Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 113 The remnant soul of the Martial Saint!

"I am the Flame Dragon Martial Saint! All my descendants have the blood of the Flame Dragon!" The middle-aged man in the dragon robe, the Flame Dragon Martial Saint, said slowly. His eyes were vicissitudes and bright, as if he could see through Lin Qingqing in front of him. He pointed in the air, and a blood light flew towards Lin Qingqing. Ang! Lin Qingqing felt the blood boiling all over her body, and the blood was surging. It turned into a small red dragon and rushed into the sky. It instantly wrapped around the Flame Dragon Martial Saint and then sank into the blood pool. "Flame Dragon Martial Saint, my ancestor?" Lin Qingqing widened her eyes and was extremely shocked. She had never thought that the royal lineage of their Dali Kingdom was actually inherited from a powerful Martial Saint, the Flame Dragon Martial Saint. And the feeling of blood connection made her instantly certain that the Flame Dragon Martial Saint was indeed her ancestor. "Good boy, although your Flame Dragon bloodline has not yet revived, your bloodline concentration is very strong, almost reverting to the original state. Perhaps our lineage can see hope in you!"

Flame Dragon Martial Saint looked at Lin Qingqing with a gentle gaze full of hope.

"Our lineage?"

Lin Qingqing seemed to understand.

"You don't need to know these now, you will know them later! Come on, enter the Flame Dragon Blood Pool and let your Flame Dragon bloodline completely revive!"

Flame Dragon Martial Saint said slowly.


Lin Qingqing nodded respectfully.

However, she seemed a little hesitant, but still said: "Ancestors, they are all my friends, and they are all very talented. If you have any inheritance, you can give it to them, not to those bad guys outside!"

"Them? Huh?"

Flame Dragon Martial Saint glanced at Su Chen, Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu, but automatically ignored Zhao Xu, and finally his eyes fell on Su Chen and Jun Ziling, revealing a hint of surprise.

"This little girl actually got the inheritance from Brother Qingyun? Brother Qingyun has a successor! But, you little guy, can actually refine the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book?"

The Flame Dragon Martial Saint's eyes swept over Jun Ziling and Su Chen, and finally stared at Su Chen and said.

He saw at a glance that Jun Ziling got the inheritance from the Qingyun Sword Saint, and from what he said, he and the Qingyun Sword Saint had a deep friendship.

But what shocked him even more was that Su Chen refined the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book.

"To reply to the senior, I was lucky enough to refine the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book, and from it I comprehended a sword technique called the Seven Swords of the Sky!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he smiled slightly.

"The Seven Swords of the Sky? You really refined the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book!"

When the Flame Dragon Martial Saint heard the words "The Seven Swords of the Sky", his whole body trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of great emotion.

He was silent for a long time.

Finally, he raised his head, looked at Su Chen and said slowly: "You should know that my bloodline can only be inherited by my descendants! But you got the Yunzhuan Heavenly Book and comprehended the Seven Swords of Jietian. This may be God's will..."


"I have a treasure, but if you want to get it, you need to go through an extremely difficult test. Do you want to try it?"

Yanlong Wusheng seemed to have made the decision after thinking for a long time.

His eyes were deep and sharp, staring at Su Chen with some scrutiny, waiting for his answer.

Su Chen's heart moved.

He immediately thought of the treasure in the legend.

This is really a pleasant surprise.

He didn't expect that Yanlong Wusheng would be willing to give him that treasure?

It seems that it should be because of Yunzhuan Heavenly Book and Seven Swords of Jietian.

"Junior is willing to give it a try!"

Su Chen said seriously.

"Very good! Although your cultivation is a little weak, your mental power is strong. You have already condensed the martial arts spirit, so you are qualified to refine that treasure! However, whether you can get it depends on your luck! Although I set up the illusion array test, there are still a few good guys in the group outside. If they rush in, they will definitely snatch it from you, so you have to think it through!" Yanlong Wusheng nodded. "Junior understands!" Su Chen said seriously. Since there is a chance to get that treasure, he will naturally not let it go. "Okay! If you want to refine that treasure, you will die. Since you have thought it through, it depends on your luck!" Yanlong Wusheng stopped persuading and said slowly. Boom! Then, he waved his hand, and the void twisted suddenly. A dazzling ball of light appeared in the palace, emitting an extremely hot breath fluctuation. In the light ball, a light golden flame was jumping, flowing with mysterious light, as if it could burn the sky and destroy the earth, emitting a breath fluctuation that made people tremble. "This is the seed of Devouring True Fire, which ranks seventh on the Heaven and Earth True Fire List. It is also a treasure that even the Martial Emperor will go crazy when seeing it! I hope you are a lucky guy!"

Flame Dragon Martial Saint said slowly.

"Devouring True Fire?"

Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu trembled all over, with extremely shocked expressions in their eyes.

How could they not know the Heaven and Earth True Fire List?

The Heaven and Earth True Fire on the Heaven and Earth True Fire List are all bred by heaven and earth, mysterious and unpredictable, with the ability to destroy the world, and are the treasures that alchemists and weapon refiners dream of.

Jiang Yunhe had previously obtained a purple lotus true fire, which ranked more than 100 on the Heaven and Earth True Fire List, extremely low, which attracted countless people's envy and jealousy.

The true fire ranked in the top ten of the Heaven and Earth True Fire List even has the hope of being promoted to the legendary divine fire, and even the Martial Emperor will go crazy when seeing it.

Who could have thought that the Flame Dragon Martial Saint would have the seventh-ranked Devouring True Fire?

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