Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2818 Breaking the Dao Realm!

The heavens and the universe, the eternal starry sky.

This is a dark place of silence. Su Chen is sitting on an ancient star. Chaotic light is diffused all over his body. Dao rhyme rises. Mysterious symbols are intertwined, linking up a series of divine chains of order that run through the heavens. Su Chen It looks divine.

Behind him, the ancient world of chaos emerged, like a pure land of chaos, with mountains across the sky, ancient sacred mountains standing in clusters, various divine birds and monsters, gods and demons roaring, shaking the starry sky.

The ancient chaotic world was Su Chen's origin. At this moment, it was completely manifested and appeared in the universe.

Su Chen stood in the ancient world of chaos, like an immortal God of Creation, as if he wanted to create all things, ignite the divine fire, and create an immortal civilization.

In the ancient world of chaos, three true bodies emerged.

The true form of Chaos stands in the center, eternal and immortal, and the mysterious light of Chaos seems to suppress the world.

The real body of Tianxin stands on the left side, exuding the breath of time, as if coming from the future, pregnant with infinite possibilities.

The true body of reincarnation stands on the right side. It seems to come from the past and does not belong to this ancient history.

Linked to the long river of time.

And Su Chen's true self is beyond the end of the empty time, as if he is ascending towards the nine heavens.

The three true bodies are intertwined with the immortal principles. In the ancient world of chaos, there seems to be some kind of fusion and collision, being constantly torn apart, and then constantly being reborn.

If it were before, Su Chen wanted to break the shackles of the Tao and condense his own Tao seed. This was a kind of transcendence, a ground-breaking step, and it was extremely difficult.

Even in Hongmeng Realm, the breakthrough from the third realm to the fourth realm is a watershed, because the condensed Tao seeds are related to the future and one's own path.

However, Su Chen's current background is so incredible!

The immortal body is fused with the Hongmeng Purple Qi and condensed into the Hongmeng Chaos Body. This already possesses some of the foundations of the Lord of Rules.

The soul is crystal clear, transcending the shackles of time. It has been tempered and blessed by Su Yuanzong with countless treasures. It is extremely powerful, even surpassing the strong men in the Tao-breaking realm.

Tao Principles, the body has the three principles of chaos, Tianxin and reincarnation.

You know, in Hongmeng

In the ancient world, those who were able to condense more than one kind of Taoist principles before reaching the Dao-breaking realm were all of them with unparalleled and unparalleled appearance, destined to forge a supreme foundation.

It is unique to condense three kinds of principles and manifest the true bodies of three kinds of principles.

It is extremely rare among the Lords of Rules. Perhaps only the legendary creation gods, or even the ancient God Emperor, have such a heaven-defying talent.

After all, the Great Dao Realm is the realm of tempering one's own Dao. Only by focusing on one Dao can one reach the extreme.

Before Dao Zun, there were very few people who dared to dabble in other Dao principles.

Because this will infinitely slow down your own cultivation and breakthrough speed.

But Su Chen was different. He already had enough foundation to defy the heavens. Breaking through to the Dao-breaking realm was almost a matter of course.



Thunder roared around Su Chen, and the chaotic sky thunder fell from the sky like a waterfall, scattering bright thunder light, as if to cleanse everything.

In the Hongmeng Realm, Su Chen easily penetrated and shattered the three great principles of chaos, heaven's heart and reincarnation, and then destroyed them.

Reshape, the three avenues are intertwined, condensing a strange Tao seed.

That Tao seed is surrounded by three mysterious auras of the past, present and future, intertwined with the three-color divine brilliance, simple and mysterious.

The Tao seeds were planted in the ancient world of chaos and took root in the center of the world, just like a world sacred tree, nurturing infinite vitality.

And Su Chen could also feel that his aura was constantly rising. In an instant, it transcended the constraints of the heavens and the universe, and his consciousness and thoughts spread hundreds of millions of miles away, swimming in the sea of ​​chaos. Ling Xu Yu wind.

Su Chen felt a great sense of ease and freedom. His whole body seemed to have cut off cause and effect, broken all constraints, and was completely detached from the avenue.

He condensed his own Tao Seed. That Tao Seed was intertwined with three colors of divine brilliance. It could mobilize the Tao power of the three great ways. It was rooted in the origin of his own life and became one with the ancient world of chaos.

Su Chen made a breakthrough and completely entered the Dao-breaking realm!

"Is this the Dao-breaking realm?"

Su Chen slowly opened his eyes, and there was a strange light blooming in his eyes, as if tearing apart easily.

The barrier between the heavens and the universe was broken, and the endless sea of ​​chaos outside the universe was seen.

Su Chen could feel that the Tao seed was rooted in the ancient world of chaos, giving birth to infinite vitality. Sooner or later, it would grow into a towering tree, expand the four poles of the world, and become an immortal existence like a world tree.

And when the Tao seed grows into a towering tree, absorbs the endless power of Tao, and finally condenses a Tao fruit, that is when he enters the fifth realm, the Tao fruit realm.

Although it was still far away, Su Chen's heart was full of expectations. He saw the future and was full of hope.


At this moment, the entire universe was roaring and trembling violently, chaotic sky thunder poured down, flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and the heavenly ways of the universe were all resonating with Su Chen.

All creatures seem to feel a sense of joy and freedom, and the original aura of the entire universe has surged.

The heavens and the universe are resonating with the Dao of Heaven, seeming to be welcoming and worshiping, the first living being in history to transcend the Great Dao and enter the realm of breaking the Dao!

From then on, Su Chen became transcendent and invincible in the world!

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