Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 114 Seventh, Devouring True Fire!

"It is indeed a swallowing fire!"

Su Chen was filled with emotion.

In his previous life, he did not have the opportunity to enter the secret realm of Wolong Mountain, but he also knew that the final inheritance place of Yanlong Martial Saint had a supreme true fire of heaven and earth.

Devour the true fire!

Ranked seventh among the top ten true fires of heaven and earth.

And each of these ten true fires of heaven and earth has the hope of being promoted to the legendary divine fire, possessing terrifying power comparable to that of gods.

However, the devouring true fire in the previous life did not fall into his hands. It was said that it was taken away by the people of Jiuyang Shenzong.

Su Chen guessed that if it didn't go as he expected, it would most likely fall into the hands of Lei Ming!

But now, Su Chen has a chance to get the Devouring True Fire, so he is naturally unwilling to give up!

"The incomparable mystery of swallowing true fire is the most mysterious among the ten true fires of heaven and earth. It is said that it can swallow all flames and improve itself. It is not impossible to even surpass the first-ranked chaos true fire!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.

In his previous life, he had obtained the third true sun fire and refined the supreme divine elixir.

That true sun fire was finally recovered from an ancient secret realm.

It took a life of almost death to get it.

But in Su Chen's opinion, the value of this Devouring True Fire is no less than that of the Sun's True Fire!

"Thank you, senior!"

Su Chen bowed his hands to Yanlong Martial Saint seriously.

Then, his eyes were bright and dazzling, and he walked towards the dazzling light group.

He wants to refine and devour the true fire!

"Su Chen, be careful! The real fire of heaven and earth is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. Don't be brave!"

Jun Ziling looked solemn and said seriously.

"I see!"

Su Chen smiled calmly.

Then, he stepped into the light group.


Like thunder vibrating, the blazing flames spread out instantly, containing extremely high temperature, and enveloped Su Chen in an instant.

The dazzling golden clouds rose, and the mysterious devouring true fire swayed, but it exuded an extremely terrifying devouring power, flying towards Su Chen like a whirlpool.

Then, the divine light roared, the flames were blazing, and the light group was covered by endless flames, and nothing could be seen.

"I hope Su Chen can succeed!"

Jun Ziling's eyes were full of worry.

"Don't worry, Miss Jun.

, the young master is a genius, he can even understand the cloud seal script, and he will definitely be able to refine this devouring true fire! "

Zhao Xu comforted.

However, he was still a little nervous in his heart, but he had already pledged his allegiance to Su Chen and made a great oath to Feng Shui. If Su Chen died, he would also suffer backlash.

Therefore, he could only pray that Su Chen could refine the Devouring True Fire.

On the other side, Lin Qingqing had entered the blood pool.

hold head high! hold head high! hold head high!

An ancient dragon roar shook the void, making the ancient palace buzz and tremble.

In the blood pool, giant blood-colored dragons soared into the sky and enveloped Lin Qingqing.

The blood-colored runes were intertwined like a barrier, constantly twisting and turning into streams of extremely pure blood-colored energy, which poured into Lin Qingqing's body.

Lin Qingqing's aura became stronger and stronger.

She seemed to be undergoing some kind of bloodline transformation, and she seemed to be reborn.

However, this process is also extremely painful.

Lin Qingqing's face was covered with beads of sweat, but she was extremely stubborn. She remained silent and continued to temper herself in the extreme pain.

, allowing the Yanlong bloodline in the body to gradually recover.

Yanlong Palace.

There were originally thousands of figures that had entered Yanlong Palace, but now only a small half remained.

Most of them died in the powerful illusion and killing arrays, leaving behind hundreds of corpses. The palace was filled with a rich smell of blood, just like Shura Hell.

Lei Ming's eyes were sharp and his aura was unparalleled, but there were some scars on his body at the moment. Thinking of the illusory formation just now, he was also frightened.

When they entered the Yanlong Palace, they did not expect that the Yanlong Palace was filled with phantom formations, and various strange illusions appeared, which also contained murderous intentions.

If a person is not strong enough in cultivation, mental strength, or willpower, his mind will be easily affected by the phantom formation, and he will die in the terrifying killing formation.

Hundreds of Wu Zong and Wu Zun were buried in the formation.

"This test left by Flame Dragon Martial Saint is too cruel, isn't it? Is he selecting the successor, or does he want to kill us all?"

The Ninth Prince Yang Qi was also pale and looked ugly.

In order to save him in the illusion formation just now, the four great martial arts guards he brought with him actually directly

The death of two people made him extremely heartbroken.

"How can it be so easy to obtain the inheritance of the Martial Saint? However, the stronger this test is, the more I look forward to the inheritance!"

There was no trace of fear in Lei Ming's eyes, but instead they were filled with strong fighting intent.

"Senior Brother Lei Ming is right. I believe that the person who will eventually receive the inheritance of the Martial Saint must be Senior Brother Lei Ming!"

Jiang Yunhe also smiled flatteringly.

"That's weird! Where did Su Chen and Jun Ziling go? Did they die in the illusion array?"

Ninth Prince Yang Qi is a little strange.

He had always paid close attention to Su Chen and Jun Ziling and regarded them as powerful threats, but he never expected that after entering Yanlong Palace, Su Chen and Jun Ziling were nowhere to be seen.

"I don't know, but I feel like they are not dead!"

Jiang Yunhe's expression also darkened and he said coldly.

"Don't worry so much! The next test is the puppet formation, everyone, be careful!"

Lei Dong said in a deep voice.


As soon as he finished speaking, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Several giant puppets with cold auras and their whole bodies were like made of gold and iron came towards them from across the sky!

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