Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 650 Gongyang Family

As soon as this black spiritual sword entered the sword formation, the power of the sword formation became ten times stronger in an instant.

The most important thing about a sword formation is its core formation. The sword formation that Chu Fengmian deployed before lacked the core.

Once this core arrives, the strength of the sword array will increase tenfold.

"Okay! The power of this sword formation is enough to surpass most heaven-level spiritual weapons. It is also a good method to use against the enemy!"

Chu Fengmian felt happy. The stronger the sword formation was, the happier Chu Fengmian naturally became.

After all, this was Chu Fengmian's first time practicing the sword formation.

"This sword formation is called Hei Xuan!"

Chu Fengmian gave a clear drink and his mind moved.

The countless black spiritual swords on the sword array all moved in an instant, and the sword blades frantically killed the black iron crows.

The leader of the Black Iron Crow, the Black Iron Crow whose strength reached the level of a demon god, was now beheaded by Chu Fengmian.

The group of black iron crows suddenly became leaderless. Facing Chu Fengmian's offensive, they wanted to flee one after another.


Chu Fengmian snorted, each of these black iron crows represented a spiritual sword in the sword formation.

The more spiritual swords there are, the more powerful the Black Mysterious Sword Formation condensed by Chu Fengmian becomes. How could he let go of these black iron crows?

As Chu Fengmian's mind moved, thousands of black spiritual swords flew in the air at the same time, intertwining with each other, and the sword formation suddenly became extremely huge.

All the black iron crows are now trapped in this sword formation by Chu Fengmian.

"All die!"

Chu Fengmian's mind moved, and countless black spiritual swords began to strangle them crazily.

Countless black iron crows are falling one after another at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye. This huge group of black iron crows is now almost powerless to fight back under Chu Fengmian's sword.

"This, this kind of strength..."

Gongyang Li looked shocked as he watched Chu Fengmian frantically slaughtering these black iron crows.

This group of black iron crows was enough to force the three of them to flee. But now, these black iron crows were so fragile in Chu Fengmian's hands.

Even if these black iron crows wanted to escape, they could not escape from Chu Fengmian's hands.

The sword formation that Chu Fengmian had just condensed was even more powerful. It was stronger than countless formations he had seen, and even surpassed the Gongyang Family's Mountain Guarding Formation.

"Is this really a divine warrior?"

The woman Gong Yangcai also looked shocked and couldn't believe it.

The two of them watched helplessly as Chu Fengmian activated his spirit sword to kill all the groups of black iron crows.

In less than half an hour, all the Black Iron Crows had died under Chu Fengmian's sword formation.

And beside Chu Fengmian, there were a hundred thousand black spiritual swords, all guarding Chu Fengmian's side.

His Black Mysterious Sword Formation was finally completed.

If Chu Fengmian's Black Mysterious Sword Formation just now could only be regarded as a sword that has not left the body, then this Black Mysterious Sword Formation now has truly left the body.

The terrifying sword edge emanating from it is extremely terrifying for anyone to see.

The white-haired old man Gongyang Zongdu's expression changed. The moment he felt the edge of the sword, he felt fear.

Even with all his strength, he couldn't break Chu Fengmian's sword formation.

Seeing that all the Black Iron Crows were killed, the three members of the Gongyang Family felt like they were surviving a disaster, and they all relaxed.

If Chu Fengmian hadn't appeared, they would all have been buried in the mouths of those black iron crows.

"Thank you, Your Excellency."

The white-haired old man from the Gongyang Sect all stood up and saluted.

"Are you two disciples of Beimang Academy?"

Han Yueli said calmly.

"Yes, my name is Han Yueli, and this is Chu Fengmian. We are both disciples of Beimang Academy."

"Chu Fengmian? Han Yueli?"

Regarding Chu Fengmian's name, Gongyang Zong had no impression in his mind.

But when he heard the name Han Yueli, something suddenly came to mind in the Gongyang Sect's mind.

"Miss Han is the disciple of Ancestor Bingli?"

Han Yueli's life-and-death calamity was the Thousand Thunder Emperor's calamity. As for this news, it had already been spread by Beimang College.

The Gongyang Sect immediately recognized Han Yueli's identity.

Thousand Thunder Emperor Tribulation.

In the entire Northern Territory, people who can survive the Thousand Thunder Emperor Tribulation are rare among geniuses almost once in a hundred years.

As for Chu Fengmian, although it was said that he had survived the even more terrifying Tribulation of the Ten Thousand Thunder Emperors, no one in the Northern Territory knew who had survived it.

So there wasn’t much discussion about this.

"Both of you should be going to King Wu City to participate in this martial arts competition."

Gongyang Sect glanced at Chu Fengmian, but didn't ask any more questions.

As for Chu Fengmian's name, although he had never heard of it, he was on equal footing with Han Yueli and had a close relationship. Obviously, their status and strength should not be far apart.

It is very likely that he is also a disciple of the ancestor in the Beimang Holy Domain, and the Gongyang Sect did not come to ask more questions.

"We, the Gongyang Family, should have arrived from King Wu City after receiving the summons. The two Excellencies have saved us. We, the Gongyang Family, will definitely receive a big gift to thank us. Why don't we go to King Wu City together?" Go along."


Chu Fengmian nodded.

Anyway, his and Han Yueli's goal is also Wuwang City. In this case, it doesn't hurt to go together.

He has now saved these people from the Gongyang family. Although it is considered an unintentional act, it is natural for him to save them and receive some benefits.

"Okay, Li'er, Cai'er, let's go."

When Gongyang Sect opened his mouth, everyone turned into light and flew towards the north of the Northern Territory.

Along the way, we did not encounter any dangerous places, and the journey was smooth.

A group of them, urging the escape light on the way, swaggered through the city, but not many people dared to stop them.

Even the people from the Earth Demon Sect did not dare to intercept and kill them. After all, even the people from the Earth Demon Sect could only avoid them if they encountered the auras of the five powerful men in the life and death realm.

Everyone flew for about half an hour, and suddenly, just in front, several rays of light flew over quickly.

When these escaping lights saw Chu Fengmian and his group, they hurriedly slowed down and came closer.

There were more than a dozen people in this group, and each of them had a sharp sword intent. These people were obviously members of the Gongyang family.


Seeing this group of people, the three members of the Gongyang family all looked happy.

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