Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 664 Enlightenment of the Sword

Luo Hen's power was not at the high level of life and death realm, but now suddenly, his power exploded ten times.

His power reached the peak of life and death almost in an instant.

This kind of power has already reached the top twenty levels in the Northern Territory Hundred Ultimate Ranking.

At this moment of explosive power, Luo Rong immediately drew out his blade and slashed it down in front of Chu Fengmian in an instant.

"Baijue Tianyun!"

The power and speed of this sword are ten times more powerful than just now.

Especially when he suddenly slashed out right in front of Chu Fengmian.

Almost instantly, it slashed towards Chu Fengmian's throat.

The power of this sword suddenly surged, but it could not be hidden from Chu Fengmian's eyes.

Chu Fengmian could tell that this was Luo Heng's spiritual power hidden in his body. This spiritual power was just like the holy seed in the body of the disciples of the Holy Party.

Normally it won't show up, but at a critical moment, it suddenly explodes, which can increase your strength tenfold or dozens of times.

This is an absolute life-threatening method. This sword can kill people at the peak of the life and death realm. It is definitely a sword that is qualified to kill the top 20 people on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List.

"Boy, die!"

Luo He roared ferociously, and the knife had already been struck.

"You are vulnerable to a single blow, but you still want to kill me with this little trick?"

Chu Fengmian said disdainfully.

Facing this blade that was ten times stronger than the last time, Chu Fengmian moved his hands.

A burst of spiritual power suddenly emerged and turned into the claws of a war dragon right in front of Chu Fengmian. He immediately swung the claws towards him.


The moment this claw condensed, the surrounding space seemed to vibrate due to the power within it.

As if a real ancient war dragon was taking action, the power of a claw struck down, instantly destroying Luo Hun's blade. His blade was extremely fragile in front of the claws of the war dragon, breaking at the touch of it. .


Not only was the blade shattered, but Luo Bang's body was also blown away by the claws of the war dragon. The next moment, Luo Bang's body was suddenly shattered.

There was no one in front of Chu Fengmian. What was left was only a ball of blood, which was all taken away by Chu Fengmian with a wave of his hand.

In the ring, all that is left now is Luo Yu's screams, which are endless.

All the warriors below shuddered when they heard this.

"This, how strong is this person?"

"Gu Aohan couldn't stop his claw, and Luo Yu couldn't stop it either, and was directly killed."

"Extremely powerful power, is this the dragon bloodline?"

Some warriors exclaimed blankly.

This power was simply too astonishing. Chu Fengmian's power was due to this pure power.

Luo Rang, who exploded with ten times the strength, was unable to block this claw.

However, not everyone is optimistic about Chu Fengmian.

"This kid's strength is indeed good, but his strength is just his brute strength. So what if his brute strength is stronger? When it comes to a real strong man, his brute strength is meaningless."

"I killed all the disciples of the Earth Demon Sect with one claw. This kid is too arrogant. Sooner or later he will be killed by the Earth Demon Sect."

Some warriors thought jealously.

"Damn boy!"

Below, where the disciples of the Earth Demon Sect gathered.

Many disciples of the Earth Demon Sect were furious when they saw Luo Rang being killed by Chu Fengmian. They wished they could go forward and kill Chu Fengmian.

It's just that this is a martial arts competition, and no one can challenge the majesty here.

"Very good. It seems that this kid is impatient."

The cold-faced devil's expression became extremely gloomy. With his character, he was extremely angry when he saw Chu Fengmian being so arrogant.

Especially Chu Fengmian's mouthful of little devils was a provocation to all of their Earth Demon Sect disciples.

"Everyone who encounters this person will be killed without mercy!"


All the Earth Demon Sect disciples congratulated in unison.

After Chu Fengmian killed Luo Yu, he immediately moved his body and fell down from the ring.

In this martial arts competition, the number of warriors who died in each session was countless. Even many of the top ten warriors on the Northern Territory Hundred Rankings died in this arena.

Luo Hen's death obviously didn't cause any trouble. At most, Chu Fengmian's arrogance attracted more attention, but it was nothing.

Speaking of arrogance, whoever can come to this arena to fight is not a genius disciple from any major sect. There is no one who is not arrogant.

If you have strength, you will naturally have the capital to be arrogant. Of course, if you don't have the strength to be arrogant, you will be seeking your own death.

Luo Yu is the best proof.

The next battle continues.

After Chu Fengmian's battle, the first round of battle was almost over, and the next round was about to begin.

The more battles you experience, the stronger the strong people you encounter will be. This is only the first round, but it is difficult to meet the real strong ones.

Soon the second round of the battle began.

In this round, Chu Fengmian did not have much surprise, but the sudden appearance of the "dark horse" Zangtian made Chu Fengmian look at it a few more times.

Zang Tian seems to be an extremely slender young man, but when facing his opponents, Zang Tian can always defeat them with one move.

What Chu Fengmian noticed was that when Zhan Tian faced the enemy, he only used brute force, almost defeating him with one move using his strong spiritual power.

He didn't even use any of his own skills, maybe to hide something.

The deeper this kind of person is hidden, the more terrifying his strength becomes.

In Chu Fengmian's heart, Zang Tian was one of his strong opponents in this martial arts tournament.

It is enough to be parallel to Feng Wuxin, the number one person in Bai Jue, Ye Tianjun, the number one person in Beimang Academy, and Cold-faced Demon Lord, the number one person in Earth Demon Sect.

The progress of the second round was not slow at all.

Chu Fengmian sat on the ground and observed every battle. Especially in this martial arts competition, there were many swordsmen.

These sword cultivators are all countless geniuses from the Northern Territory. Although their swordsmanship is far inferior to that of Chu Fengmian, they may not have their merits.

For example, some of the insights he created were extremely novel in Chu Fengmian's opinion and were learned and absorbed by Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian created the Nine Realms Swordsmanship in order to integrate the essence of swordsmanship in the world. In many of the swordsmanship battles, Chu Fengmian saw the essence of the swordsmanship at a glance, and directly absorbed the essence of the swordsmanship and integrated it into the Nine Domains. In the realm of swordsmanship.

He sat there, motionless, watching the battle, which was actually a kind of training, making his swordsmanship more and more powerful.

The previous two chapters were uploaded incorrectly. The last update was inexplicably not uploaded last night, resulting in wrong chapter content. I only noticed it now and it has been corrected. Those who have subscribed before can re-read it. It has been corrected.

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