Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 791: Young Master of Tiangong

Develop the art of swordsmanship.

This is something that countless kendo masters dare not imagine. The most they can create is only one and a half moves of swordsmanship, but his own kendo is a different one.

And what Chu Fengmian followed was the nine-domain swordsmanship he developed.

The stronger the Nine Domains Swordsmanship is, the stronger Chu Fengmian will become. If the Nine Domains Swordsmanship fails, Chu Fengmian will still fall.

Although this nine-domain swordsmanship is still very immature now, if it continues, it may surpass all swordsmanship in the world in the future.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Mr. Yun looked overjoyed and said three good words in a row.

"Unparalleled in all time! Well, originally I was worried that you would insult the reputation of the Emperor of Heaven, but now it seems that there is hope for the revitalization of Yunyu Heavenly Palace!"

"Young Master, don't you want sword skills? Well, I will teach you all the sword skills in Yunyu Heavenly Palace!"

As Old Yun spoke, he closed his eyes, and suddenly a curtain of water appeared in front of him.

Above this water curtain, there are countless swordsmanships, tens of thousands of swordsmanships, all appearing in front of Chu Fengmian.

The number of tens of thousands of swordsmanships is much greater than the number recorded in the ancient books on swordsmanship.

The ancient books on swordsmanship contain countless swordsmanship accumulated in the swordsmanship. Yunyu Tiangong was indeed the first sect 70,000 years ago, with tens of thousands of swordsmanships recorded in it alone.

Moreover, many of these tens of thousands of sword skills are from ancient times, short-lived sword skills that have not been passed down to today's era.

Although these sword techniques have numerous shortcomings, they are not without their merits.

Chu Fengmian glanced over and saw all the true meanings of these swordsmanships in his eyes, and the essence of them was integrated into the Nine Domains Swordsmanship.

The integration of these ten thousand sword skills is enough to transform the Nine Domains sword skills again.

Chu Fengmian stood there for a full hour, motionless. His eyes were always looking at the swordsmanship on the water curtain.

From Chu Fengmian's body, a sword intent enveloped him. This sword intent was constantly changing, representing the transformation of the swordsmanship of the Nine Domains.


From Chu Fengmian's body, sharp sword intent suddenly burst out.

This sword intention seemed to possess all the essences of Ten Thousand Swordsmanship, but it was also somewhat different. They were all integrated by Chu Fengmian and turned into a swordsmanship that truly belonged to him.


Chu Fengmian's eyes moved. In front of him, countless sword intentions turned into a spiritual sword. It was extremely sharp and suddenly slashed forward.

The power of this sword alone was even more powerful than Chu Fengmian's previous full-strength sword.

This is just the power of Chu Fengmian's sword intention. If he really used his full strength, Chu Fengmian's strength would be several times stronger than before entering the Yunyu Heavenly Palace.

When Chu Fengmian met the Desolate Saint Lord, Chu Fengmian was confident enough to easily kill the Desolate Saint Lord with his sword.

The more perfect his Nine Domain Swordsmanship is, the more powerful Chu Fengmian becomes.


Chu Fengmian was overjoyed. Naturally, the stronger his power, the better. The wealth of the entire Yunyu Heavenly Palace could not compare to the effect of these ten thousand sword skills on Chu Fengmian.

"An hour actually passed like this."

When Chu Fengmian came back to his senses, he realized that an hour had passed. Chu Fengmian was immersed in the way of swordsmanship. He felt that he was just spending time.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

A reminder for novel netizens: please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

It took a moment, but in fact, an hour had passed.

"Very good. One hour is enough to master these ten thousand sword techniques. Your sword skills are unparalleled in history."

Elder Yun looked at Chu Fengmian and couldn't help but praise him.

Even for the most evil swordsman genius, it would take at least several days to master these ten thousand sword techniques.

But now Chu Fengmian had accomplished all this in just an hour, which made Mr. Yun extremely amazed.

"It seems that I can leave the Yunyu Heavenly Palace to the young master with peace of mind."

Old Yun sighed. In the palm of his hand, there was a formation diagram, which suddenly condensed and was handed to Chu Fengmian.

The appearance of this array diagram is exactly what the Yunyu Tiangong looks like in miniature.

"This is the core of the formation of Yunyu Heavenly Palace. As long as you activate your spiritual power, you can open the tunnel and return directly to Yunyu Heavenly Palace."

Mr. Yun looked at Chu Fengmian and said aloud.

"Now Yunyu Tiangong is bound to Guixu Tianzhong, so you can't take Yunyu Tiangong out, but you can return to Yunyu Tiangong at any time. If you encounter danger, you can enter it. Avoid, no one can hurt the young master in this Yunyu Heavenly Palace."

Mr. Yun said confidently.

Yunyu Tiangong is the best among heaven-level spiritual weapons. In terms of grade, it is even higher than the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword and the War Dragon Treasure Chariot.

Hiding in it, there is naturally no danger and you can sit back and relax.

"This Yunyu Heavenly Palace cannot be taken away?"

After hearing what Mr. Yun said, Chu Fengmian frowned.

"Mr. Yun, do you know the origin of Guixu Tian?"

Chu Fengmian has never known the origin of Guixu Heaven. Although he has obtained the Yunyu Heavenly Palace, it is actually in Guixu Heaven.

Yunyu Tiangong can only be regarded as a very small part. There are countless caves, treasures and relics in the entire Yunyu Tiangong.

Yunyu Heavenly Palace alone is just the tip of the iceberg. No one knows how many treasures there are in Guixu Heaven.

But there will definitely be one, no less than the existence of the ruins of Yunyu Tiangong.

Guixu Tian is extremely mysterious everywhere, making it impossible for people to see its essence clearly.

"I don't know the origin of Guixu Tian."

Mr. Yun shook his head and said.

"The Yunyu Heavenly Palace used to be located not in Guixu Heaven, but in a barren mountain in the Central Region. But just fifty thousand years ago, the Yunyu Heavenly Palace was suddenly taken away by a huge force. , and then fell into the Guixu Heaven."

"What? Was this Yunyu Heavenly Palace forcibly taken to Guixu Heavenly Palace?"

Chu Fengmian was shocked and said.

This Yunyu Heavenly Palace is the entire Tianyu Divine Realm, which is simply the size of a small world.

In front of powerful warriors in this small world, they will feel that their power is extremely insignificant.

However, Chu Fengmian was not surprised that Yunyu Tiangong was forcibly captured by Gui Xutian.

What kind of power is this that can forcefully bring Yunyu Tiangong from the Central Region to Guixu Tian?

This kind of power was simply beyond Chu Fengmian's imagination.

"I am just a weapon spirit and cannot leave the Yunyu Heavenly Palace. As for the Guixu Heaven, I don't know much about it. Please forgive me, young master."

Mr. Yun said.

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