Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2819 True Spirit Fragments!

"Is this the Dao-breaking realm?"

Su Chen opened his eyes, bright lights intertwined in his eyes, and mysterious symbols rose.

His whole person exudes an ethereal Taoist charm, as if he is standing in the empty time, transcending the long river of time, and has an immortal and mysterious aura.

Originally, in Su Chen's perception, the heavens and the universe were boundless and vast.

But at this moment, Su Chen felt that the heavens and the universe were so crowded, as if he were in a small pond, feeling an extremely depressing atmosphere.

He wants to break through this universe and go to a wider land.

"The heavens and the universe are not the real universe, but a semi-real and semi-spiritual world?"

Su Chen's heart was shaken, and there was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

It wasn't until this moment that he saw the mystery of the heavens and the universe.

In the heavens and universe in front of us, there are the cause and effect of all spirits, the spiritual power of all living beings is entangled, and they merge with the principles of the heart of heaven to form a small universe, but it is not real and is somewhat illusory.

The creatures in the universe seem to be somewhat transparent, like bubbles under the sun that may burst at any time.

"How could such a change happen? The heavens and the universe are not the real world?"

Su Chen was shocked, looked at Feizhu, and asked the doubts in his heart.

"The heavens and the universe are just small universes. They are indeed not the real world! Because only the big universe carries the great road.

Only when the origin has developed the power of immortality can it truly exist and never perish!

The heavens and the universe are just small universes, between reality and illusion. One day they will fall into reincarnation and become completely extinct! Like water bubbles in the sun, they are born and broken, unable to be immortal! "

Feizhu explained to Su Chen.

Su Chen's breakthrough to the Tao-breaking realm was also a leap in the level of life. He condensed the real Tao seed, completely transformed the imaginary into reality, and could enter the real place.

Hongmeng Realm!

Moreover, Feizhu bluntly said that unless the creatures in the heavens and universe can really transcend and enter the realm of breaking the Tao, otherwise, they will still be completely wiped out with the death of the heavens and universe.

This made Su Chen feel a little solemn. It seemed that it was too difficult to make the universe live forever, let alone make the people he cared about immortal.

"The real world is in the Hongmeng Realm! Only in the Hongmeng Realm can living beings be immortal, even reincarnated, and have true souls that are immortal and have great fortune!"

Flying Pig finally said.

"I see!"

Su Chen nodded.

It seems that he must go to the Hongmeng Realm as soon as possible, continue to strengthen himself, and then find opportunities to introduce those people he cares about to the Hongmeng Realm.

"Can the heavens and the universe be promoted to the great universe and escape the fate of reincarnation and annihilation?"

Su Chen asked Feizhu for advice.

As a Tianxin Dao beast, Feizhu knows many ancient secrets and must be able to

solve this problem.

In the end, Feizhu gave Su Chen a definite answer.

"Yes! The universe can be promoted to the great universe, but this requires you to enter the realm of Dao Zun. As a creature of the universe, as long as you enter the realm of Dao Zun, the universe can also achieve its ultimate goal. Sublime and become the immortal universe!”

Flying Pig nodded.

"Dao Zun?"

Su Chen nodded secretly in his heart. This way, he felt a lot more relieved.

In the heavens and universe in front of us, the way of heaven has been reshaped by Su Chen. It still has at least one era of life and will not fall or become extinct.

As long as Su Chen can break through to the realm of Dao Zun within this era, he can drive the heavens and the universe to fully sublimate and evolve into the great universe.

Of course, it is not easy to break through to Dao Zun. Dao Zun is the last state of the ten realms of Dao. It can be said to be the pinnacle figure. In the world of Hongmeng, he can be regarded as a big shot.

"Su Chen, the Chaos Sea is the forbidden land left by the Chaos God Emperor. It is suspected to be the fragments of the immortal universe in the Chaos God Emperor's body. You may be able to explore it. If you can find the power of immortality and integrate it into the universe, you can also Let the heavens and the universe evolve!”

Feizhu reminded.

"I understand! However, the most urgent task is to collect Ruowei's true spirit fragments!"

Su Chen nodded and said, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Lin Ruowei would die for him, there was no way he would

Even if he just sat back and watched, as long as there was even a ten thousandth chance, he would go all out.

Now, Su Chen has broken through to the Dao-breaking realm. He can control the power of heaven in the universe, and at the same time search the heavens to find Lin Ruowei's true spirit fragments.

In fact, Lin Ruowei and Su Yuanzong died together, and they had completely fallen. However, she was special. She was the spirit of the heart of heaven. The true spirit was scattered throughout the universe, and there was still hope of reunion.


Su Chen reached out and grabbed it, and the mysterious brilliance intertwined in the palm of his hand. The power of heaven seemed to be held in his hands. In an instant, the mysterious power of heaven intertwined, and the rhyme of the law rose and spread in all directions.

The majestic origins of Heavenly Dao intertwined, as if forming a devouring vortex, beginning to encompass all parts of the world.

Taking advantage of the vague connection between Heavenly Dao and Tianxin Spirit, Su Chen began to use the power of Heavenly Dao to search for Lin Ruowei's true spirit fragments.

Soon, there were bright light and rain interweaving in all directions, and mysterious fragments were extracted by Su Chen from all the worlds and merged into the way of heaven.

"It is indeed Ruowei's true spirit fragment!"

Su Chen's heart trembled, and his eyes turned red, full of anticipation.

Without any hesitation, he pushed the source of Heavenly Dao to the extreme, hoping to completely condense Lin Ruowei's true spirit fragments.

This process is not easy. Even if Su Chen is at the Dao-breaking realm, exploring the heavens and the universe to collect true spirit fragments is no better than finding a needle in a haystack.

How much simpler.

"It's too slow! According to this process, it will probably take at least tens of thousands of years to collect all Ruowei's true spirit fragments!"

Su Chen frowned and said.

"Tens of thousands of years is still too slow? This is already fast. If you hadn't had a strong foundation and had broken through to the Tao-breaking realm, you might not be able to recover Lin Ruowei's true spirit fragments in an era!"

Feizhu rolled his eyes and said that Su Chen was not satisfied.

"Don't worry, I have enough patience! It's only ten thousand years, even if I step through the heavens, I will find all the true spirit fragments of Ruowei!"

Su Chen said slowly, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

Next, he sat cross-legged in the void, mobilizing the power of the heavenly law in the heavens and the universe, covering all the heavens and all realms. The silk threads were like a heavenly and earthly net, constantly searching for the true spirit fragments and gathering them.

"This guy has no idea how difficult it is to save Lin Ruowei! The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pool does not have the realm of the Lord of Rules, so it may be difficult to borrow it. I hope he can succeed!"

Feizhu sighed softly.

He understood that collecting Lin Ruowei's true spirit fragments was only the first step, and compared to the next step, it was also the easiest step.

It is really difficult to borrow the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pond to bring Lin Ruowei back to life.

Because, as far as he knew, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pond was in the hands of a peerless figure. He was a big man who made the masters of rules fear him. Can Su Chen really borrow it?

Feizhu felt a little nervous.

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