Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 115 The Pain of Burning God!

In the light ball.

A figure sat cross-legged in the golden flame, his whole body was red, flowing with a faint golden glow, and there was a trace of pain between his eyebrows.

There was a bright light between his eyebrows, and the powerful martial arts soul completely erupted, and the mental power surged, spreading towards the light golden flame in front of him.

Su Chen was trying to refine the Devouring True Fire!

However, this process was extremely painful.

Although there was only a seed left of the Devouring True Fire, it was extremely powerful and could burn and devour everything.

Even though Su Chen had condensed the martial arts soul and his mental power was almost materialized, his mental power was burned into nothingness by the Devouring True Fire before it got close to it.

Even Su Chen suffered a lot of backlash due to the damage to his mental power.

However, Su Chen did not give up.

He knew better than anyone that refining the powerful Heaven and Earth True Fire was a slow process, requiring patience, perseverance, talent and wisdom, none of which could be missing.

Although several spiritual powers were burned into nothingness, Su Chen also roughly tested the strength of the Devouring True Fire and slowly found a way to refine the Devouring True Fire.

"This Devouring True Fire contains a powerful power of devouring and assimilation, which is different from the violent and fierce Sun True Fire! If you want to refine it, you must resist its devouring and assimilation power!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart, his eyes bright and dazzling.

"If it is a slow and steady effort, with my spiritual strength, it may take some time to refine it! But, I don't have so much time..."

Su Chen sighed in his heart.

He understood what Yanlong Wusheng meant.

Because Lin Qingqing has the blood of Yanlong, Lin Qingqing can take them directly to avoid all the tests and enter the depths of Yanlong Palace, the final place of inheritance.

But Lei Ming and Jiang Yunhe and others are not so lucky, and they need to go through a series of tests.

It won't be long before someone among them passes the test and comes here.

If Su Chen had not yet refined the Devouring True Fire by then, he would have to face the attacks and plunders of those people!

He also understood that this was a test given to him by the Flame Dragon Martial Saint.

That is, before those people passed the test, Su Chen had to completely refine the Devouring True Fire.

"Perhaps there is only one way... Take the Heaven and Earth True Fire into the body, isolate the power of heaven and earth, and suppress and refine it with the martial arts soul!"

A hint of madness flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

He also has the most direct and fastest method.

That is to absorb the Devouring True Fire directly into his sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows, and then urge the martial arts soul to suppress the Devouring True Fire.

This method is extremely dangerous and has a high risk of death.

If Su Chen cannot suppress the Devouring True Fire, his soul will be completely devoured by the Devouring True Fire, and then burn into nothingness, completely dead and gone.

"I'm going to take this Devouring True Fire!"

A hint of determination appeared in Su Chen's eyes.


He was surrounded by a powerful Qi wave, and then his eyebrows shone brightly, and a powerful swallowing vortex emerged, enveloping the Devouring True Fire in front of him.

The next moment, the Devouring True Fire trembled slightly, floated up directly, turned into a stream of light, and flew into Su Chen's eyebrow sea of ​​consciousness.


Su Chen's eyebrow sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have instantly turned into a raging sea of ​​fire, and the temperature suddenly rose. The pale golden Devouring True Fire flew towards Su Chen's martial arts soul.

Su Chen could even feel the creepy feeling of death approaching.

However, the more this time, the calmer Su Chen was.

He operated the Nine Dragons Battle Heaven Art, and the thick Qi around him surged. The martial arts soul also made an ancient dragon roar, and instantly turned into a red dragon.

Then, the red dragon swallowed the Devouring True Fire directly into its belly.

"Refine it for me!"

Su Chen shouted in his heart.

His martial arts soul radiated a blazing and dazzling brilliance, and fine chains intertwined like a divine chain of order, trapping the Devouring True Fire in it and refining it.


The Devouring True Fire seemed to contain a kind of spiritual fluctuation, unwilling to be refined. In an instant, the temperature suddenly soared, and even the light golden flame turned black, emitting a violent breath of swallowing everything.


Although Su Chen's martial arts soul was powerful, it suddenly burned up under the burning of the Devouring True Fire, spewing out blazing flames.

The extreme pain of the soul being burned, as if the soul was torn apart in an instant, made Su Chen's face pale instantly.

However, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

As he operated the Nine Dragons Battle Heaven Art, strands of mental power gathered and rushed towards his martial arts soul, making his soul power stronger and stronger.

In this process of burning and rebirth, Su Chen gradually found the strange frequency of the Devouring True Fire and slowly incorporated it into his martial arts soul.

Refining it bit by bit!

"It hurts so much..."

Su Chen roared in his heart.

The pain of the soul being burned is a thousand times and ten thousand times more painful than the body being burned.

However, in this extreme pain, Su Chen's speed of refining the Devouring True Fire is advancing by leaps and bounds!

The light golden Devouring True Fire gradually turned into a dark flame!

This is the true face of the Devouring True Fire!


Just when Su Chen was about to refine the Devouring True Fire, floating in his sea of ​​consciousness, the simple and mysterious Qiankun Cauldron suddenly buzzed and trembled.


The black ink-devouring true fire flew towards the Qiankun Cauldron instantly like a stream of light!

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