Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2820 After ten thousand years, the true spirit reappears!

Spirit world.

As the way of heaven was reshaped, the heavens and the universe gradually regained their vitality, and the divine world also ushered in a period of peace and tranquility.

Everyone knew that it was Su Chen, the Emperor of Heaven, who reshaped the way of heaven, killed the culprit behind the way of heaven, and prevented the destruction of the heavens and the universe.

The Heavenly Emperor Su Chen's prestige in the God Realm has also reached its peak.

Especially when all the emperors have fallen and withered, and almost no god-emperors exist in the entire god world, the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen has become the only true god, the savior of all races in the sky.

Whether it is the ancient tribes, or the hidden ancient tribes, or the imperial sects, they have all chosen to surrender to the heaven.

Even in the demon world, the most powerful people from the ten major demon clans and demon sects came to submit letters of surrender to the heaven, willing to surrender to the heaven.

Heaven has achieved unity in a practical sense, unifying the two realms of gods and demons, the ancient starry sky, and billions of universes, recreating the glory of ancient Heaven, and the destiny of Heaven is extremely grand.

Especially the ancient god Su Chen, as the incarnation of Su Chen, now stands in the heaven, as the supreme emperor of heaven, manifesting the unparalleled aura of conquering the world and being invincible.

No disrespectful thought can occur to anyone.

In both the worlds of gods and demons, many ancient families and immortal holy places have erected immortal tablets of the Emperor of Heaven. Countless creatures prayed day and night to receive the blessing of the Emperor of Heaven.

The power of faith of all the gods gathered in the heaven and integrated into the body of Ancient God Su Chen. Not only did the strength of Ancient God Su Chen skyrocket, but he also became more extraordinary and mysterious.

He seems to have touched the legendary avenue of faith. Although it has shortcomings and is not a real avenue, it is a feasible path. If you practice to the top and sublimate it to the extreme, with the power of the faith of all spirits, it is very likely that you can Reach the other side of transcendence, make up for the shortcomings, and turn illusion into reality.

The human race has become one of the most powerful races in the world.

Even the humans who fell into the demon world are respected and awe-stricken by the demons, and they are willing to provide them with a pure land for the humans to thrive.

Because everyone understands that behind the human race is the Emperor of Heaven, Su Chen, who is the first transcendent person in history, the first supreme being to successfully slay the sky and defeat the heavens.

As long as Su Chen stays in this world forever,

The heaven will be immortal forever, and the human race will be prosperous forever.

Today's worlds of gods and demons seem to have washed away their feud and become extremely peaceful. Teleportation arrays and space gates have even begun to be built between the two worlds, allowing creatures from the two worlds to communicate with each other.

The Battle of Zhantian was led by the six giants of Zhantian, and tens of thousands of emperors accompanied Zhantian. In the end, only Su Chen survived. It was a tragic event.

However, the fall of the emperors has created a vacuum in the high-end combat power of the gods and demons. The most powerful ones are the ancient emperors and demon ancestors who killed themselves, and the quasi-emperors.

But it also caused many crises to be resolved invisible, and those old monsters did not even dare to show up.

The Emperor of Heaven is eternal, invincible, and reigns supreme in Heaven, becoming the only true God!

With the ancient god Su Chen sitting in heaven, Su Chen was not worried. He had been mobilizing the power of heaven to search for Lin Ruowei's true spirit fragments under the stars.

Soon, thousands of years passed.

Ten thousand years is neither long nor short. You must know that it did not take ten thousand years for Su Chen to come from the Xuantian Realm and cultivate to his current state.

Thousands of years,

It is enough to restore vitality to the heavens and the universe, and all the gods and spirits have evolved a wonderful civilization epic.

And Su Chen, who was sitting in the sky, finally captured and re-condensed the fragments of Lin Ruowei's true spirit from the universe and the endless Ganges sand world.

"Ruowei, I finally found you again!"

Su Chen's eyes were a little red, and his heart was full of excitement and inability to control himself.

In front of him, inside a crystal clear coffin, a luminous figure lay there quietly.

It was an extremely illusory figure, shining with light and filled with a mysterious aura, as if it would completely dissipate at any time.

What's more important is that the figure is covered with cracks, as densely packed as a spider web, as if it will break at any time.

That figure was none other than Lin Ruowei!

The white clothes are better than the snow, spotless, with an extraordinary temperament, peerless elegance, and the most peerless appearance, but at this moment there is no life at all, only a little bit of true spirit, beating slowly.

This is Lin Ruowei's true spirit!

Over tens of thousands of years, Su Chen mobilized the vast

The origin of heaven searched all heavens, and then all the fragments of Lin Ruowei's true spirit were recovered, and then piece by piece, they were pieced together into Lin Ruowei's body.

Now, all the true spirit fragments were gathered together, and Su Chen cherished and carefully placed them in a precious crystal coffin for fear of breaking them.

Lin Ruowei is already dead. Even if the true spirits gather together, it will be difficult for him to be reborn.

According to Feizhu, one must find the most precious Six Paths of Reincarnation Pond in Hongmeng Realm and put Lin Ruowei's true spirit into it before he can be reborn.

"Ruowei, I will definitely find the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pond and save you!"

Su Chen said seriously, his eyes full of determination.

He took a deep look at Lin Ruowei, then waved his sleeves and put away the crystal coffin.

"Su Chen, I have helped you collect the true spirit fragments of the Taishi God Emperor. I am exhausted! I can't do it anymore. I have to train for a while. When you set off to Hongmeng Realm, wake me up again! "

Feizhu threw a black ball of light at Su Chen, looking very tired, and turned into a stream of light, submerged into Su Chen's body, and chose to sleep.

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