Chapter 732 Why Are You Here

“They broke the battle!”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised. At this time, he had already established contact with Jie Bao. He was regarded as the half master of this Minor World. He was naturally clear about the situation here.

So the moment Zhou Yan and the others entered this Minor World, they had already discovered them.

Speaking of which, he didn’t expect Zhou Yan’s luck so good this year that he would be able to walk out of the Thunder Fire Killing Array alive.

So he changed his mind. He wants to use the special environment of Minor World to kill all these people. If he dares to fight his own attention, he must be prepared to pay the price.

“Dage, you mean Zhou Yan and they broke the line?”

Qian Duoduo was taken aback. He knew the power of the thunderfire killing formation. Those people couldn’t do anything about it. How could Zhou Yan and He De.

If he really has a way to break the truth, why didn’t he take it out before, I’m afraid those kings won’t die.

“It’s them, but I really don’t want them here. In this way, you hide first and I will meet them.”

Ye Xiu said that the lowest strength of these people has the Fifth Stage, and there are several masters of the Ninth Stage. As for Zhou Yan, now they have broken through to the Fifth Stage.

He, like Xiang Shaolong, has been suppressing their own Cultivation Base in order to participate in this martial arts competition.

Now that the big match is over, they will naturally not waste time like before. With the strong support of the Five Elements Sect, his Cultivation Base has made breakthroughs one after another, reaching the Fifth Stage of their fate.

However, compared with myself, it is still not enough.


Qian Duoduo nodded, his current Cultivation Base is still too low, and it won’t help much after the past, and it may drag Ye Xiu, it is better to find a place to melt the destiny and break through the destiny as soon as possible.

Dongtian and Benming are two different Realms. After Ascension, the gap between him and Ye Xiu narrowed again.

“Well, I will come to you after I solve them.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the same place. Qian Duo Duo didn’t stay here. He just found a direction and rushed all the way so as not to be discovered by Zhou Yan and the others.

At the same time, Zhou Yan and others who had just entered Minor World hadn’t realized that they had been targeted by Ye Xiu.

At this time they were looking for the traces left by Ye Xiu, and then they would catch up with him and kill him as soon as possible.

It was because of special circumstances that Ye Xiu was arrogant for a while.

Now that they are out of trouble, like a tiger coming out of the cage, with the strength of so many of them, it is definitely not a problem to defeat and kill Ye Xiu.

“Senior Brother Zhou, this place seems to be a Minor World, and our soul power has also been suppressed. I, do we really want to go deeper?”

A disciple of the Sacred Sword Gate couldn’t help thinking of their previous experience. Although the light here was sufficient, the power of the soul was suppressed and could only cover a radius of 100 meters.

If Ye Xiu makes a sneak attack at this time, the previous experience is likely to be staged again.

“Of course you have to go deeper, don’t you want to avenge you Elder?”

Zhou Yan glanced at him, where he couldn’t hear what he meant, his face was full of disdain, and he said.

They were pitted by Ye Xiu before, but at that time their sight and soul power were all blocked, which allowed Ye Xiu to pit Wu Dalong to death.

But here is completely incomparable with before, the line of sight is not affected, the power of the soul is only suppressed within a hundred meters, and they are so Ye Xiu is no exception.

So it is impossible for him to sneak attack on himself.

No matter what, Ye Xiu was definitely going to kill, how could he give up because of this difficulty.


This person wanted to say something, and Zhou Yan’s anger came in his ear: “It’s nothing good, but don’t forget what you promised me before. If you think you can’t do it, then leave immediately, I Never stop it.”

Zhou Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, he had already come here, and he would never retreat.

Moreover, he also noticed the Bufan here. It was probably a mausoleum left by a master. Going deeper could not only kill Ye Xiu and get revenge, but he might also get great benefits.

With such an opportunity, he naturally did not want to miss it.


Everyone bowed their heads. Although they felt uncomfortable, they didn’t dare to leave at all. After all, no one knew what kind of danger there was.

With Zhou Yan’s leadership, they still have a chance to survive. If they leave, they will definitely die faster.

“You all choose to stay, don’t you?”

Zhou Yan said with a cold face: “In this case, you must do exactly what I said, and at the same time, I don’t want to hear similar voices again, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”


Everyone should be, how dare to refute.


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and then everyone saw a cold light flashing in their eyes, and a huge head flew in response.

The deceased did not even see the appearance of the person who killed him.

“No, finish up, finish up quickly.”

This sudden situation also frightened Zhou Yan, and immediately shouted loudly.

But because the opponent’s speed was too fast, he didn’t see the opponent’s appearance clearly, and he didn’t even know whether the shot was a human being.

When everyone heard Zhou Yan’s order, they immediately moved, and soon more than fifty people formed a battle formation, like a copper wall and iron wall, releasing extremely strong energy fluctuations.

This is the method they have discussed before, just for the possible emergencies.

“It’s Ye Xiu!”

At this moment, one of them found Ye Xiu standing not far away.

At this moment Ye Xiu was looking at them with a smile, but this smile made them feel like falling into an ice cave, and the scenes that happened before continued to appear in their minds.

“Why are you here!”

Zhou Yan frowned. He didn’t understand why Ye Xiu was here.

You know, Ye Xiu left the Thunder Fire Killing Array earlier than them. Calculating according to time, they might have arrived at the center of Minor World here.

But now, he is here, what does this show.

Could it be that he could pinch and count, even before he came, even if they could break through the thunder and fire?

But soon he denied this idea, because even he himself didn’t know if that method would work when he left the Thunder Fire Killing Array, so it was impossible for Ye Xiu to know.

But if this is just a coincidence, it would be too coincidental.

“Why can’t I be here?”

Ye Xiu continued: “Didn’t you just say you want me to get revenge? I’m standing here now, come on, let me see what you guys have.”

“I killed you.”

Zhou Yan hadn’t spoken yet, the next to him, a master of Ninth Stage, shouted loudly.

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