Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 789 The inheritance of the shrine

"Actually, the person I was most optimistic about at the beginning was you, little guy."

The old man Qi Ling looked at Chu Fengmian and said with a smile.

"Very good. Sure enough, you have lived up to my respect. Come with me!"

The old man Qi Ling spoke slowly, and the surrounding space suddenly shattered and turned into a huge tunnel.

At a glance, Chu Fengmian couldn't tell what was at the end of the tunnel.

"What a terrifying power!"

The moment the old man with the weapon spirit took action, Chu Fengmian seemed unable to see how far he had reached in terms of strength.

It is much stronger than any strong person in the Life-Breaking Realm.

Especially this old weapon spirit is just a weapon spirit, not a warrior. The weapon spirit, in the impression, is enough to assist the spiritual weapon.

Chu Fengmian had never imagined that a weapon spirit could be so powerful.

"Hmph, this is nothing. In front of the truly powerful weapon spirit, this old man is nothing."

As if he heard Chu Fengmian's words, Xing Xuan's disdainful voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"If I could regain my full strength, I could crush this old man to death with just one finger."

Xingxuan's words were arrogant, but when Chu Fengmian listened, his tone contained extreme confidence. From the bottom of his heart, he did not take this old man in his eyes.

"Crush this old man with one finger to death?"

When Chu Fengmian heard Xing Xuan's words, he didn't believe it.

Chu Fengmian didn't know how powerful this old weapon spirit was, but it was definitely stronger than most old antiques that transcended life and death.

With Chu Fengmian's current spiritual awareness, he was unable to see through the old man's true strength, enough to see how powerful he was.

But in Xingxuan's view, this old man was still extremely weak and was not even considered in his eyes.

"What, don't you believe it? Humph, if I regain my full strength, this little nine realms will mean nothing."

Xingxuan said coldly and arrogantly.

"Since you are so powerful, how did you end up where you are today?"

When Chu Fengmian heard Xing Xuan's words, he couldn't help but speak.

Hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Xingxuan seemed to lose his temper for a moment. He was silent for a while before speaking.

"What I have experienced is beyond your imagination. When you truly stand at the pinnacle of the Nine Realms, you may be truly qualified to know what happened back then."

('gad2;}h(ex){}After saying that, Xingxuan just let Chu Fengmian ask questions and stopped talking.

"Beyond the Nine Realms, there is another world."

Chu Fengmian can probably guess now that the origin of Xingxuan is definitely not in the Nine Realms, but outside the Nine Realms, in the endless starry sky outside the realm.

There are other warriors and other forces in the outer starry sky. These are all rumors from ancient times, and no one has really proven them yet.

However, the Dragon Fighting Technique that Xing Xuan once taught Chu Fengmian could never be the Nine Domains technique. No sect or strong person in the entire Nine Domains could create such a monster technique.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, he has not even finished training the first level, which is enough to show how evil the Dragon Fighter is.

The only possible origin of this technique is that it came from outside the Nine Realms.

Moreover, the name Xingxuanjian has never been seen before in the history of the Nine Realms.

"Zhan Long Jue, Xing Xuan Sword, I don't know who it is that can create such an existence."

Chu Fengmian sighed in a low voice.

\u003cff‘\u003e-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Friendly reminder: Please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

\u003cff‘\u003e----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

He grabbed Han Yueli's hand at the same time and walked into the tunnel together.

The moment the old weapon spirit stepped into the tunnel, a voice spread throughout the Yunyu Heavenly Palace.

"The inheritance of Yunyu Tiangong has been started. Yunyu Tiangong is about to close. Everyone should leave as soon as possible! Those who don't leave will only die!"

This majestic voice suddenly resounded throughout the entire Yunyu Heavenly Palace.

"The inheritance of Yunyu Tiangong has been started?"

"Who is it? Obtained 50,000 Feathered Crystals so quickly?"

"Is it Chu Fengmian? Or Huang Shengjun?"

"I don't know, but this Yunyu Heavenly Palace is really going to be closed. Let's leave quickly, otherwise we will be trapped in it and it will be over!"

When some warriors heard this voice, they raised their heads and started talking, but some warriors had already noticed it.

The Yunyu Heavenly Palace has already begun to close.

If you don't leave, you will be completely trapped in it.

In front of a palace, the Desolate Saint Lord was standing there. In front of him, countless feathered crystals were densely arranged, like a mountain peak.

('gad2;}h(ex){}"Forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven."

When he finished counting the last Feathered Crystal, Huang Shengjun's face turned gloomy to the extreme.

At this moment, the voice of the old man Qi Ling suddenly sounded from the sky.


Huang Shengjun gritted his teeth, and with a sudden slap, the Feathered Crystals in front of him turned into powder.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn Chu Fengmian! I must kill you!"

Lord Huang Sheng roared crazily, gritting his teeth. All he had in his eyes was endless anger and anger.

"Brother, let's leave quickly. The gate of Yunyu Tiangong has been closed."

A disciple of the Huanggu Sect hurriedly came over, and regardless of the anger of the Huangsheng Lord, he hurriedly spoke.

"Hmph! Chu Fengmian, I must kill you!"

The eyes of Huang Shengjun contained endless killing intent. He glanced at Yunyu Heavenly Palace with unwillingness, and left Yunyu Heavenly Palace with a movement of his body.

The warriors present left the Yunyu Heavenly Palace one after another. Finally, five minutes later, the door of the Yunyu Heavenly Palace was suddenly closed. No warrior could enter it anymore.

the other side.

Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli stepped into the space tunnel, and behind it was an extremely huge palace. This huge palace was located at the top of the Nine Heavens.

It was much higher than the hundred palaces before that.

Above the palace gate, there are four characters, Yunyu Temple.

These four characters seem to have been carved on it by a peerless strong man. After countless years, these four characters are still clear, and the strokes in them can be seen at a glance.

Only then did Chu Fengmian notice that the four typed plaques were actually made of top-grade Tianxuan crystal.

The top-grade Tianxuan Crystal is known as the hardest material in time. Even powerful warriors cannot shake it even one bit.

But these four big characters are engraved on it. The strength of the person who engraved the four characters of Yunyu Temple is definitely far beyond Chu Fengmian's imagination.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​my Yunyu Heavenly Palace, the Yunyu Temple."

The old man Qi Ling looked at the Yunyu Temple with a bit of nostalgia in his eyes.

"No one has set foot here in 70,000 years. Yes, this time it can be regarded as a good candidate for my Yunyu Tiangong. You two, come in."

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