Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 666: Ninth on the Hundred Best List

Wu Ying is a young man, dressed in black. He does not have any swords or weapons in his hands, but a pair of fist gloves.

In the Beimang Sanctuary, Wu Ying is also known as the Blood-Slaying Boxing King.

The word "blood-killing" represents Wu Ying's character, which is extremely ruthless. Facing anyone who poses a threat, even some geniuses, he will brutally strangle them with countless blood in his hands.

Although Chu Fengmian's hands were also stained with blood, he never killed irrelevant people, which was completely different from Wu Ying's.

The words "King of Fighters" at the back represent Wuying's powerful boxing skills.

On the ring, Wu Ying and Chu Fengmian stood opposite each other. Looking at Chu Fengmian, Wu Ying showed a bit of a sneer on his face.

"Boy, I didn't expect that I have such good luck. It actually allowed me to meet you."

Chu Fengmian was the biggest enemy among their holy party and the mortal enemy of Lord Ye Tian. Anyone who could kill Chu Fengmian would gain great benefits.

Now Wu Ying looked at Chu Fengmian as if he were looking at a fat sheep. As long as he killed Chu Fengmian, it would be enough for him to get countless benefits from Ye Tianjun.

As for Chu Fengmian’s strength?

Although Chu Fengmian's strength was astonishing, in Wu Ying's view, it was not worth mentioning.

Chu Fengmian's strength had never been taken seriously by Wu Ying.

After all, Wuying is the ninth on the Northern Territory Hundred Ultimate Ranking. Those who can enter the top ten on the Northern Territory Hundred Ultimate Ranking are all strong enough to reach the peak of life and death.

"This Chu Fengmian actually met Wu Ying."

Many warriors below couldn't help but pay attention when they saw this battle.

Chu Fengmian was originally unknown, but the successive battles also showed Chu Fengmian's strength, and he can be said to be one of the dark horses in this session.

His arena battles are enough to attract countless warriors to watch.

What's more, the rumor that Chu Fengmian obtained the Beimang Saint Lord has begun to spread in the martial arts competition. Although most warriors did not believe it, there is no smoke without fire. At least Chu Fengmian did obtain the Saint Lord from the Hall of All Saints. Only the inheritance can be done.

In the previous battles, Chu Fengmian had always crushed and defeated his opponents, winning with one move.

Therefore, the countless warriors present did not know what Chu Fengmian's true strength was.

Now that they met Wu Ying, everyone finally became excited. Wu Ying was one of the top ten figures in the North Territory Hundred Rankings. He was extremely powerful. No matter who faced him, he would use all his strength.

This battle will definitely be extremely exciting.

But almost all the warriors were optimistic about Wu Ying.

After all, Wu Ying is one of the top ten characters on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List, and he is not a newcomer who has suddenly emerged, but has been leading the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List for ten years.

From the bottom to the top of the current top ten, there is no doubt about Wuying's strength.

Chu Fengmian's previous display of strength was indeed extremely terrifying, but it only managed to kill Gu Aohan and Luo Heng.

These two people are only at the middle level on the North Territory Hundred Ultimate Ranking. Now if Wu Ying takes action, it is enough to kill them with one move.

Other than that, Chu Fengmian didn't have any outstanding achievements at all.

Everyone was extremely excited, and most of them wanted to see the true strength of Chu Fengmian's "dark horses", but as for the outcome, not many people had anything to do with it.

Because in the eyes of most people, Chu Fengmian would definitely lose this battle, without any suspense.

The only person below who truly supports Chu Fengmian is Han Yueli. Only Han Yueli knows that with Chu Fengmian's strength, there will be no problem in defeating this Wuying.

Chu Fengmian's real opponents are Ye Tianjun, Feng Wuxin and others.

This Wu Ying doesn't count.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Wu Ying's face looked extremely proud.

In terms of momentum alone, he had already overwhelmed Chu Fengmian.

"Boy, since you and I are both disciples of the same sect, I still wanted to let you live. It's just a pity that you don't know the heights of the world and dare to offend the Holy Lord."

Wu Ying looked at Chu Fengmian, with a bit of coldness on his face, and said contemptuously.

"You came to die on your own, but you can't blame me. If you commit suicide now, you can still leave your body intact. Otherwise, I'm afraid that I will use too much force and blow your body to pieces!"

"Really? I should be the one to say this. If you have anything else to say, please finish it quickly, otherwise you will have to accompany Gu Aohan, Luo Yu and the others."

Chu Fengmian said lightly.

Facing Wuying, his expression was extremely relaxed.

"court death!"

Wu Ying's face instantly turned ferocious, and he shouted coldly.

"You dare to speak harshly when you are about to die. Do you really think that a newcomer who has had some adventures can compete with our Holy Party? You have provoked our Holy Party, and today is the day of your death! What is the so-called inheritance? In the real strength There is nothing in front of you! Die!"

Wu Ying roared loudly, and his martial arts was fully displayed.

What this Wuying cultivates is pure martial arts and pure power. There are no shortcuts in practicing this pure martial arts.

But once he has mastered it, he has almost no weaknesses. Unless he is defeated with a stronger force, Wu Ying cannot be defeated by any means.

"Wu Ni Tian Di!"

Wu Ying was full of martial arts, concentrating on the fist, and this punch suddenly hit Chu Fengmian.

This punch seemed ordinary.

But the martial arts contained in it are extremely mysterious, and one punch can produce thousands of changes.

No matter how Chu Fengmian responds, he can use the most mysterious move to bombard Chu Fengmian.

This Wuying's martial arts has reached the point of ever-changing. Every punch he makes is not an ordinary boxing style, and can be transformed into various powers. Only a strong man with extremely high martial arts attainments can achieve this step. .

However, the power of this punch is all based on pure power, without any change.

Apparently before this, Wu Ying was testing to see how far Chu Fengmian's strength had reached.

"Colliding with force? Okay?"

Faced with Wu Ying's punch, Chu Fengmian's face looked extremely relaxed.

Compared with his strength, he is not afraid of anyone. With the bloodline of a war dragon and the body of an ancient war dragon, Chu Fengmian is simply an ancient war dragon.

Although with his current strength, he can only be regarded as a young dragon, but if a warrior dares to compete with an ancient war dragon, isn't he looking for death?


Chu Fengmian let out a long roar, and all the blood of the ancient war dragon was activated, and countless spiritual powers were condensed on Chu Fengmian's right hand.

Suddenly, the same palm struck directly.

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