Chapter 180: Fighting Xiaocan

“You can beat me before I speak.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, this Xiao Can’s best should be his Nine Nether Fire, but this fire is not threatening to him.

So his threat to him is no different from farting.

“Toast and not eat fine wine, then no one can blame me.”

Xiao Can’s face was gloomy, and he had given Ye Xiu a chance, but it was a pity that he didn’t cherish it. In that case, he would use his real strength to hit him until he said it.

“The test begins.”

With a wave of the middle-aged man, the formations on the five battle platforms were opened at the same time, sealing up ten people.

“Nether Palm!”

Xiao Can didn’t waste time. After the formation was turned on, his body trembled, and his body immediately exuded a billowing darkness, like ink, instantly covering his whole body.

As his voice fell, he directly slapped Ye Xiu with a palm.

As soon as his palm came out, the black energy on his body suddenly turned up, like countless ghosts rising from it, surrounded his fist, and made a roar that only Ye Xiu could hear.

Nether Palm is the ultimate combat skill of the spirit rank, and it is also one of the few dark attribute combat skills in the Lingwu family.

It is not only unparalleled in power, but also has a deterrent effect. It is definitely a killer move. In the same rank, almost no one can resist this move.

“You actually have a physique with the two attributes of darkness and fire, which is a bit interesting.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. Originally, he thought that this family had a physique with only fire attributes, and the biggest reliance was the Jiu Nether Fire that he mastered.

It seems that I underestimated him, but this is more challenging.

“Interesting? You won’t think so soon.”

Xiao Can snorted coldly, and the movements on his hands suddenly accelerated, like a phantom, instantly changing to Ye Xiu’s face, and the palm of his aspiration was printed on Ye Xiu’s face.

He wanted to let Ye Xiu know that own was powerful, so he used ten percent of his strength with this palm, and he absolutely allowed the things that happened to Mu Tianye before to happen again.

“Dark physique, I also have it.”

Ye Xiu let out a low cry, and Jiuchangtian’s heart beat quickly, and black air rose from his body.

But the black aura on his body is deeper and glowing with gloomy light, which is full of boundless killing aura, as if from the aura of Jiuyou The Underworld, which is shocking.

The black energy on Xiao Can’s body was comparable to that of one.

Ye Xiu’s Shura energy comes from Shura, one of the Nine Transformations. It is not only the purest dark power, but also the power of the king. Any power of the same origin will be suppressed in front of it.

Not to mention that Xiao Can is just the power born of ordinary dark physique, even the Heavenly Demon aura condensed by Mu Tianye’s Heavenly Demon body is still suppressed by Shura True Essence.

There is a qualitative difference between the two, which is not on the same level at all.

As he said, Ye Xiu also slapped a palm, and the billowing Shura’s aura moved, and also turned into a giant palm to greet him.


A thunderous collision sounded, and the two backed at the same time.

But Ye Xiu only took ten steps back, but Xiao Can took a full twenty steps before he stopped and made a judgment.

“You actually have the physique of both dark and fire attributes.”

Xiao Can is incredibly authentic. You know, there are very few people who have two systems in Eastern Wasteland.

Most importantly, the two systems of own have also formed a unity with the help of Jiu Nether Fire.

These two physiques can stimulate the power of Nine Nether Fire to the greatest extent.

Not to mention that Jiu Nether Fire is only intermediate-level fire, but under the influence of the two systems, it can even exert the power of high-level fire.

This is also the fundamental reason why he can be favored by Elder of the Lingwu family.

Before that, he had only seen Ye Xiu use fire attribute combat skills, the Six Sun Palm of Profound Fire, and hadn’t seen him use other combat skills, so he didn’t know this.

The most frightening thing is that Ye Xiu’s dark power is stronger than own dark power.

When facing this power, he could even feel the fear generated by the power of own darkness, which had never appeared before.

In other words, Ye Xiu’s dark physique was stronger than own, which completely exceeded his expectations.

“If you only have this means, I am afraid it is not my opponent.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“Hmph, don’t think you can ignore me if you have a physique with two attributes. Today I will let you know how good I am, Rakshasa seal.”

Xiao Can snorted coldly, and quickly formed seals with both hands.

The power of darkness on his body moved along with it, and quickly gathered towards his palm, and soon a black and reddish mark was condensed.

There seems to be this Rakshasa hidden in this mark, hideous and full of murderous intent, a bloody air permeates, just looking at it makes the scalp numb and uneasy.

The Rakshasa seal is a killer move that can only be used after the Nether Palm is cultivated to the extreme. It can condense the power of my darkness to the extreme.

After an instant shot, it was like Rakshasa was born, sweeping everything.

“Small bugs.”

Ye Xiu’s complexion did not change, black air floated in his palm, and a cold mark was looming in it, accompanied by a breath of Death.


Xiao Can didn’t care about Ye Xiu’s methods at all.

In his opinion, this Rakshasa seal was one of his methods to suppress the bottom of the box, and it was also regarded as one of the strongest methods in the Lingwu family. He had never known how many same rank masters he had killed.

Ye Xiu is just Ning Yuan’s First Stage Heaven, and he can’t resist this strike at all.

As soon as the voice fell, he slammed on his feet, and the whole person was like an arrow from the string, and once again killed Ye Xiu.

“The seal of the king of nine temples, the second seal.”

Ye Xiu yelled, and a gloomy black mark suddenly appeared in his palm.

In the black seal, there seemed to be a hand of the devil’s face looming, gloomy and hideous, as if to break free, descending into the world, it was creepy.

This force even blocked the formation on the battlefield, making everyone present fearful.


With Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base at this time, he can already print the second seal of the Nine Shaking Seal.

This violent seal is more powerful than the first seal, and at least it has increased Ye Xiu’s strength ascension by as much as twenty times. The terrifying power even the space is somewhat unbearable, and the formations are distorted.

The moment the Rakshasa stamp was printed, the battle platform shook violently.

The aftermath of the power rippled and hit the formation, making a thunderous impact, as if someone was swinging a sledgehammer and hitting it continuously.

The disciples around were the first to bear the brunt, and they were directly affected.

The poor disciple of Cultivation Base was directly shocked by the roar and vomited blood, screamed again and again, and kept backing away.


The screams filled the battlefield.

Xiao Can’s body retreated uncontrollably. His arm that collided with the second seal of the Nine Shas King Seal had been severely distorted, and the sharp bones broke out, hideous and terrifying.

One move, just one move, Ye Xiu scrapped one of Xiao Can’s arms.

Is that human being!

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