Chapter 493

Boom boom boom…

The fist the size of a small mountain of the bone giant kept bombarding the Eight Trigrams array, although the force was divided into eight and fell on each of them.

But it still made them feel extremely painful.

It feels like being hit in the chest by an angry Demonic Beasts, dizzy and coughing up blood after pain.

This white-bone giant now possesses terrifying power that is close to the realm of human kings. With all his strength, like Heavenly Tribulation, it is easy to smash a mountain with a punch.

Even if the power is dispersed, each person only bears one-eighth, but it still makes them painful.

Don’t look at the destiny Ninth Stage Heaven and Human King Realm are only one Realm away, but they are different from each other.

But now, they can only grit their teeth and insist, otherwise everyone will die.

“Still insisting?”

Standing on the edge of the woods, Xia Jiuyou quietly looked at Wang Xuan and others who were struggling, with a look of disdain on his face.

There is no special chance in this place that even the King of People can’t enter, and it took a lot of energy to set up this game and successfully entered.

It’s impossible to enter here based on their natal Ninth Stage goods.

“do not waste time.”

At this moment, a black object suddenly emerged from behind Xia Jiuyou, which looked like a snake. He had everything needed for his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and there were a few cold-lighted barbs on his head.

At first glance, it’s not a good thing.


Xia Jiuyou nodded, turned and walked into the dense forest.

After walking for about ten minutes, the trees in front of him disappeared, and a huge lake appeared in front of him. The lake was crystal clear and exuded with a silvery white light.

“This is the fountain of life?”

Xia Jiuyou’s eyes lit up. This is a good thing in the legend. There are so many here. If he takes all of them out, he will be well developed.

“Don’t waste time, pour the blood in.”

The dark shadow urged, urgency and excitement in his voice.

“No hurries.”

Xia Jiu asked indifferently: “Now you can tell me your true identity, right?”

He was able to establish the Soul Refining Sect in just a hundred years and become famous. Had it not been for such a variable as Ye Xiu, he wouldn’t have been defeated so badly.

So he is not only not stupid, but very smart.

As for this black shadow, it took the initiative to find own after the soul-refining sect was destroyed. Until now, its specific origin is not clear to me.

So Xia Jiuyou didn’t fully believe it from the beginning. As for the secrets it told own before, he was also dubious and didn’t dare to take it too seriously.

After all, he has been using others to strengthen himself all his life, but he doesn’t want to be used by this shadow.

“What do you mean?”

The black shadow frowned, obviously it didn’t expect this guy to talk about it at this time.

“It’s not interesting, I just want to know what you want to do, don’t fool me with the reasons before, because I know that at least half of what you said is not true, I am right.”

Xia Jiuyou said firmly.

This thing needs to sleep once every once in a while, every time for half a month, and he took advantage of this time to investigate those things the guy said.

But unfortunately, the things it said were too long, and he didn’t investigate much useful information at all.

The ones he found were basically the same as what it said, but they only accounted for one or two of the content, and the remaining eighty-nine percent were things that could not be verified by textual research.

In this case, he naturally couldn’t believe all what this guy said.

He doesn’t care what this guy will do to other people, he just doesn’t want to be used as a pawn by others, playing between the palms of his hands, and finally ends up being abandoned.

“Don’t forget, your life and death are in my hands. If you want to die, I can fulfill you.”

The black shadow said angrily, it is now living in Xia Jiuyou’s body, and is connected to his heart, as long as he has a thought, he can be killed.

So it is not worried that Xia Jiuyou will not listen to own words.

“Then you do it.”

Xia Jiuyou shrugged and said indifferently, he had waited for a long time on this day, and all the details before and after had been in Own’s mind many times.

He discovered a fatal flaw in this guy.

If it can do it on its own, why should it find itself? Obviously, he must use a person’s hand to help it accomplish this.

So before this matter is completed, I am safe.


This black shadow frowned, it really couldn’t kill Xia Jiuyou directly now.

Just as Xia Jiuyou thought, it still needs to use Xia Jiuyou’s hands to complete its plan.

If you kill him yourself, who will help yourself pour the blood in the black blood stone into the life spring.

After all, it only survives in a peculiar way now, without hands or feet, and unable to mobilize any power, so it is this way to control Xia Jiuyou.

When things have reached this point, if he doesn’t cooperate, he really can’t help him.

“What are you? Now you have only two choices. Either you kill me and you play by yourself, or you can tell me the truth. Anyway, I have nothing to lose.”

Xia Jiuyou shrugged and said nothing.

“Well, I can tell you, but you must promise that after listening, you must do what I say.”

Although Sombra was annoyed in his heart, he could only compromise in this case. After all, he had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and would never allow any problems.

“I can only say that if this matter is beneficial to me, I will do what you say, otherwise, even if you kill me, I will not agree.”

Naturally, Xia Jiuyou couldn’t agree directly, if this matter was not good for him, wouldn’t he be crazy if he did it again.

“Don’t worry, this matter will benefit you without any harm.”

Shadow Road.

“You can say it.”

Xia Jiuyou didn’t even know what was going on, how could he be relieved.

“Do you know Longmen?”

Sombra asked.

“Nonsense, of course I know.”

Xia Jiuyou was indifferent and authentic. The Longmen Remains is the only unopened place in the wasteland today, where a large number of treasures and Cultivation Techniques are sealed.

Don’t say it is him, even some ordinary forces know the existence of Longmen.

It’s a pity that the Restrictions in the Longmen Ruins are too powerful and have not been opened yet, but the top forces including the Lingwu family are also paying attention to it.

But what he didn’t understand was what this guy said about Longmen.

Is it related to Longmen?

“Then do you know why the Dragon Gate appeared in the wasteland?”

Sombra asked again.

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