Chapter 327 I want you to die

“Then we can only lower the price, so maybe we can bring some people over. We can barely maintain it.”

Yun Elder said, now that he has the Qicheng Pill, and the price is so cheap, the only use of his own half of the pill is to exchange it for the Qicheng Pill.

But the price of their Qicheng Pills is the same as their Wucheng Pills, so fools will come to buy them.

So the only way is to lower the price so that people can come over and buy it.

“Then drop it. Each Ju Yuan Dan drops to forty Yuan Stone. I don’t believe they won’t buy it.”

Xiao Zhong gritted his teeth and said.

“Forty, too low, so we don’t even have enough cost.”

Yun Elder was stunned. The cost of refining the Juyuan Pill here was about ten yuan, but with other miscellaneous expenses, one Juyuan Pill could only be sold for at least fifty to protect the cost.

Selling for forty is really a loss.

“I also know, but will someone buy it if the price is high?”

Xiao Zhong didn’t want to do this either, but this is the only way he can do it today. He only hopes that after the price cuts can drive the sales of other Medicine Pills, there may be some profitability to support them to stick to it.

Otherwise, they can only sit and eat.

“But just lowering the price is not the answer. In this way, while reducing the price, we will go to other places to purchase the medicinal materials of Juyuandan at high prices, and then sell it to Qian San’er. This can also make up for our losses.”

One person next to him said.

“This method is good. It can not only bring back popularity, but also make up for the loss, but also make a profit. In my opinion, we are better off buying in large quantities and selling some and hoarding some. In my opinion, the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce will collect the medicine. The price has to go up, because the nearby medicinal materials have basically been collected by them. Only with greater benefits can others go farther to collect them. We have a caravan, so we have a great advantage in this regard.”

One person next to him said.

“Yes, just do it.”

Xiao Zhong’s eyes lit up and he snorted coldly, “Qian San’er, wait, I will make you pay.”

“I’ll make arrangements now.”

Yun Elder’s eyes also lit up. This is a good thing. It works properly. Not only can they come back to life, they might even make a lot of money.

“Go ahead.”

Xiao Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, this difficulty finally passed.

After Yun Elder left to arrange this, the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, these few days have not been very good. How can they have the energy to do other things? Now that the problem is solved, they can relax.

“Chairman, it’s not good, Young Master Feng was abolished.”

At this moment, a group of four ran over carrying Xiao Feng who was unconscious.

“Who did you say was abolished?”

Xiao Zhong was startled, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

“Yes, it’s Master Feng.”

Several people said tremblingly, speaking of them, they didn’t expect to encounter Lei Zhengyang today, and the four of them could not resist even one move in front of him.

But in any case, Master Feng was abolished and they were fine, and the crime of protecting the lord would definitely not be able to escape.


Xiao Zhong’s expression changed, and he immediately came to a few people, took Xiao Feng over, checked it carefully, and found that his Dantian had indeed been broken.

“Who did this!”

Xiao Zhong looked at them humanely with a grim look.

This Xiao Feng, he claimed to be Own’s nephew, others think so, but in fact Xiao Feng is Own’s own son.

It’s just that even his dead Dage didn’t know about this, so he would treat Xiao Feng as his own, and take care of him in every possible way, for fear of being aggrieved at all.

Now someone dared to abolish his son’s Dantian and cut off Xiao Feng’s cultivation hope. It would be better to kill him directly.

So no matter who it is, he must make the other party pay the price, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel his hatred.

“Lei Zhengyang is the Lei Zhengyang of Xuan Lei Sect.”

Several people hurriedly said it, so that own sin would be smaller.

After all, this Lei Zhengyang is one of the masters of the eight masters of the wasteland, let alone them, even if Xiao Zhong was on the scene at the time, he might not be his opponent.

“Who are you talking about? Lei Zhengyang, why did he appear here?”

Xiao Zhong’s heart sighed. If he were an ordinary disciple of Xuan Lei Sect, he would not be afraid by virtue of the status of the Xiao family, but this Lei Zhengyang was different.

He is a true disciple of Xuan Lei Sect, and his identity is supernatural. Even if the Patriarch of the Xiao family sees him, he still has to give him some Face.

I am an expatriate, how dare to trouble him.

“We don’t know either.”

Several people shook their heads. They were also very strange to say that Xuan Lei Sect was hundreds of thousands of miles away, and compared to Xuan Lei Sect, this place could only be regarded as a small remote place.

People like Lei Zhengyang generally won’t come over.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn’t believe it was Lei Zhengyang.

As for impersonation, it is even more impossible. After all, his strength lies in the Cultivation Base of Ninth Stage Tian’s Cultivation Base, which has lost four consecutive masters of the same rank.

“What the hell is going on? How can Feng’er provoke Lei Zhengyang, you can tell me clearly.”

Xiao Zhong’s expression sank. He knew that these people did not dare to lie to him, but Feng’er was not a fool, so how could he take the initiative to provoke such an existence.

There must be something in it that he doesn’t know.

“It’s like this, this morning, the son, he…”

Several people simply said what had happened, and they didn’t dare to hide anything.

“Qian San’er, I want you to die.”

Xiao Zhong angrily said, although the person who abolished Xiao Feng Dantian was Lei Zhengyang, he did not dare to seek revenge from Lei Zhengyang.

Let’s not talk about the position of others, just talk about the strength of others, it is not necessarily something that you can compete with, and if you find trouble with him, isn’t it boring to find yourself.

You know, Lei Zhengyang once defeated a master of the Profound Realm when he was in the Eighth Stage of Ning Yuan.

Although the opponent is just a Rogue Cultivators, it also indirectly proves the terrifying power of Lei Zhengyang.

Now that his Cultivation Base has broken through to the Ninth Stage, at this time, he cannot be his opponent at all.

Therefore, he could only vent his anger towards Qian San’er, because this incident was caused by him. If he had agreed to Feng’er’s proposal, nothing else would happen.

Therefore, he is also responsible for Xiao Feng’s disuse.


At this moment, Xiao Feng, who was in a coma, let out a scream and woke up directly from the pain.

“Feng’er, how are you, is it painful?”

Xiao Zhong looked at Xiao Feng tenderly, and he worked hard for so many years, for what, wasn’t it just to find a good future for Xiao Feng.

Now Xiao Feng has been abolished, and all his efforts have been in vain, which simply makes him worse than life.

“Uncle, Uncle, my Dantian was scrapped, you want to avenge me.”

Xiao Feng cried loudly. Dantian’s abolition meant that he could only be a crippled person for the rest of his life, which was more painful than killing him.

“Feng’er, don’t worry, I won’t make them feel better.”

Xiao Zhong’s face was gloomy. Originally, he was thinking of trying to get rid of Qian San’er after a while while the Lin family was not paying attention.

But now they are all bullying themselves. If he doesn’t do something, they really think they are bullying.

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