Chapter 487: One wave has not settled, another wave rises

“Although I don’t know why he wants to collect the black blood stone, I overheard him talking about the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery and the Longmen Site, which are actually part of a seal, and he wants to break this seal. ”

Baili Wuyun said hurriedly, he was afraid that it would be too late to even have the opportunity to talk.

“Is this what you said about the future of the wasteland?”

Ye Xiu’s expression shrank, especially when he heard the word seal, he couldn’t help but think of Borderlands, the seal in the thunder pond.

He instinctively felt that the seal that Baili Wuyun said had a great relationship with the seal of Borderlands.

As for why this idea came about, he himself didn’t know.

“Yes, in my opinion, this Xia Jiuyou is a complete lunatic. The seal he wants to break is likely to imprison a certain monster. Isn’t it worth noting?”

Baili Wuyun asked back.

“Have you told the senior leaders of Jin Dingzong about this matter?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“No, because I know that once I say it, Xia Jiuyou will not only not admit it, but may also send someone to kill me to kill me, so I am going to rot in my stomach, except you, I have never told anyone. .”

Baili Wuyun is not stupid, he has overheard Xia Jiuyou’s plan, although it is not very comprehensive, but it may still affect his plan.

And this Xia Jiuyou was a murderer who didn’t blink. He broke his good deeds, how could he spare himself.

So he directly concealed this matter in line with the idea of ​​dead fellow daoist.

If it hadn’t been for Ye Xiu’s pressing hard, he would not have said this matter.

“What else, what else do you know?”

Ye Xiu was thinking about it, and then asked tentatively.

“No, no more.”

Baili Wuyun’s eyes flashed, and he shook his head.

“I’ll give you another chance, is there any more?”

Ye Xiu asked with a cold face, really thinking that he couldn’t get enough of it.

“Yes, there is one more thing, but this is just my guess, and there is no evidence to prove it.”

Baili Wuyun shrank his neck and said.

“Tell me.”

Ye Xiu said, in the wasteland, many things do not need evidence to prove.

“Well, that’s the case. I think the news of Life Spring may have come from Xia Jiuyou, but this is just my guess.”

Baili Wuyun Road.

“How is it possible that the person auctioning the news of the life spring is a highly respected Rogue Cultivators. What does it have to do with Xia Jiuyou?”

Lin Qingcheng retorted immediately.

Although she left the family some time ago, because the auction was hosted by her, and she also wanted to help Ye Xiu get the news.

So she learned about the auctioneer on the night before the auction.

She had heard of the person who auctioned the news. He was a very powerful Rogue Cultivators, and had nothing to do with someone like Xia Jiuyou.

“Why is it impossible? If it wasn’t for what I told you, do you believe that a sect like Jin Dingzong would cooperate with people like Xia Jiuyou?”

Baili Wuyun asked back.


Lin Qingcheng was speechless for a while.

Yes, if Baili Wuyun didn’t say anything, she would never have imagined that a top force like Jin Dingzong would cooperate with a demon like Xia Jiuyou.

In this way, it is not impossible for the senior to cooperate with Xia Jiuyou.

“You tell me why you think so?”

Ye Xiu didn’t directly believe Baili Wuyun’s words. After all, this Xia Jiuyou is now mud.

The reason why Jin Dingzong would cooperate with it is probably a helpless move.

“I heard him say that not long after he got to the cemetery of Ten Thousand Bone, the news of the Spring of Life appeared at the auction and spread. This is a coincidence.”

Baili Wuyun said, he heard Xia Jiuyou say that the situation was before, and the spring of life appeared behind.

This made him have every reason to suspect that all of this was set up by Xia Jiuyou, in order to draw people from all sects into the cemetery of Ten Thousand Bone.

As for what he is going to do, I don’t know, but what is certain is that this is definitely not a good thing.

Originally, he didn’t want to enter the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, just because he was afraid of Xia Jiuyou’s way, but Sect Leader ordered him to come and used the last few refining spirit skills to tempt him.

He couldn’t stop this temptation, and then he gritted his teeth and came forward.

If he knew this would be the result, he might as well stick to his opinion and continue to stay in Sect, which would be safer at least.

“I see, now you can go.”

Ye Xiu waved his hand. Although Baili Wuyun’s guess had no basis, what he said was not completely impossible.

Coupled with the feeling that came out of his heart, he felt that what Baili Wuyun said was very likely to happen, and it was very likely.

What Baili Wuyun said really helped him a lot, so he could spare his life.

After speaking, he directly took the Soul Spear back.

“Thanks a lot.”

A hundred miles without a cloud is like an amnesty. After he is free, he will turn around and flee.

Ho Ho Ho…

At this moment, the beasts behind them suddenly roared, changing from the original calm to abnormal chaos, like a frightened horse herd.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black hand stretched in from the darkness, and the light of the moonflower tree could not cause much damage to it.

After this big hand reached into the area covered by the moonflower tree, it grabbed Baili Wuyun, who was about to leave, in his hand.

“No, let me go…”

Baili Wuyun immediately yelled, and his voice trembled.

Because at the moment he was grasped by this big hand, he felt that the power of own soul was swallowed by the speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, a wave of power descended on him, making him unable to move, which felt more terrifying than being imprisoned by Ye Xiu.

After that, the big hand took it back, Baili Wuyun also sank into the darkness and there was no movement. There was no need to think that Ye Xiu and the others knew that this guy would not survive.

“What kind of monster is this?”

Feng Baizhan was taken aback, and hid directly behind Yue Huashu, not daring to show his head.

This big hand is too terrifying, just the breath it exudes makes his heart palpitations, if he is caught, I am afraid that he will not escape.

“This thing may be transformed by the soul of the king after death, so we must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise it will be impossible to escape death.”

Qi Tian said immediately, this thing also brought him a strong sense of oppression, which is by no means comparable to ordinary ghosts, only the souls of the human king realm can be so terrible.

Faced with this thing, even if he has a physical body, I am afraid it is not its opponent.

Before, he didn’t believe that someone from the king realm had fallen here, but now he completely believed it.

“Did we run?”

Ye Xiu asked in turn, the ghost formed by the soul of the human king realm is no longer what they can contend, and the cloudlessness is instantly obliterated, let alone them.

What’s more important is that this place is still other people’s territory, no matter how fast they are, they can’t run a king.

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