Chapter 339 You can’t afford what I want

“Qian San’er, I know you have an 80-year-old mother, but when did you get married, you even have a son? You are too fast.”

Qian Duo dumbfounded, this guy has been with own, he has never heard of this kid even having a son.

Although I took a few photos during this time, all of them are the little Big sis in the hook column, where’s the child.

Obviously this guy is totally bullshit.

“Young Master, don’t expose my shortcomings. I’m not exaggerating to win Young Master’s sympathy, don’t interrupt me, let me talk for a while, maybe Young Master agrees to help me That’s it.”

Qian San’er cried and said, after spending so much time with Qian Duo Duo, he also knows the temperament of his master, and knows when he can make jokes and when he can’t.

Now is the time to joke.

In fact, he didn’t even think that Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo would ignore him. What he did was just to cooperate with Qian Duoduo, who would let the family be the master.

“Okay, you are a big money boy, all the scammers have lied to me Dage, so I will ask you who gave you the courage.”

Qian Duoduo said angrily, and while talking, his eyes swept towards Ye Xiu from time to time.

“You continue to pretend, I will meet him when I go out.”

Ye Xiu Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, how could he not see that the master and servant were acting for him.

But this really means that any master has his own subordinates, two live treasures alive and well.

And he also wanted to see the strength of the Profound Realm. After all, he hadn’t played against anyone in the Profound Realm. Now that he broke through to the Seventh Stage of Ningyuan, he could just use this Xiao Zhong to practice his hand.

As he said, his figure disappeared in a flash.


On the other side, Xiao Zhong had already arrived near the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce, hiding in the darkness, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

But at this moment, he felt a Divine Sense swept over him, and the place of this Divine Sense was where the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce was located.

“What’s the matter? Haven’t heard that the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce has a master in the Profound Realm?”

Xiao Zhong frowned. The reason why he dared to come to the assassination late at night was because there were no masters in the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce.

But what is going on with this Divine Sense?

You know, Divine Sense will be born only after Cultivation Base reaches the Profound Realm and opens up the sea of ​​God.

In other words, there is a master of the Profound Realm in the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce at this time.

“Could it be that the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce sent a master to protect Qian San’er?”

Xiao Zhong couldn’t help thinking, but he quickly rejected this idea, because the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce, like them, only had a master of the Profound Realm.

The Lin Family’s Master of the Profound Realm is Lin Yong, and he is still in the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce at the moment.

Unless the Lin family found another master of the Profound Realm, but if that was the case, how did this person escape the eyeliner he had placed and enter the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce.

“No, withdraw!”

Although Xiao Zhong wanted to kill Qian San’er to vent his anger, but this situation is extremely unfavorable for him now.

Especially the opponent’s Divine Sense is more condensed than his own. Obviously, the opponent’s Cultivation Base is a bit stronger than his own. Once his identity is discovered, it will be difficult for him to get out of his body.

The most important thing is that once this matter spreads out, it will inevitably have an irreparable impact on the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce.

So he could only hold back the anger in his heart and turned and left.

Anyway, as long as the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce continues to open here, then Qian San’er will be able to run away from the monk and the temple.


At this moment, a figure appeared behind him out of thin air like a ghost, and it happened to meet Xiao Zhong’s gaze, and he was scared to go back a few steps directly.

“You, who are you?”

Xiao Zhong stared at the opposite person and asked.

This person was dressed in a black cloak, his entire face was blocked, and it was pitch black, and his appearance was not visible at all.

But this person’s body gave him a very strong sense of crisis, as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

“What do you mean?”

This person is Ye Xiu, but now is not the time for him to show his true colors.

“You, you are the pill refining teacher Qian San’er invited, right?”

Xiao Zhong also calmed down at this time, because he saw that Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base had only Ningyuan Seventh Stage days.

Although the aura is Bufan, it is impossible to defeat him, a master of the Profound Realm.

And seeing this person’s costume reminded him of the results of the previous investigation, his eyes suddenly lit up, if he could pull him to their Xiao family’s side.

Then the current situation is about to change one hundred and eighty degrees.

“Oh, you know me?”

Ye Xiu asked knowingly that he already knew about Qian Duoduo’s packaging him as a pill refining teacher, so it was not surprising that Xiao Zhong said that.

But he wanted to see what Xiao Zhong wanted to do.

“This master, the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce has only been established for a few months. Both resources and status are not as good as my Qianjia Chamber of Commerce. You are too talented to stay here. Not Tathagata and our Xiao family. As long as you agree, whether it is The treatment is still the status, which is definitely much better than that of them.”

Xiao Zhong said immediately that he had wanted to recruit him before, but he had never had a chance to get close to him.

Unexpectedly, I ran into it as soon as I came out. This is really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort at all.

As long as this person can be brought into their Qian family’s camp, what Qian family chamber of commerce, what Lin family chamber of commerce, I will let you know the cost of offending us.

As for Qian San’er, the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce is down, isn’t it easy to kill him?

“You can’t give me what I want.”

Ye Xiu didn’t expect that this guy was still thinking about recruiting himself, but he was not stupid.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the relationship between himself and Qian Duoduo.

“No, as long as you put it forward, I will be able to meet your request.”

Xiao Zhong said immediately that he did not directly reject himself, which shows that he still has a chance.

As long as the price he paid was enough, he didn’t believe that Ye Xiu would still choose the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce. This was the reason that the so-called people do not kill themselves.

“Really, if I want your life, you are willing to give it to me?”

Ye Xiu asked lightly.

“my life?”

Xiao Zhong frowned. What do you mean by this? Could it be that you came to kill me?

But this shouldn’t be it. Are you not the pill refining teacher Qian San’er invited? How do you listen to you, it seems that you want to advance and retreat together with the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce.

What on earth did he give you, are you going to die for him?

and many more……

Suddenly he thought of another possibility, and his face immediately changed.

“Why, I’m not willing? Then I have to pick it up by myself.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

It was like saying another thing that had nothing to do with him, and Xiao Zhong was all hairy.

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