Chapter 489: Proverbial Mantra (Part 1)

“Nine-character mantra is a very ancient secret technique of mantra. It is said to be composed of nine characters, each representing a kind of avenue, so each of them is comparable to an ancient scripture of the great emperor.”

Qi Tian replied: “Of course, I have only seen some records about it, but haven’t seen it with my own eyes.”

“Have you heard its content?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“No, but according to the record, although every word of the Nine-Character Mantra is very common, if you use the corresponding method to shout out, it will resonate with the world, so people who hear it can’t remember it at all.”

Qi Tian continued: “This situation is very similar to the current situation, so I feel that this should be one of the nine-character mantra. If this is the case, then we will be developed.”

“Even if it is so, it has nothing to do with us, and there is no corresponding cultivation method here.”

Ye Xiu could also hear how precious the nine-character mantra is, one word can be worth an ancient scripture, and fools can think of how precious it is.

But the area here is not large, just an ordinary small yard.

He can scan it all at a glance, there is nothing else here except this stone statue and those Demonic Beasts, even if they want to learn, they can’t start.

“That’s not necessarily true. This mantra is sealed in this stone statue. I am afraid it is not only used to resist the ghosts, but also used to pass on. So as long as we stay and carefully Insight, we may be able to learn, even if it is comprehension. A little bit of fur is also of great benefit to our cultivation.”

Qi Heavenly Dao, he doesn’t think so.

He felt that since the other party had left one of the nine-character mantra here in such a way, it must have his purpose, and the possibility of finding a descendant was extremely high.

Although there is no corresponding Cultivation Technique, there is a stone statue that can give them a demonstration, which is equivalent to having a master continuously teaching them.

As long as they can find the key, they can take down this mantra.

This is the legendary nine-character mantra, one of them is a great opportunity, who is willing to let it go.

“Then we try?”

Ye Xiu felt that Qi Tian’s words also made sense, and that it was just a word that could seriously hurt that humanoid monster, and its power was evident.

If you can get it, your strength will definitely get a great Ascension.

This is also of great benefit for him to go deep into the cemetery of ten thousand bones.

Anyway, they still have time now, and it’s not too late to leave.

“Try, you must try, this is a great opportunity.”

Qi Tian said excitedly, he didn’t even dare to dream of such an opportunity. Now that he has been met by himself, there is no reason to leave directly.

Tianyu doesn’t take the blame, he still understands this truth.

“Uncle Master, Qingcheng, I guess that this may be the legendary nine-character mantra. I decided to stay here for a while to see if I can master it. Are you okay?”

Ye Xiu asked.

They didn’t know Qi Tian’s existence or the content of their previous conversations, so Ye Xiu probably explained it to them.

Such a good thing would naturally not be swallowed by him, and it would be a blessing if they could get it.

“Yes, but it can’t be too long. If there are no results in three months or three months, then we must leave. After all, Amano is still waiting for us to go back and save.”

Feng Baizhan nodded.

Compared with the so-called nine-character mantra, he cares more about Mu Tianye’s safety, but such an opportunity cannot be wasted, so he directly set a time.

“Okay, just three months.”

Ye Xiu nodded and replied, this time was almost the same as he thought, even if they didn’t understand the nine-character mantra in the end, they would not delay searching for the spring of life.

After speaking, Ye Xiu came to the side of the stone statue, and after careful observation, he immediately imitated it with the Calabash painting scoop, as did Feng Baizhan and Lin Qingcheng.

There is no way, there is no cultivation method here, they can only imitate this stone statue as the starting point, hoping to find the law.


At this moment, the stone statue was activated again, a golden light flashed, and all the nearby ghosts were obliterated.

But Ye Xiu and the others next to him were blind, and still didn’t hear what the other party was saying, but fortunately, they noticed the change in energy between heaven and earth.

And with the passage of time, this feeling has become more and more obvious.

In the blink of an eye, it took three days.

During this period, the stone statues will be launched more than 20 times almost every day. Three of them, no, to be precise, the four of them have experienced more than 60 baptisms.

But until now, they haven’t gained anything, it’s nothing more than a clearer understanding of the fluctuations of energy between heaven and earth.

“Is it the wrong method?”

Ye Xiu thought to himself, after these three days of Insight, the things he got didn’t seem to be any help in comprehending the nine-character mantra.

To be precise, what he knows now is not much different from three days ago.

So he was thinking, is the own method wrong?

So he changed his strategy, no longer concerned about external changes, but focused on the stone statue itself.

Sure enough, during the next activation of the stone statue, he keenly noticed that there was a clear flow of vitality in the stone statue’s body, like a fixed trajectory.

“Is this the route of exercise?”

Upon discovering this, Ye Xiu was overjoyed and immediately told Lin Qingcheng and Qi Tian of his discovery.

The latter confirmed Ye Xiu’s guess after observation, and became happy.

However, there was still no change in the next experiment, even if they followed this route, they still couldn’t hear what the other party was saying.

“Look at Xiaoyezi.”

Lin Qingcheng found that Ye Xiu’s face was calm, and the aura on his body seemed to be non-existent, and the whole person seemed to have entered a very ethereal state.

If you don’t have to look at it with your naked eyes, you are even a little unsure whether Ye Xiu is still here.

“Don’t bother him, he must have discovered something, he has entered a state of epiphany, maybe he is really possible to Insight the nine-character mantra.”

Feng Baizhan said immediately.

Epiphany is a state that everyone dreams of. In this state, your thoughts will be infinitely compatible with the world, and things you didn’t understand before will get answers at this time.

He had experienced it once before, but it was a pity that he was interrupted, so now he is still brooding.

So he didn’t want Ye Xiu to repeat his mistakes.

In this way, the loss of day by day, in a blink of an eye, came to the agreed three months.

During this period of time, Ye Xiu was always in a state of epiphany, which made Feng Baizhan and the others both happy and worried.

Happily, the longer the enlightenment takes, the greater the benefits will naturally be, but like Ye Xiu, the enlightenment takes nearly three months, which is a bit horrible.

It is commendable for normal people to have an epiphany of more than one day.

The worry is that Ye Xiu’s condition at the moment is also very poor, his face is extremely pale, it is obviously caused by excessive thinking, and if this continues, his body will be overwhelmed.

But when they didn’t know whether to interrupt Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu, who closed his eyes and thought, suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed away.

Immediately afterwards, his lips lightly opened, and he slowly spit out a pro word!

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