Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 112 Yanlong Palace!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as Lei Dong finished speaking, the eyes of Lei Dong beside him flashed brightly, and he immediately took the lead and flew towards the Heritage Heavenly Palace.

Behind him, Jiang Yunhe and the Ninth Prince, as well as several of the Ninth Prince's martial guards, also entered the Heritage Heavenly Palace.

"The Heavenly Palace of Inheritance is open, hurry in!"

"I will decide on the inheritance of the Martial Saint!"

"Hahaha... This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I must enter the Holy Land of Martial Arts!"

Everyone was extremely excited and excited, and they jumped up and flew towards the heavenly palace.

Su Chen flew into the sky with his sword, and with Lin Qingqing, Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu, they also followed the others and soared into the sky.

"Little guy, if you can get the Martial Saint inheritance, sister, I will accept you as my disciple!"

At this moment, Luo Xuan's voice sounded in Su Chen's ears.

Su Chen's eyes lit up, and then he smiled at Luo Xuan and said, "It's a deal!"

Soon, everyone entered the inheritance palace.

Only the three great Martial Kings, Lin Ruowei, Yuan Haoran and several other powerful Martial Kings were left outside.

"Master Luo

Sister, you seem to be very optimistic about Su Chen. Do you really want to accept him as your disciple? "

Yuan Haoran stood beside Luo Xuan and asked curiously.

"That kid is a bit interesting, and he has an extremely powerful sword intent. He should have just gotten the opportunity in the secret realm! But it's not that easy to become my disciple. You have to pass my test first!"

Luo Xuan smiled slightly.

Yuan Haoran was silent for a moment and said: "Is this inheritance palace the test you gave him?"

"So be it! Lei Dong's grandson Lei Ming is not weak. If he can snatch the Martial Saint inheritance from Lei Ming, even if I accept him as my disciple, it's not impossible!"

Luo Xuan smiled.

Yanlong Palace!

Three big characters with flying dragons and phoenixes appeared on the ancient heavenly palace.

The golden clouds are dazzling and the dragon's power is permeated, making people feel a sense of awe at the first sight.

"It is indeed the inheritance of Yanlong Martial Saint!"

Su Chen looked at the three ancient characters of Yanlong Palace and understood in his heart.

Lei Ming, Jiang Yunhe, the Ninth Prince and others had already entered the Yanlong Palace first.

Everyone rushed in eagerly.

Soon, the Heavenly Palace will be inherited

Only Su Chen and four others were left outside.

"Brother Su Chen, I feel that those three words have a very familiar feeling, as if there is some mystery!"

There was a hint of confusion in Lin Qingqing's eyes, and she pointed at the three words Yanlong Palace and said slowly.

"Familiar? Your Highness, please activate your blood and see what you can sense!"

Su Chen's heart moved.

He was not in a hurry to enter Yanlong Palace.

Lin Qingqing is a bloodline descendant of Yanlong Martial Saint. Now that she is here, Lin Qingqing may be able to feel the true inheritance of Yanlong Martial Saint.

He didn't think that anyone in Yanlong Palace could easily obtain the inheritance of the Martial Saint.

He knew very well that many people died in the inheritance place of Yanlong Martial Saint in his previous life.

Yanlong Martial Saint is the one who chooses the inheritors, and he is not a boy who just throws away money.


Lin Qingqing nodded obediently.

Then, she activated the blood aura all over her body, and a faint dragon's power filled the air from her body, adding a bit of majesty to her whole body.


At the same time, the three ancient characters of Yanlong Palace buzzed and trembled, and the blazing glow bloomed,

It seemed that there was some strange resonance with Lin Qingqing's bloodline aura.

"Sure enough, there is another mystery!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he understood.

hold head high!

The three ancient characters of Yanlong Palace became more and more intense, until finally the divine light roared and the power of the dragon filled the air, turning into a strange whirlpool.

"Brother Su Chen, I feel like something is calling me in the whirlpool!"

Lin Qingqing said to Su Chen.

"let's go!"

Su Chen's eyes flashed, and he flew with his sword in an instant, taking Lin Qingqing, Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu into the whirlpool.

There was a bright light in front of me, and the sound of an ancient dragon's roar sounded, making people's blood boil.

Then, the scene in front of them gradually became clearer, and Su Chen and the four of them appeared in an ancient and mysterious palace.

This palace is extremely spacious.

On the huge dragon columns, there are carved red dragons, which look lifelike and exude powerful dragon power, as if they are about to be resurrected at any time.

In the center, there is a huge blood pool, with blood-colored light surging in it, which looks mysterious.


"My descendant, you are here!"

At this moment, an ancient and vicissitudes of voice sounded.

Above the blood pool, blood light rose and red clouds intertwined, gradually forming a middle-aged man with silver hair, a tall figure, and wearing a dragon robe.

The red glow around him formed the shape of a dragon, coiling around him and emitting ancient dragon roars.

"Are you...are you my ancestor?"

Lin Qingqing's eyes flashed and she asked curiously.

She instinctively felt that the middle-aged man in dragon robe in front of her was very kind, as if there was a blood connection, which made her unconsciously feel trustful.

"The remnant soul of the Martial Saint?"

Su Chen's heart was shocked and he recognized it immediately.

The middle-aged man in dragon robe in front of him is the remnant soul of a martial saint. The terrifying pressure is like the might of heaven, making people breathless.

Jun Ziling and Zhao Xu also looked pale.

Except Lin Qingqing looked as usual.

The identity of the middle-aged man in the dragon robe is ready to be revealed.

Flame Dragon Martial Saint!

Su Chen did not expect that Yanlong Martial Saint would actually leave a remnant soul in this inheritance palace.

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