Chapter 491 Bone Plain

The deepest part of the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery is a white plain that stretches for thousands of miles, like a world covered by heavy snow, full of loneliness and coldness.

But this white is not white snow, but composed of white dry bones, just looking at it makes the scalp numb.

In the center of the white plain, there is an emerald green forest. Although the area is not large, it is particularly conspicuous against a white background.

And Ye Xiu’s goal for their trip was in this woods.


There was a burst of sound, and Wang Xuan and others finally gathered on the edge of the white plain. Looking at the woods in the distance, their eyes were filled with excitement.

But after the excitement, there was a deep fear.

According to the information provided by Ye Xiu, this is the most dangerous and difficult area in the entire Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery.

The reason why the person who auctioned the news was able to smoothly pass through this area and get the spring of life was not how strong he was, but because of helplessness.

Originally, after he found the Yuehua Tree and survived, he stopped thinking of continuing to go deeper, but encountered so many dangers that he was forced to go deeper.

Later, he encountered a large-scale beast wave, and he was taken into the forest by this beast wave.

It can be said that he was able to survive and get the spring of life because of luck. Now, not to mention that he is close to the cemetery of Ten Thousand Bones, he doesn’t even want to mention it.

Every time he thinks about it, he feels afraid for a while.

“Get in.”

Wang Xuan said firmly, along the way, they lost more than half of their people.

There were hundreds of people when they came, but now there are only more than a hundred people left beside them, losing nearly 70%, and there is even a master of Ninth Stage who has fallen.

The person who died was Elder of Yujian Villa, a swordsmanship that was terrifying, even Wang Xuanyi couldn’t say that he would definitely be able to beat him.

In the end, he died here.

It can be said that such a large loss was something they hadn’t thought of before coming, but since they have already arrived here, they have no plan to give up halfway.


Although the others were full of fear here, none of them wanted to back down.

Now that the Medicine Pill they brought with them has been exhausted, even if they return now, they may experience the crisis they had experienced before.

It’s better to fight for it than that.

If they can get the spring of life, they will have the possibility to leave alive.

So, they all worked hard one by one, preparing for the last fight.


Everyone shouted, and then stepped into it.

Wang Xuan and the others were on the periphery, and tried their best to urge the non-phased matrix in the body to maximize their own power Ascension. A pair of eyes also looked around vigilantly.


The moment they stepped into this white area, the originally peaceful plain of white bones suddenly trembled violently, as if a magnitude ten earthquake had occurred.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten bumps appeared on the ground, and they were getting higher and higher, like a hill.

After the scattered white bones fell, more than a dozen huge bone giants appeared in front of everyone.

These giants of white bones are all pieced together from countless bones, each one is more than ten feet tall, and the eyes are hollow and deep, as if to inhale the soul of a person.


Wang Xuanyi and the others had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and directly attacked the giants of bones to disperse them.

This situation has already been mentioned in the information provided by Ye Xiu, but it is not mentioned how they were born, but it shows that these monsters have very terrifying power.

To pass the Bone Plain, you must defeat them.

Under the full attack of Wang Xuanyi and other talented Ninth Stage masters, these giants of bones were instantly dispersed.

“Quickly rush over.”

Wang Xuan shouted out loud.


Everyone responded and immediately speeded up.

But the good times did not last long. The broken bone giants were directly divided into two, and quickly recovered with the help of the endless white bones on the ground, and their size became larger than before, and their aura was thicker.


They uttered a roar, held their right hand, and the endless white bones immediately rushed towards their arms like a tide, and turned into a huge skeleton axe and fart at them.


Wang Xuan and the others frowned slightly. They didn’t understand this situation, but they didn’t panic because of it, and shot them again.

After several consecutive times, they discovered that these giants of white bones couldn’t kill at all, and two would appear if one defeated one, and they were stronger.

Until now, each of them has grown to the size of a hundred meters, and the strength and number have also reached dozens of times as much as before, and they are densely packed.

Like a well-trained army, they surrounded them.

Now, Wang Xuanyi and the others can no longer easily defeat these skeletons as before, at most they can only wound them.

In fact, this can’t be regarded as wounding them. They have no physical body, and the whole body is composed of white bones. Even if the chest is pierced, it can be quickly repaired with the help of white bones.

Not only that, they are stronger than before after recovering from injury.

Until now, they didn’t even find the weakness of these giants of bones.

It’s like Xiaoqiang who can’t be killed, and every time he is defeated or injured, he will become stronger than before after he recovers. It’s amazing.

“Concentrate all the power on me.”

Wang Xuan roared, now they have been surrounded by the bone giants, and if they delay, they are likely to be left here forever and become a part of them.

And after sprinting for this period of time, they were only a kilometer away from the woods.

Therefore, they must concentrate their efforts to make a way out, so that they will have a ray of life.


Everyone responded, and directly transmitted all their power to Wang Xuanyi’s body through the mother formation in the body, and the power of the latter was also rapidly rising.

“Break it for me.”

Wang Xuan shook his right hand, took out a long sword, and then slashed it with force. The terrifying power poured into it, and it turned into a series of Sword Qi sweeping out.

The enclosing circle was directly torn open a gap.

“Thank you for sending me here.”

At this moment, one of the crowd rushed out of the crowd and rushed through the gap at a very fast speed towards the woods not far away.

After he left, an extremely powerful soul fluctuation suddenly appeared in his previous location, and a huge suction force was generated, instantly sucking the souls of nearby people into it.

And those people lost their souls, and fell directly to the ground with no life.


At this moment, who didn’t know who was leaving was Xia Jiuyou.

What makes them unacceptable is that you will run away, so why do you still have to take action against them? Isn’t this trying to put people like them in a disaster?

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