Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 665: Burial Day

What he gained from this martial arts tournament was far beyond Chu Fengmian's imagination.

Now this is only the first round of the arena battle. There are many strong swordsmen who have not yet used their strength. Many of them also have the best swordsmanship.

It seems that I will participate in these arena battles more often in the future.

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

Whether in the Northern Territory or in the entire Nine Territories, there are countless arena battles like this.

This kind of ring battle is the best opportunity to fight against the strong. Many warriors will participate, and participating in the ring battle is also the easiest way to become famous.

Chu Fengmian didn't have much interest in this kind of arena battle before, so he didn't participate in it.

But now, if Chu Fengmian wants to create the Nine Domains Swordsmanship, he must understand all the powerful swordsmanship in the Nine Domains. This kind of arena battle is definitely the best opportunity for all kinds of strong men in front of Chu Fengmian. .

While Chu Fengmian was watching this, he was constantly changing his Nine Domain Swordsmanship.

His nine-domain swordsmanship only has a rudimentary form and has not yet been completely condensed. All of this is still accumulating, and Chu Fengmian will incorporate all the mysterious and desirable swordsmanship into it.

When the swordsmanship of the Nine Realms is truly perfected, it will be the most powerful swordsmanship in the world.

The first round of the ring battle passed quickly and came to the second round.

In this second round, the opponent Chu Fengmian encountered was a disciple from Liufeng Sect, a second-rate sect. He was ranked around fifty at most on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue Ranking.

Being able to reach the second round is actually his limit. If he meets some weaklings, there may be hope for further progress.

But obviously, when he met Chu Fengmian, he no longer had any chance. He was defeated by Chu Fengmian with just one move and was knocked away from the audience.

Chu Fengmian didn't hurt this person, he just defeated him easily.

There is a clear distinction between good and evil. For this kind of enemy, Chu Fengmian will only defeat him but not hurt him.

Han Yueli also encountered a weak opponent and defeated him easily with one move.

However, in this next scene, two strong men appeared.

They were Zang Tian, ​​whom Chu Fengmian was optimistic about, and the fourth warrior on the Beimang Hundred Jue List, the young master from the Canglan family.

There was not much suspense in this battle.

Although Zangtian can be called the "dark horse" in this session.

But what he met now was Canglan Jing, one of the top five characters on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List.

In the powerful dark horse, if you want to fight against such a person who is ranked in the top five on the Northern Territory Hundred Ultimate List, everyone knows the outcome.

If you are buried in heaven, you will definitely lose.

But the next battle was a bit unexpected. Zang Tian fought against Cang Lan Jing and actually defeated Cang Lan Jing.

Even within three moves, this was achieved.

This made countless onlookers onlookers become excited.

Canglan Jing is the fourth person on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List.

Although there seems to be some gap between him and Feng Wuxin, Ye Tianjun, and Cold-faced Demon Lord compared to the first three, he is still a person below the three and above ten thousand people.

Now he was actually defeated by an unknown Zangtian, and all of a sudden everyone on the scene became aware of him.

The discussion about Zangtian even surpassed that of Chu Fengmian.

"This person is so strong."

Han Yueli looked at Zang Tian and spoke slowly, her expression changing slightly.

When Han Yueli faced Cang Lanjing, she still had great confidence in her heart that she could defeat Cang Lanjing, but she could do it all with three moves.

Han Yueli asked herself, even if she tried her best, she might not be able to do it.

This Zang Tian can be said to be truly unknown, a figure that has never been heard of at all. Now he suddenly appears and he actually has such strength.

"I seem to have seen him in Zangtian."

Chu Fengmian watched Zangtian defeat Canglan Jing, but he spoke thoughtfully.

Chu Fengmian was not surprised by this result. He even felt that Zangtian's strength was still hidden.

To defeat Canglan Jing, Zang Tian used a pure martial art, but Chu Fengmian could see that this martial art was just Zang Tian's hiding, and he was hiding his true strength.

Especially when watching Zang Tian's battle, Chu Fengmian noticed a certain familiarity in his every move.

Chu Fengmian's spiritual consciousness has already reached the point of photographic memory. This familiarity is not accidental, but Chu Fengmian can't think of who this Zangtian is at the moment.

But Chu Fengmian must have met Zangtian before, or even fought against him.

"This person should be from the Wusheng Kingdom."

Chu Fengmian said.


Han Yueli said in surprise when she heard Chu Fengmian's words.

"There is such a person in the Kingdom of Wusheng?"

Now that he has left the Wusheng Kingdom and headed to the Northern Territory, Han Yueli has already understood.

The Kingdom of Wusheng is simply a small place that is too remote to be in the remote place. Any Wusheng Academy or an outer disciple of Beimang Academy can destroy it.

It was extremely surprising that Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli could appear in such a small place. Who would have thought that there would be a third person?


Chu Fengmian nodded.

The only people who can make him feel familiar and have fought against each other are people from the Wusheng Kingdom.

"Forget it, we will encounter him sooner or later anyway. If we encounter him, we must use all our strength."

Chu Fengmian said.

Since they are all here to participate in this martial arts competition, they will definitely meet him in the future. At that time, he will know exactly who Zangtian is, and he will know exactly who he is in the actual fight.

At least Chu Fengmian was confident enough to show Zangtian's true strength.


Han Yueli also nodded with a solemn expression.

Zangtian is indeed a formidable enemy.

Zang Tian defeated Cang Lan Jing, which was a C song in the second round.

Although this battle was shocking, when the stronger ones met each other later on, every battle was extremely exciting and earth-shattering.

The third round begins soon.

In the first battle of the third round, the identity card in Chu Fengmian's hand suddenly lit up.

"It's my turn."

Chu Fengmian spoke casually, and in one leap, he stepped onto the ring.

But this time, the opponent Chu Fengmian faced was no longer a weakling, but a person whose strength was at the fourth level of the life and death realm, and who was among the top ten on the Northern Territory Hundred Rankings.

A disciple of the Holy Party, one of the core disciples of Beimang College, the ninth in the Northern Territory Hundred Rankings, Wu Ying.

In this third round, Chu Fengmian met the top ten disciples on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List, and even a member of the Holy Party.

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