scarlet Cloud Sect.

At least there is no need to be afraid of some other forces in Wuyu.

“how come?”

The rest of the Scarlet Cloud Sect also looked disappointed, after all, they had been victimized by the mantra of soldiers over the years.

Now it’s hard to find the bones of the ancestor, but before he died, he didn’t even leave the mantra of soldiers, which made them really unacceptable.

“It should be that the situation happened too suddenly. The ancestors have not had time to explain the matter. Forget it, no matter if you haven’t found it, otherwise, with the strength of our Scarlet Cloud Sect, I am afraid that it will not be able to keep it. Maybe it may be attracted. The scourge of death.”

Although Luo Qianshan was a little disappointed in his heart, he was more relaxed in comparison.

His current mood can be said to be quite contradictory. At this time, he both hopes to get the mantra of soldiers, but does not want to get it.

Obtaining the mantra of war characters, it will naturally be able to Ascension Scarlet Cloud Sect’s overall strength, but it will also attract competition from the major forces, and may even lead to the complete destruction of Scarlet Cloud Sect.

But he couldn’t get it, he felt a little lost in his heart, this is the mantra of soldiers, who can’t be moved.

But in general, it’s better not to get it.

“That’s true.”

Others also think that what Luo Qianshan said is reasonable, the Chiyun Sect is not what it was tens of thousands of years ago, and they still understand the principle of innocence and guilt.

After that, Luo Qianshan carefully put away the ancestor Chiyun, and said: “You are not allowed to tell anyone what the ancestor’s bones have found. You should understand what I mean.”


Everyone nodded in response.

If the people outside knew that they had found the bones of the Chiyun ancestor, they would definitely think that the Scarlet Cloud Sect had recovered the mantra of soldiers, which would also pose a great threat to their Scarlet Cloud Sect.

If you really find it, it’s okay, you can’t hold it anymore and just hand over the mantra of the word soldier, and at least you can save your life.

But the problem is that they haven’t even seen what the mantra of soldiers looks like. This is a disaster.

“By the way, Xiu’er, I know that other forces have also sent a lot of people over, among them there are six masters of the king realm. Why didn’t I see even one on the way?”

Luo Qianshan asked curiously, when he first entered Minor World, he saw the corpses of many people, but they were just small characters in the fate.

The King of People has never seen him, so this makes him very strange.

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