Chapter 733: Destroy one by one

“do not want……”

Zhou Yan instinctively stopped, but it was still a step too late.

I saw this person step out in one step, as if a tiger came out of the cage, and slaughtered Ye Xiu with a huge amount of energy.

Zhou Yan prevented him from hearing it, but he didn’t care at all. He didn’t believe that the Cultivation Base of Ninth Stage could not kill a Ye Xiu who was born Fourth Stage.

This Ye Xiu took the top spot in the Martial Arts Competition, and also killed Xiang Shaolong, their magic sword gate, and made a one-year agreement with Nie Lingyun. Now he is even a master of the king’s realm forcing the death of several celebrities.

At this time, once it spreads out, Ye Xiu’s reputation will be even louder, and it will be easy to become famous in the Wuyu domain.

If you kill him yourself, then you will be famous. When the time comes, the Sacred Sword Gate will not only reward yourself, but may even promote yourself to a personal pass.

He is now an inner disciple, and he is completely incomparable with a direct disciple.

He was very excited just thinking about it.


Zhou Yan was almost blown up with anger. Ye Xiu obviously used the radical method, just to break their battle formation, so that they could be defeated one by one.

And it seems that Ye Xiu has been here for a long time in advance, maybe he has prepared a lot of back-ups, isn’t this guy just taking advantage of Ye Xiu’s intentions to make a rash move.

Don’t even think that this person has the Cultivation Base of Ninth Stage, which is much higher than Ye Xiu, but he doesn’t think this guy can kill Ye Xiu.

But now it was too late to say anything, he moved in his heart, and immediately set out to fill the person’s gap.


Ye Xiu was waiting for this opportunity, how could he let him go straight out of the dragon step, like a sharp sword inserted through this gap.

Directly divide the battle line they just completed into two.

After that, Ye Xiu’s right hand shook, and the Pluto Sword appeared in his hand.

The sword body shook, and a sword flower was shot, and the fierceness directly enveloped the three of them. Before they could react, they were already cut into mashed flesh by the fierce Sword Qi, and their flesh and blood flew across.


Everyone’s complexion changed drastically, recalling Ye Xiu’s previous series of feats, they were immediately shocked. How could they dare to face Ye Xiu head-on? People with insufficient Cultivation Base even ran away.

They don’t want to die in this ghost place.

The remaining few masters of Ninth Stage who were destined to face the danger were not afraid, and they all shot and killed Ye Xiu.

But Ye Xiu didn’t fight with them at all. He was like a loach, escaped from their siege, and then chased up the fleeing person.


With the sword in his hand, each head fell to the ground, blood overflowing, and the earth was dyed scarlet.

“A bunch of trash.”

Zhou Yan was completely defeated by them. What a good situation just now, as long as they work together to fight steadily, even if they can’t kill Ye Xiu, they can at least severely wound him.

But as a result, these people actually only considered their own interests and played a good hand he prepared in advance like this, and he was almost mad at death.

The most annoying thing is that these people are so fragile that they were beaten by Ye Xiu and surrendered.

Although this situation is not good for them, there are so many of them that even if one person can hack Ye Xiu to death, these guys don’t even have the courage to resist, and there is a bit of inner disciple.

Even if he had the ability to reach the sky, he couldn’t lead this group of inadequate success and failure to defeat Ye Xiu. At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​running away.

Knowing this, it would be better to let them stay in the thunder and fire array to fend for themselves.

“All come to me.”

Zhou Yan shouted loudly. He knew that now is not the time to be arrogant, and he must gather them again as soon as possible, otherwise, they might really be defeated by Ye Xiu one by one.

Hearing Zhou Yan’s words, all the masters of the seventh stage or above had gathered by his side. As for the rest of them, Ye Xiu had killed them all.

Directly cause them to reduce their staff by half.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Zhou Yan was so angry that he just wanted to scold his mother. Ye Xiu should have been the one who died.

Fortunately, the rest of the people are masters, which gave him a sigh of relief and still has a chance to win.

“If you don’t want to die, immediately kneel down and beg for mercy. I can spare your lives.”

Ye Xiu glanced at them, and at the same time changed his impression of Zhou Yan. Under this circumstance, he was able to organize his staff in an orderly manner. This disposition should not be underestimated.

But this also strengthened his determination to kill him, because this guy is more dangerous than Xiao Can.

He is not dead, and he feels uneasy.

“Don’t listen to him, now we and him are in an endless situation, surrendering means Death.”

Zhou Yan said immediately, for fear that someone would be timid and surrender, because as long as someone started something like this, they would like to snowball.

At that time, he would really be helpless.

“Do you think that this is what I can do to you?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes were bright, and his heart moved, and he directly contacted Xiaodie not far away through the contract.

The latter had already waited impatiently, and flew out directly after receiving Ye Xiu’s order. Between the flapping wings, a strand of almost transparent power floated towards them.

Gradually, they stared blankly one by one, and were drawn into the dreamland set by Xiaodie.

This was the way he had met before he came, he made a strong move to attract their attention, and then let Fluttershy use her ability to unconsciously pull them into the dream.

The strength of these people is still much higher than that of themselves. If you head-to-head with them, you will end up losing both, so you can only outsmart.

As long as they all enter the dream state, then they are just a lamb to be slaughtered, and it is easy to kill them all at this time.

Looking at the sluggish enemies, Ye Xiu knew it was time to harvest.


Ye Xiu’s figure flashed directly into the crowd, and the Pluto sword in his hand waved like a violent wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and began to massacre.

But after killing a few people, Ye Xiu’s brows frowned, because these people turned out to be just afterimages.

“You got Fooled!”

Zhou Yan’s voice suddenly sounded behind Ye Xiu.

Immediately afterwards, the dull figures in the surrounding area also disappeared. When they reappeared, they had formed a formation and trapped themselves in it.

“what happened?”

Ye Xiu frowned. How could they resist Xiaodie’s methods? You know, he had been fascinated before, unable to extricate himself from a dream.

This situation made Xiaodie also strange for a while, and she had never failed with her methods.

“Do you know what this is?”

Zhou Yan took out a jade charm from his arms, and the rune on it was still shining with a faint light.

“Wake up the rune!”

The jade talisman that Ye Xiu naturally recognized was the awakening magic talisman.

As the name suggests, the Awakening Talisman is a talisman used to restore the mind. No matter how powerful the method of confusion is, it is useless in front of it. It seems that this jade talisman should be from the hands of an expert, just a means to restrain Fluttershy.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why these people have this thing, do they know that they have reached a cooperation with Xiaodie?

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