Chapter 338 Can’t change the trick?

It was night, a Daoist shadow sprang out of the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce, and soon hid in the darkness and quickly approached the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce, but no one noticed it along the way.

This person is Xiao Zhong.

In the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce, he looked at Xiao Feng who was wailing in pain, his heart felt like being cut by a knife.

Xiao Feng’s mother and him have known each other since childhood.

So they established a relationship more than 20 years ago.

However, good fortune made people, he almost died in danger when he went out to practice, and he survived after several struggles.

When he came back, his beloved woman had become own sister-in-law.

At that time, his mood was imaginable. After that, Dage died unexpectedly. He originally thought that he could reconnect with his beloved woman, but he never thought that she was suffering from a strange disease. Even the retired elder of Jin Dingzong was helpless.

Before she died, she told herself Xiao Feng’s identity.

Therefore, his feelings for Xiao Feng include not only his love for his son, but also his nostalgia for his beloved woman.

Whenever he saw Xiao Feng, he would think of her.

But now, own son has been annulled, and all his thoughts are in vain. If he can’t avenge Xiao Feng, how can he be worthy of his dead lover.

Therefore, Qian San’er must die, even if the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce at this time is Longtan Tiger’s Lair, he has to make a foray.

At the same time, in the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce, Qian Duoduo and Ye Xiu were sitting opposite each other. The atmosphere was completely different from that of Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce, and it was quite harmonious.

“Dage, you can see it. The Xiao’s Chamber of Commerce is doing exactly the same as I expected. Now they have been covered. It won’t be long before they will be completely trapped in the trap I dug them, unable to extricate themselves.”

Qian Duoduo handed the information in his hand to Ye Xiu, and his face also showed joy.

Now the Xiaojia Chamber of Commerce has reduced the price, and the rate is not low, and at the same time they have also begun to collect the medicinal materials of Juyuan Pill, this time is earlier than he expected.

Originally, he thought these old things would hold on for a few more days, but now it seems that he looked at them highly before.

“When things have reached this point, it is already extremely critical. You can’t be sloppy next to avoid making mistakes.”

Ye Xiu glanced at the information, and then said.

He now knows the overall plan for a lot of money, and even he can’t fault the whole plan, but based on his experience, the closer it comes to the last moment, the more dangerous it is.

This was the case when he led the war, and several times he was almost overturned by the enemy at the last moment.

So even now, when he is doing things, as long as he is not at the last moment, he will not relax in the slightest, lest he will capsize in the gutter.

“Don’t worry, Dage, I know in my heart that I have placed dozens of eyeliners near the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce, and even a few people in the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce have been bought by me with a lot of money, so they can’t escape every move at this time. Out of my control.”

Qian Duoduo said confidently.

In the past few days, he has not been idle, constantly checking for omissions in own’s overall plan, and directly stifling possible variables in the cradle.

“Hugh Young Master, don’t worry, our Young Master has always been meticulous in doing things, which is why it is so gloomy in front of you.”

The pro-Saner on the side is also helping Qian Duo talk more, and what he said is also true.

Qian Duoduo is usually an extremely calm person, and he takes things seriously to the extreme, that is, he will show such a lively side in front of Ye Xiu.

When Ye Xiu was away, he wouldn’t be like that anymore, and he was meticulous in doing things, never joking.

Even I am a little afraid of him.

“Why are you everywhere? Go get some good drinks. I have a drink with Dage. I have been busy all this time. Dage and I haven’t gotten together yet.”

Qian Duoduo glanced at Qian San’er and said angrily.

“No, we have guests here.”

Ye Xiu raised his hand to stop Qian Duo Duo, a wisp of Divine Sense was released, and instantly locked Xiao Zhong, who was still hundreds of meters away, sneaking over in the dark.

“What guest?”

Looking at Ye Xiu because of the amount of money he didn’t know, he didn’t quite understand what he meant.

There are only a few of them here, and they have not shown themselves in their true colors. Who would come here as a guest at this time.

“There is a master of the Tongxuan Realm coming here. If I expected it to be good, he should have been sent by the Xiao family, and he was here to kill Qian San’er for what happened today.”

Ye Xiu felt a strong killing intent from this person, and when he thinks about what happened during the day, it is not difficult to guess what he came from.

“A master in the Tongxuan Realm?”

Qian Duoduo was taken aback, and immediately said, “That must be Xiao Zhong. He came here in this way. Wouldn’t it be that he wanted to assassinate again? Can’t he change his tricks?”

Speaking of a lot of money and angrily.

As far as he knew, in the entire Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce, there was only one master of the Profound Realm, and that was Xiao Zhong.

Moreover, Xiao Feng is also Xiao Zhong’s nephew. It is rumored that this Xiao Feng is very likely to be Xiao Zhong’s own son, because the two looks similar in appearance.

So this Xiao Zhong would personally come over to avenge Xiao Feng, it didn’t make him very strange.

“Fuck, why is this guy here to kill me? It’s not Xiao Feng that I’ve scrapped, is there any mistake?”

Qian San’er was taken aback. Lei Zhengyang did this thing, and so many people at the scene saw it. He just rejected Xiao Feng’s proposal.

Even if Xiao Zhong wanted revenge, he had to go to Lei Zhengyang, and it was nothing to come to him.

Isn’t this bullying?

“Nonsense, does he dare to seek revenge from Lei Zhengyang?”

Qian Duoduo smiled and said, Xiao family members have always been bullies and fears of hardship. This is no secret in the wasteland.

And Lei Zhengyang is the true disciple of Xuan Lei Sect, even if he gave Xiao Zhong 120 courage, he did not dare to seek revenge from Lei Zhengyang, so he could only find Qian San’er to vent his fire.

Who makes them easy to bully.

“Young Master, you can’t just stand by and watch, I do all this for you.”

Qian San’er immediately asked Qian Duoduo for help. He was only Ningyuan’s Third Stage Cultivation Base now. He couldn’t even compare with Qian Duoduo. How could he be an opponent in the Tong Xuan Realm.

If the money doesn’t care about him, then he is really dead.

“You have asked the wrong person, and you have to ask me Dage. This Xiao Zhong is not necessarily my Dage’s opponent.”

Qian Duoduo is very confident in Ye Xiu’s strength. Don’t think he only has Ningyuan Seventh Stage days. In terms of strength, ordinary Tongxuan First Stage Tian masters are not his opponents.

And this Xiao Zhong happened to be Ning Yuan’s First Stage day.

“Hugh Young Master, you must save me. My Qian San’er has an 80-year-old mother, a newborn son, and a wife who just passed the door. I don’t want to die young.”

Qian San’er immediately ran to Ye Xiu, begging.

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