Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 790 Emperor of Heaven

As the old man Qi Ling spoke, the door of Yunyu Temple suddenly opened. This ancient bronze door had not been opened for 70,000 years.

After opening it, there were five skeletons sitting inside.

Although these five skeletons have no flesh and blood, they look like they are more like living people than living people.

Seventy thousand years later, these five skeletons are still immortal, sitting in the Yunyu Temple.

"What kind of strength did these five skeletons have during their lifetimes, so that they can remain immortal for tens of thousands of years?"

Chu Fengmian exclaimed.

After the death of a powerful warrior, there is only a white skeleton left, which may be enough to be immortal for a hundred years, but it will surely weather and turn into a ball of powder in thousands or tens of thousands of years.

But these five skeletons have been immortal for a full 70,000 years. Looking at them now, there is no change at all.

It even made Chu Fengmian feel that these five skeletons seemed not to be dead, but like living people, and could be resurrected at any time.

"These are our five supreme elders from Yunyu Tiangong."

The old man Qi Ling stood aside and spoke calmly.

"Meet the five seniors."

Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli both bowed in low voices.

These five Supreme Elders are definitely the top figures in the Nine Realms. Even if they die and turn into bones, they still deserve the respect of Chu Fengmian.

"My Yunyu Tiangong finally opened it once after 70,000 years. I didn't expect to meet you for the first time. I can only say that it is a blessing for my Yunyu Tiangong."

The old man Qi Ling looked at Chu Fengmian and couldn't help but sighed.

"Little guy, are you willing to join our Yunyu Heavenly Palace and serve as the Heavenly Emperor of our Yunyu Heavenly Palace?"

"Emperor of Heaven?"

Upon hearing this title, Chu Fengmian couldn't help but exclaimed.

The successive heads of Yunyu Heavenly Palace are actually called the Emperor of Heaven?

"Yes, the heads of my Yunyu Tiangong are all Heavenly Emperors. Any one of them can dominate the nine realms and command the four directions. Why can't they be called Heavenly Emperors?"

The old man Qi Ling said proudly.

Seventy thousand years ago, Yunyu Heavenly Palace was an invincible existence in the contemporary era. No one dared to disobey orders from all directions.

"Of course, if you don't dare to take this title, you can leave now at will. There will never be any waste among the emperors of Yunyu Tiangong."

"To dominate the nine realms and command all directions, yes, I will become the Emperor of Heaven."

When Chu Fengmian heard what the old man Qi Ling said, he burst into laughter.

He wants to conquer the seven major sects and be at the top of the nine realms. The title of Emperor of Heaven is indeed suitable for him.

What could he refuse?


The old man Qi Ling heard Chu Fengmian's answer simply and neatly, and his eyes showed a bit of joy.

Only in this way, with self-confidence and arrogance from the bottom of the heart, can we truly become a strong man.

If you don't even have the heart to dominate the nine realms, how can you still be the king and dominate.

In Chu Fengmian, the old man Qi Ling saw the heart of a strong man.

Only with such a strong heart can one truly have the opportunity to step onto the top of the Nine Realms and become the Emperor of the Nine Realms.

"From today on, the owner of Yunyu Heavenly Palace belongs to you, and all the wealth in it will be yours to use. But there is only one thing. You cannot insult the name of the Emperor of Heaven, otherwise I will kill you if others don't. kill you!"

The old man Qi Ling suddenly raised his eyebrows towards Chu Fengmian. From Chu Fengmian's forehead, two wing-like marks suddenly appeared, one by one.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

A reminder for novel netizens: please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Gradually, it disappears.

In Chu Fengmian's mind, countless memories suddenly poured in. In this memory.

Seventy thousand years ago, everything that happened in Yunyu Heavenly Palace was seen by Chu Fengmian.

In addition to these memories, there was also a magic spell that came to Chu Fengmian's mind along with the memory.

"Yun Yu Transforms into Heaven Sword!"

This is a sword battle.

It was once the most powerful swordsmanship in Yunyu Heavenly Palace.

The old weapon spirit also saw that Chu Fengmian's cultivation method was mainly sword-based, so he handed over the most powerful sword technique in Yunyu Heavenly Palace to Chu Fengmian.

This Yunyu Heavenly Sword is a swordsmanship that takes speed as its ultimate goal. The speed of the sword is faster than the wind. It can even kill people with the sword, and the sword wind will come in the future.

Although the sword is eccentric, the Yunyu Heavenly Sword is definitely one of the strongest swordsmanship Chu Fengmian has ever seen.


Chu Fengmian couldn't help but sigh. The person who could master the art of swordsmanship to the extreme and create this swordsmanship was definitely an ancestor of swordsmanship.

If he hadn't taken the wrong side of the sword, it is very likely that this person would have understood the true meaning of the sword and become a sword emperor.

"Yun Yu Transforms into Heaven Sword! Integrate into me!"

Chu Fengmian shouted, this Yun Yu Tian Sword Type has countless things worth learning from, and all the secrets in it are all integrated into Chu Fengmian's Nine Domain Sword Technique.

What he wants to create is an unprecedented swordsmanship in the world. He wants to integrate all the swordsmanship in the world and create perfection.

"Okay! After integrating with this Yun Yu Tian Sword, in addition to speed, my Nine Domain Sword Skills are countless times faster than before!"

Chu Fengmian has already felt that the transformation of his nine-domain swordsmanship has endless benefits for Chu Fengmian.

However, there is only one, which is too little.

"Mr. Yun, I wonder if there are any other sword skills in Yunyu Heavenly Palace. You can come and have a look."

Chu Fengmian spoke to the old man Qi Ling.

Since this old weapon spirit was the weapon spirit of Yunyu Tiangong, Chu Fengmian called him Mr. Yun.

"What? I have always been specialized in the art of swordsmanship. It is useless to learn too much."

When Mr. Yun heard Chu Fengmian's words, he frowned.

"This Yunyu Heavenly Sword is already the best swordsmanship in my Yunyu Heavenly Palace. It's not easy for you to master it."

The implication of what Mr. Yun said was that he was telling Chu Fengmian that he could bite off more than he could chew.

After hearing what Mr. Yun said, Chu Fengmian's expression did not change at all. Chu Fengmian naturally knew this truth, and Mr. Yun reminded him for his own good.

However, if Chu Fengmian wants to create his own swordsmanship, he must combine the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought. For him, the more swordsmanship, the better.

"Old Yun, look at the sword!"

Suddenly, Chu Fengmian shouted softly, and from his hand, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword suddenly came out of his body, and stabbed towards Mr. Yun with a sudden movement of the sword.

The speed of this sword was so fast that even the light of the sword was not seen. The sword edge was already approaching Mr. Yun.

"This is?"

Mr. Yun's eyes were slightly surprised, and he suddenly pointed his finger at the center of the sword's edge, causing the sword to stop.

"Creating your own swordsmanship? You have actually created your own swordsmanship?"

In just a short moment of fighting, Mr. Yun could tell that Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship did not belong to any swordsmanship in the world, but opened up another path and created an unprecedented swordsmanship.

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