Chapter 731: Fluttershy’s Conditions

“You have a way, what way?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. If this girl really had a way to get this Minor World without paying too much, then how could he not want it.

Although he hasn’t made his breakthrough to the Human King Realm, it is not difficult to see from Qi Tian’s words that Minor World has a great effect on the Human King.

If he had this Minor World, he would save a lot of time.

“Don’t worry, they have conditions. You have to agree to their conditions, and they will tell you the way.”

Xiaodie smiled.

“What conditions?”

Ye Xiu was not angry. They were in a cooperative relationship. Why should they help him unreservedly? Of course, if Xiaodie’s conditions were not excessive, he would not refuse.

“If people want the blood of the holy beast, one drop will do. It is not difficult for you.”

Xiaodie Dao, although she has now transformed, but affected by the bloodline, she has no Ascension potential. If there is a drop of Saint Beast’s blood, her bloodline will be able to evolve, the potential Ascension.

In that way, she could free herself from the Nine Heavens continent.

“Holy beast blood? Where can I get it for you?”

Ye Xiu frowned. If the dragon corpse hadn’t been eroded by time, he could still condense a drop of dragon blood from the dragon corpse, but the problem was that it had been eroded and turned into fly ash.

Moreover, there is no holy beast in this world, even if he tries to get it for her, there is no way to start.

“Liar, people have already smelled the blood of the holy beast on you. Although it is very thin, the energy is very mellow. You can’t lie to them.”

Xiaodie pursed her mouth.

“I have the smell of sacred beast blood? Why don’t I know.”

Ye Xiu was startled, he didn’t even know that he had the smell of sacred beast blood.

“People can still lie to you, anyway, only if you give them a drop of sacred beast blood, they will tell you this method, otherwise it will not be discussed.”

Xiaodie said with a small face.

“No, Xiaodie, I really don’t know that I have the aura of sacred beast blood on my body. Can you tell me more in detail?”

Ye Xiu was also confused. He had obtained a dragon corpse, but the body had been eroded by time and turned into fly ash, leaving only the Dragon Pearl, the inverse scales and the dragon bones.

But the dragon bone has been refined by the Pluto sword, and the Dragon Pearl is given to the little fox. As for the dragon scales, there is no breath of holy beast blood on it.

“Have you signed a symbiosis contract with a holy beast before?”

Seeing what Ye Xiu was saying really, Xiaodie thought he really didn’t know, his face looked a little better, and asked.

“Symbiosis Contract?”

Ye Xiu was startled. He had only signed this contract with Little Fox, but it was forcibly cancelled later. Could it be that the holy beast in her mouth was Little Fox?

But Ye Xiu turned to think about this possibility.

He knew that the blood in the little fox was very strong before, but he knew how strong it was from time to time.

Now that Xiaodie said that, she must not be able to lie, which means that the blood in the little fox has reached the level of a holy beast.

This refreshed his understanding of Xiaohu.

“Yes, your body is obviously modified by the symbiosis contract, and the blood in the opponent’s body is stronger than the average sacred beast, so your body only smells like the blood of the sacred beast. People will not mistake this. Yes, you won’t be able to admit it.”

Xiaodie put her hands on her chest and said with a firm face.

“Since this is the case, I can get you the blood of the holy beast, but only a drop. If there is no more, it will have to wait a few years. If you agree, then tell me the specific method. If you don’t agree, forget it.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, since it was the blood of the little fox, and it was just a drop, it didn’t matter to the little fox, so he directly agreed.

But he didn’t forget the old fifth’s reminder, so now he can’t go to Xiaohu, because this will not only harm himself, but also return Xiaohu.

That’s why he postponed the time for a few years. By that time, he should have brought Xiaohu back.


Xiaodie hesitated for a moment, and said, “Okay, but you can’t lie to them, otherwise they will not only stop paying attention to you, they will make trouble for you.”

“Don’t worry, what I promised you will definitely be done.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, he can still guarantee this.


Xiaodie nodded and chose to believe in Ye Xiu, and then said: “Actually, this method is very simple. Take the Jiebao out and see which school is not pleasing to the eye, then throw it into the opponent’s veins and let it absorb it to your heart’s content. According to other people’s methods, absorbing at most ten or so middle-class primordial veins is enough to restore this Minor World.”


Ye Xiu didn’t quite understand.

“Yes, the power in the Yuanmai is extremely pure, not inferior to the True Yuan. There is a person in people’s memory who did it like this, and he didn’t know it. You’ll know when you try it.”

Xiaodie Dao, the method he said was accidentally discovered by a person named Situ Kong, and according to this method, seven or eight schools were harmed.

But in the end, no one found out that he did it. It was suitable for Ye Xiu’s use, and it would never reveal anything.

“This is a good way, Dage, after we go out, you will throw this world treasure into the Magic Sword Sect and the Five Elements Sect. I believe it won’t be long before his Sword Sect and Five Elements Sect can’t be as arrogant as before. NS.”

Qian Duoduo said immediately as soon as Qian Duoduo’s eyes came.

He likes to do this kind of self-interest, especially when it is used to deal with people who have offended them, then he doesn’t feel guilty at all.

“Then what about this Minor World, if I take Jiebao out, it will collapse soon, right?”

Ye Xiu didn’t doubt Xiaodie’s method, but after Jie Bao left here, this world probably wouldn’t last long, so in the end, he didn’t think he had been beaten up.

“Take it away together. This world treasure is not only the treasure that supports the Minor World, but also the carrier of the Minor World. I will teach you a way to take this Minor World into the world treasure. In this way, it will do Not only can it continue to maintain the stability of Minor World, but it can also enhance its own strength. Using it to hit people is definitely a hit.”

Fluttershy waved his hand. After Jiebao put Minor World away, it was equivalent to carrying the weight of a Minor World. Using it to hit people was equivalent to holding a world to hit people.

Just ask, who can stop it?

Even if it is a master of the Supreme Realm, one who does not pay attention, it may be killed alive by it.

“There is this way, then what are you waiting for?”

Ye Xiu couldn’t wait to be honest, if he could carry this Minor World with him, then there would be no problem.

“Don’t resist.”

Fluttershy flew in front of Ye Xiu, stretched out a small hand to touch Ye Xiu’s eyebrows, a golden light flashed, and Ye Xiu’s mind showed a way to accommodate the world.

Just when Ye Xiu was about to put away this world according to this method, he discovered that a group of people had actually entered this Minor World.

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