Chapter 181 Nine Nether Fire

“Xiao Can’s arm was destroyed by Ye Xiu’s punch. I must be dreaming. Yes, I must be dreaming.”

“What kind of combat skill is that, it’s so terrible. When I didn’t fight it out, I felt a strong breath of death. It was like being stared at by the god of death. It was terrible.”

“That should be the supreme combat skill born after the awakening of a powerful physique, otherwise it is impossible to explain why it is so powerful.”

Ye Xiu’s strength deeply shook the hearts of everyone present.

The entire martial arts field was silent for five minutes before a heated discussion broke out.

Too violent, too terrible, and too shocking.

Xiao Can is the top genius of the wind domain. His Cultivation Base has reached the third stage of the Ningyuan, and he has the physique of the dark and fire attributes, which can be called the same rank invincible.

Ye Xiu is only Ningyuan First Stage, even if Xiao Can’s Cultivation Base is suppressed, it is impossible to cause him so much damage.

But the result was far beyond everyone’s expectations.

Especially the terrifying seal of the Nine Demon Kings, which left a deep impression on everyone, I am afraid they will never forget it in this lifetime.

“There is no suspense in this battle. Xiao Can almost has no resistance in front of Ye Xiu.”

“Indeed, this kid’s combat power is too amazing. Without the suppression of formation, this Xiao Can might be able to compete with Ye Xiu. As for now, I’m afraid it won’t last long.”

“It’s not necessarily. Xiao Can is a genius of Fengyu. He has been famous for a long time. As the so-called reputation is invaluable, I believe he should have many methods to hold down the box. Let us wait and see.”

Lei Jinlong and others also began to discuss, Ye Xiu’s performance was too amazing.

Even if it is replaced by them, I am afraid that it will not be able to achieve this level under the same conditions.

So most people are optimistic about Ye Xiu, only a few people still have expectations for Xiao Can.

If this Xiao Can only had this strength, it wouldn’t be possible for Feng Yu to take it so seriously.

“You angered me.”

On the battle platform, Xiao Can looked savagely, as if he hadn’t felt the pain on his right hand, and stared at Ye Xiu with cold eyes.

A rush of murderous intent rippling like substance, directed at Ye Xiu.


At this moment, a group of black flames rose up ascending on his body, turned into tentacles and swam past his right arm, and quickly wrapped his entire arm.


A harsh sound came from the flames, and when the flames dissipated, his arm had recovered again, and even the wound had not appeared.

“What kind of means is this!”

Ye Xiu frowned. His Nine Transformed Heavenly Heart gave him a strong resilience, but he couldn’t recover as quickly as Xiao Can.

This is a broken arm, not a hair.

Even for him, it will take some time to fully recover from such a serious injury. To speed up, he still needs the help of Medicine Pill.

This was obviously a method he had never seen before, and it was never recorded in the classics of the Lingwu family.

“Hugh Young Master, this should be the ability of Nine Nether Fire.”

Zhang Ming below immediately reminded him.

Nine Nether Fire, Feng Baizhan talked about it before, and there are detailed records on the Intermediate Fire List.

He had seen the Intermediate Flame List next to Wu Santong before. Since he was still looking forward to the Intermediate Flame, he was very impressed.

“Nine Nether Fire? I see.”

Ye Xiu heard Zhang Ming’s reminder, and immediately recalled the introduction of Jiu Nether Fire on the Intermediate Fire Ranking, and immediately understood his support.

Each of the intermediate fires that can rank in the top ten has powerful abilities, just like the boneless beast fire in Zhang Ming’s hand, which is a kind of flame aimed at the enemy’s bones.

Once hit by this fire, the body will not suffer any damage, but the bones will be burned out in an instant, becoming a pool of fleshy mud.

Nine Nether Fire is a death fire, which is full of endless death energy. Once it touches a creature, it will absorb all the vitality in the opponent’s body and store it in the flame.

Once the owner is injured, the vitality can be drawn from it to recover from the injury. It is like a holy medicine to carry around, and the effect is better than any Medicine Pill.

At the same time, this Nine Nether Fire has another name, called the Fire of Undead.

A person with this kind of flame, as long as the accumulated vitality is enough, it is almost equivalent to having an immortal body.

Unless someone can cut off his head directly or pierce his heart, causing fatal damage, otherwise, he can’t be killed at all. This is also the powerful part of Jiu Nether Fire.

Therefore, the Nine Nether Fire is more precious than the average high-level fire.

“It seems that you have to study the fire list carefully in the future.”

Ye Xiu had just glanced at the content on the hot list before, and didn’t study it in depth, so he thought of this after Zhang Ming reminded him.

This is very important information. If you understand it clearly in advance, the battle will be easier.

“Big Flame Palm.”

Xiao Can was already outraged at the moment, he had never suffered such a big loss, especially when he was injured by the little Ye Xiu.

So he must find the place back, otherwise, how he will meet people in the future.

With a palm, the Nine Nether Fire on his body rushed out, directly turning into a huge flame palm, covering the sky and covering the earth, and grabbed it towards Ye Xiu.

“Good come, Xuanhuo Liuyang Palm.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes flickered, not only was there no worry on his face, but a look of expectation appeared on his face. With a move in his heart, he directly slapped the Profound Fire Six Sun Palm.

With this palm, he doesn’t ask for strength, only scale.

Under the frantic surging of the golden flames of the big day, this golden palm of fire grew bigger and bigger, and in just a few breaths, it grew to the size of tens of meters.

Xiao Can’s black palm of fire was in front of this golden giant palm, just like an ant, it was so small.

“The flame is good, but it is a pity that it is not human, and such a good flame was wasted in vain.”

Xiao Can looked at Ye Xiu like an idiot. From his point of view, Ye Xiu’s flame was stronger than his Nine Nether Fire. This can be seen from the tremors coming from the Nine Nether Fire.

But after he saw Ye Xiu’s upstart-style approach, his eyes showed a sneer.

You know, any attack is the more condensed the power, the greater the power.

The reason why his big flame palm is huge is because he cannot fully control the Nine Nether Fire, otherwise, he will directly compress the flame to the size of a normal palm.

Such an attack will have more penetrating power, and the power will be stronger.

Like Ye Xiu, blindly pursuing scale, regardless of condensed level, is completely a layman’s approach, and the original worries in his heart have disappeared without a trace.

“Is it.”

Ye Xiu smiled, and as soon as the voice fell, the five fingers of the palm of the flame Xinusu gathered, forming a cage and buckling down.

Five fingers, like five Optimus Primes, directly sealed Xiao Can’s flame in it.

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