Chapter 488: Nine-Character Mantra

“Following these Demonic Beasts, they seem to know how to deal with all this.”

Qi Tian found that these Demonic Beasts were not as flustered as they thought, but picked up a branch and ran into the darkness. He immediately thought that they must have encountered this situation here in Life, and they should know how to deal with it.

Even if he guessed wrong, it was better than staying here and waiting to die.


Ye Xiu had no idea now, so he didn’t care whether this method was reliable, and directly led Lin Qingcheng and the others to rush out with Demonic Beasts.

The moment Ye Xiu and the others rushed out, he looked back and saw a huge black figure with a height of one hundred feet standing behind them.

There are thousands of ghosts around him, just like their leader.

The other party didn’t seem to notice the departure of himself and these Demonic Beasts, and still stood there.

Immediately afterwards, one of its hands reached into the area covered by the moonflower tree again, and unexpectedly pulled the moonflower tree directly, and then swallowed it directly with a big mouth open.

“Fuck, what a monster.”

Qi Tian couldn’t understand it a bit, this thing should be a ghost, it was not affected by the Yuehua Tree, and even swallowed it back.

This is too scary.

After swallowing the Yuehua Tree, the giant noticed Ye Xiu and the others, and set his sights on them.

But just by looking at it, Ye Xiu felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, the cells of his body were trembling, and the breath of Death filled his heart.

He had experienced this kind of feeling before, and it was just a moment before the opening of the Nine Changes Tianxin.

It was a sense of despair that called daily refusal and the earth’s failure.


However, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon next to Ye Xiu was not affected, but it also sensed the approach of danger, and when it stretched out, it reminded that it doubled in an instant.

The few people understood, and immediately resisted the fear in their hearts and jumped onto the back of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon.

With only one brushing sound, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had already come to the front of the herd.


The humanoid shadow saw the prey escape from under own eyelids, and immediately became angry. With a roar, he slapped a palm and grabbed Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu’s eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he immediately grabbed a Demonic Beasts and threw it over, just to be caught by this humanoid shadow.

But this Demonic Beasts is not at all by it. To put in one’s eyes, he squeezed it to death and threw it aside and continued to grab Ye Xiu, seeming to recognize him.

“Is this thing still thinking?”

Ye Xiu said in disbelief that the ghosts are just a group of energy bodies that have been washed away by resentment and lost consciousness, and this humanoid monster should be the same.

But he was able to distinguish the target, which made him have to recognize it again.

“Look at Xiaoyezi, these Demonic Beasts have entered the broken yard in front.”

At this moment, Lin Qingcheng yelled loudly, and she found that the Demonic Beasts had run into the broken yard, and the surrounding ghosts were wiped out by a golden light as soon as they approached.

In this way, that place should be the refuge of these Demonic Beasts.

“Silver, hurry up.”

Ye Xiu patted the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon under him. This silver was the name he gave to the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon.


The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon responded, and a strong wind emerged from between its wings, and then pushed it to gallop forward, more than doubling the speed in an instant.

Seeing that they were about to rush into the courtyard, the humanoid shadow began to be anxious.

He stepped forward and came immediately behind Ye Xiu and the others, and then formed a barrier in front of them with his own palm.

However, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was not afraid, its silver-white eyes flashed with a sharp light, and then its figure appeared directly in the courtyard.

Don’t forget, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon has the power of space and wind, and now it can use space power.

So even if the real king comes, it is difficult to catch it.


When the humanoid shadow saw the duck flying away, he shouted angrily.


But just when its fist was about to fall on the top of Ye Xiu and the others, an angry shout suddenly appeared, which exploded in everyone’s mind like thunder.

At the same time, a golden light soared into the sky.

This huge fist and the thousands of ghosts around, the moment they touched this golden light, it melted as quickly as ice and snow met the sun.

Under the pain, the humanoid shadow quickly backed away, his entire arm was wiped out, and he dared not come close anymore.

“Qi Tian, ​​did someone talk again just now?”

It took a long time for Ye Xiu to come back to his senses, but it was strange that he could only remember that someone was talking just now, but he didn’t have any impression of what he was talking about.

“Someone is talking, what are they talking about?”

Qi Tian’s situation was similar to Ye Xiu. He only remembered someone speaking, but he didn’t remember the specific content at all, as if this memory had been erased out of thin air.

It’s weird.

“I didn’t remember either.”

Lin Qingcheng and Feng Baizhan said in unison, and they did the same. They only remembered that someone was speaking, but they didn’t know what they were saying.

“How is this going?”

Ye Xiu was a little strange. If he was the only one who listened to it, it would be nice to explain, but now they have not remembered all of them, including Qi Tian.

His soul is stronger than the four of them, so it shouldn’t be affected.

“Little Ye Zi, look at a stone statue over there.”

Lin Qingcheng looked around and found that there was a one-person-sized stone statue in the middle of the courtyard, and his hands had formed a peculiar handprint.

Ye Xiu looked over, but he didn’t see anything peculiar. The stone carving was made of ordinary stone.


At this moment, a lot of ghosts came here again, and when they found Ye Xiu and the others, they rushed towards the fire like moths.


Another shout of anger came from the stone statue, and the vitality of the world around it quickly entered its body, a golden light flashed, and the ghosts were completely annihilated.

“Have you seen it?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes widened. At this moment, they had witnessed this scene with their own eyes, but as before, he still didn’t remember what he had just said.

This made him unable to calm down anymore.

“What exactly is going on?”

Lin Qingcheng was also a little puzzled. He had just heard clearly. How could he forget it in a blink of an eye? This is too weird.

“This, is this the legendary nine-character mantra?”

Although Qi Tian didn’t hear the content of the voice clearly, this situation reminded him of a powerful secret technique in the legend, and the whole person was also excited.

“Nine-character mantra?”

Ye Xiu asked, it was the first time he heard of this name.

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