Chapter 179 Nowhere to Seek Through the Iron Shoes

“Welcome, but I’m afraid it will disappoint you.”

Feng Baizhan smiled. In his opinion, Fangcunzhi’s domain actually has no special place, and the number of geniuses possessed is at most one-third of that of Qingyu’s.

And the reason why Fang Cun Zhiyu has been able to persist until now, based on his experience, is actually due to the scarcity of resources.

Some people may ask, isn’t it a bad thing that the world is weak and the lack of resources is a bad thing.

But the things Yifeng Baizhan has been exposed to over the years and his personal experience all prove this.

Because of the thin heaven and earth vitality and the scarcity of resources, people in the Fangcun Realm have to work harder if they want to cultivate to a higher Realm.

The so-called poor family’s children headed their homes early, and it is very appropriate to use them in the realm of square inches.

He is the best example.

He is different from Ye Xiu and the others. He does not have a strong physique, nor does he have a particularly powerful talent. If he insists on saying that he has, then his perseverance is okay.

But the reason why he is stronger than Jiang Wuwei and others is because he spends almost all of his time in cultivation.

The vitality of the world is thin, and the resources are scarce, so use time to make it together.

So he is cultivating when others are relaxing, he is cultivating when others are playing, and he is still cultivating when others are cultivating.

Even though it took him less than 30 years to cultivate the Juyuan Gong, he actually cultivated two or three times longer than others.

In other words, it took him thirty years, but it was equivalent to someone else’s cultivation for sixty or seventy years.

The strength is naturally incomparable to them.

“Don’t worry, I just went to find two true disciples, and I won’t rob you of the geniuses in the realm of yours.”

Jiang Wuwei thought that Feng Baizhan was worried about this, so he explained it aloud.

After all, he will enter the General Sect after the Six Meridians are able to martial arts, and the future of the Qingyu branch will have nothing to do with him, and he does not need to waste that energy to manage future affairs.

He just wanted to find two disciples who made sense.

“Then I wish you everything you wished.”

Feng Baizhan is indifferent and authentic. Just like Jiang Wuwei thought, his responsibility has been fulfilled. Next, his cultivation place will be the headquarters.

So what Fang Cunzhi’s domain will do in the future is not something he needs to consider.

But for Jiang Wuwei’s thoughts, he did not return hope.

After all, they had just recruited disciples in this vein, and the good ones had already been put in his bag. Even if there was a fish that slipped through the net, he might not be able to find it.

Even if they find it, it is impossible to compare them with Mu Tianye and Ye Xiu.

“Then I will lend you good words.”

Jiang Wuwei smiled, and then they separated after a few simple words.

Today’s test is over, and the promotion match will be held tomorrow. It doesn’t make much sense for them to stay here.

After a night of refurbishment, Ye Xiu and the others came to the martial arts arena full of energy. Now there are only ten people left in the martial arts arena, and the huge martial arts arena seems a bit empty.

These people are all top geniuses in various domains, and their ability to persist until now is enough to explain their strength.

As a genius, he is proud of his own, and he is more confident. No one thinks that he will lose to others, so the atmosphere in the martial arts field is full of gunpowder before the fight begins.

Especially that Xiao Can, who swept towards Ye Xiu from time to time, his eyes were full of deep resentment.

Ye Xiu chose to ignore it directly.

“The promotion competition is divided into two rounds. In the first round, ten people are divided into two groups to compete at the same time. The loser continues to compete, and the next five places are divided. The winner and the bye advance to the finals, and the three of them decide the final place. Do you understand?”

The middle-aged man briefly introduced the rules of the promotion match.

At the same time, this also means that this six-channel martial arts has come to an end, and it has also reached the real climax of this martial arts.

“Elder, I have a question. Isn’t it unfair for the bye to advance directly to the final?”

One person asked, and the others pricked their ears. After all, this is also the question they most want to ask.

“There is no absolute fairness in this world, and luck is also a part of strength in a sense. I think you know this very well. If you feel unfair, you can choose to give up the competition. Is there any problem now?”

The middle-aged man said indifferently, as he said, luck is also one of the important conditions for judging a person’s strength.

Although luck is invisible and intangible, it does exist. People with good luck can not only turn good luck in the bad, but also easily obtain the treasures of heaven and earth.

This is very common in the spiritual world, and many people also understand this.

So in his opinion, the brain of the person who asked this question must have been kicked by the donkey.


Who would dare to ask, they have all come to this point, it is impossible to give up, and it is impossible to give up in this life.

“Very well, move forward and draw lots.”

With a wave of the middle-aged man, ten jade fortunes were spilled out and hung in front of him under the support of the true essence.

Ye Xiu and the others went up and took one each, and turned it around. It was impressively written [three], Mu Tianye was number seven, and Xiaohu was number one.

Fortunately, the three of them avoided it again in a thrilling manner.

“Ye Xiu, your luck is really bad.”

Xiao Can opened his own jade sign, and it said [Four]. This is really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no time and effort.

It seems that God is on his side, knowing that his anger is in his heart, so he deliberately arranged such an opportunity to let him vent.

“Maybe it’s your bad luck.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, although Xiao Can’s strength is not low, he hasn’t To put in one’s eyes yet. In contrast, he prefers to fight Zuo Yi.

He felt that Zuo Yi had a calm personality and acted grandiosely, which was more challenging than Xiao Can.

It’s a pity that Zuo Yi won the number nine, and once again successfully avoided the three of them.

“The rules of the promotion match are the same as before, but the five groups are competing at the same time. The winner leaves and the loser continues to fight. Please come on stage.”

With a wave of the middle-aged man, five battle platforms descended from the sky and landed in front of the five people.

These battle platforms are different from the previous ones. They are all specially made, and both the material and the formation are more powerful.

Even a master of the Tongxuan Realm fights, it is difficult to cause damage to it.

After all, the people who stayed in the end can’t take it lightly. If the battlefield is broken, then their Lingwu family will be embarrassed and thrown home.


With a burst of sound, Ye Xiu and Xiao Can boarded the second platform, and Xiaohu boarded the first platform.

Her opponent is also a woman, Ningyuan Second Stage’s Cultivation Base, she looks very beautiful, but standing with Xiaohu, it is completely incomparable.

Mu Tianye stepped onto the fourth stage. His opponent was a thin and tall boy. The Cultivation Base had reached Ningyuan’s Second Stage and was equal to Mu Tianye.

But between his eyebrows, there was a fierceness that didn’t match his body shape, which made one dare not to underestimate it.

“Ye Xiu, if you tell me the content of that letter now, I can give you a happy one, otherwise, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world.”

Xiao Can is fierce and authentic.

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