Chapter 492: Ye Xiu’s Arrival

“Wang Elder, what should we do now?”

At this moment, everyone had no idea, there were giants of white bones staring at them, and the soul refining array inside was constantly devouring everyone’s souls, causing their power to continue to weaken.

If this continues, they will definitely be wiped out.

“I want to know what to do?”

Wang Xuanyi said very depressed, he did not expect this Xia Jiuyou to hide in this group of people, hiding so deep, for so long, he didn’t even notice it at all.

However, the appearance of Xia Jiuyou also made him understand a lot of things.

How does the whole thing look like a conspiracy arranged by Xia Jiuyou, in order to attract them here, and the meaning of their existence is to help Xia Jiuyou enter the center.

This made him very annoyed.

On Cultivation Base, their natal Ninth Stage masters do not know how many Realms are higher than Xia Jiuyou, and they are also standing at the top of the pyramid in the wasteland.

But now, those people like them were actually calculated by a little Xia Jiuyou, and it was their turn to be in this field, which was really unacceptable for them.

But now he really has no choice.

They opened this gap and almost exhausted all their strength, and now the gap has been re-sealed, and the newly born bone giant is even stronger.

With the strength of the remaining few people, it is simply not enough to support them to break through.

The thought that they would die in this place filled my heart with sorrow. The master of Ninth Stage, who was dignified and destined to die, never thought that he would die in such a ghost place so uselessly.

“No, I don’t want to die.”

Those inside were also aware of their current situation, but they didn’t want to die, so in a hurry, they rushed out of the crowd and wanted to escape.


Wang Xuan roared, but it was still a step too late.

The man hadn’t walked far before he was trampled into meat sauce by a giant of white bones.


One of the masters of the natal realm asked, now that they must be unable to enter the dense forest in this situation, and the existence of these giants of bones is mainly to prevent them from entering.

If they leave, these bone giants shouldn’t stop them anymore.

As long as they can return, other people can’t guarantee, but some of them will definitely be able to leave alive.

“Try it!”

Wang Xuan nodded, now they can only choose this way, otherwise, it is really possible to die here.


But it is a pity that these white bone giants didn’t mean to let them go, dozens of them shot at the same time, and those fists like small hills slammed down at them.

“This is over.”

Everyone sighed. Obviously, they don’t matter whether you enter or leave. As long as you are in this area, they won’t stop.


At this moment, a thunder rang above the crowd, and then they saw purple thunder power descending from the sky, pouring in from the tops of these giants of white bones, and instantly spreading throughout their bodies.


The giant bones that were hit fell apart, and countless bones fell to the ground like rain, and did not recover as quickly as before.


At the same time, a bright eagle’s voice came, and then everyone saw a white giant bird measuring several meters in size appearing on top of everyone’s heads.

“Silver Emperor Falcon, it’s Ye Xiu!”

As soon as Wang Xuan recognized the heavenly grandson of the bank, his eyes lit up.

He hadn’t seen Ye Xiu come over before, and thought he was in danger. For this, he was sad for a long time.

After all, a genius like Ye Xiu can be described as the backbone of the Lingwu family, and it would be a shame to die like this.

But he didn’t expect that not only did he not die, but he also rescued them at the critical moment, which is really overjoyed.

“Elder, I’ll make the way, you guys follow.”

Ye Xiu knew that it was not the time to relive the past. As soon as his voice fell, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon under him immediately flew forward, and at the same time several purple thunder powers descended, destroying the remaining few white giants.

“Keep up!”

Everyone saw hope, and before Wang Xuan and others could speak, they spontaneously chased up. This was their only chance to survive.


Seeing that they were about to pass through the plain of bones into the woods, the ground trembled again, and the bones on the ground immediately gathered in front of them like a tide.

In almost a moment of effort, a giant white bone reaching a height of thousands of feet took shape and blocked their way.

This white bone giant is different from before. Not only is it huge in size, it also seems to be covered with a layer of powerful power, glowing with a lot of luster under the light.

There was also a scarlet gleam in his eyes, giving people an extremely cold feeling.

And the aura on it was even more terrifying than before. The bone giants before it were compared with him, it was like a child, completely incomparable.


The white bone giant roared, and immediately afterwards, a boundless coercion radiated from it, like a big mountain pressing on them.

Even Wang Xuan and others were so immobile that he couldn’t move.


The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon let out a scream at the moment, and was directly crushed to fall from the air, and Ye Xiu and others were also thrown into pieces.

“Little Ye Zi, hurry up and use the mantra, otherwise we have to finish playing.”

Qi Tian hurriedly said that the coercion on this white-bone giant had reached the human king state, and it was not at all that people like them could contend with.

The only thing that can be relied on is the Mantra of Prosperity that Ye Xiu has mastered. After all, this white-bone giant is not a real powerhouse of the human king realm, and just happens to be restrained by the Mantra of Prosperity.


Ye Xiu also knew that the situation now had to use the proverbial mantra, so he directed at Wang Xuan and others: “Wang Elder, I have a way to suppress it, but I need a stick of incense time to prepare, do you have any way? Hold it?”

He has also initially mastered the Mantra of Prosperity, and this bone giant is extraordinary, and it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate enough strength to be able to defeat it.

During this period of time, I can only rely on Wang Xuan and the others.

“Is it a stick of incense? I know.”

As soon as Wang Xuan glanced at the other masters of the natal realm, there were firm expressions in each other’s eyes.

After speaking, the auras of several people united and formed a battle formation, and an invisible barrier appeared, instantly protecting Ye Xiu and the others.

Ye Xiu knew that they were using the Eight Trigrams formation, which was both offensive and defensive. With eight masters of the Ninth Stage, they could completely withstand the full attack of the human king realm masters.

But he also knew that this formation could not last too long, so he had to speed up.

With a move in his heart, he put the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon into the royal animal bag, and he sat in the Lotus Position, forming a mudra with his hands on his chest, and his eyes slowly closed.

In an instant, Ye Xiu’s body exuded a peculiar power.

Although the others didn’t know what Ye Xiu was doing, the aura exuding from him made them feel a strong sense of security. The flustered heart was also comforted and slowly calmed down.

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