Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 651: Repaying kindness with hatred

The disciples of the Gongyang family stopped one after another and came closer.

One of the young men led the way. This young man had a terrifying sword intent in his body. He was obviously a strong man who had traveled far along the way with the sword intent.

This young man's state has already passed through the catastrophe of life and death, and his true strength is already surpassing Long Weiyang, Lu Hua and others.

Behind him, there were seven or eight young men of the same age who were almost the same age, but their strength was not as good as that of the leading young man.

However, the strength of each of them is also extremely evil, almost comparable to that of Luo Changhen, and even almost close to the strength of the seed disciples of Beimang Sanctuary.

As for the last ones of the group, there are two old men. Of these two old men, the powerful one has reached the peak of the life and death realm, and is almost the same as Sikong Jingsheng, the ancestor of the Sikong family. The other one is slightly weaker, but He also has the strength of a high-level life and death realm.

The strength of this Gongyang family seems not to be weak now.

"Second Elder, are you okay?"

The leading young man came out and looked at Chu Fengmian. After seeing the state of Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli, he didn't pay much attention to them.

Han Yueli's realm has just reached the realm of life and death, while Chu Fengmian's realm has only reached the peak of the divine power realm. This realm is not yet in his eyes.

"Brother Fan, we are fine."

Gongyang Li was the first to speak.

"Gongyang Fan?"

Hearing Gong Yangli's words about Brother Fan, Han Yueli's expression changed slightly and she spoke.

"This Gongyang Fan is also a figure on the Hundred Jue List of the Northern Territory. He is ranked twenty-eighth on the Hundred Jue List of the Northern Territory. He is much higher than Sikong Hong."

"Oh? How much better than Sikong Hong?"

When Chu Fengmian saw this Gongyang Fan, he looked at it slightly. The realm of this Gongyang Fan should be around the third level of life and death.

However, for geniuses like this on the North Territory Hundred Rankings, their strength cannot always be distinguished by realm. At least Chu Fengmian can feel that the strength of Gongyang Fan is at least enough to reach the high level of life and death. about.

As for whether he can compete with the people at the peak of the life and death realm, Chu Fengmian is not sure, but facing ordinary warriors at the high level of the life and death realm, he will never lose, and it is possible that he can even defeat them.

"Oh? The girl has never heard of me?"

Hearing that Han Yueli recognized him, Gongyang Fan's face couldn't help but show a bit of pride.

When you hear a name, you recognize your identity. This requires at least a very high reputation in the Northern Territory.

"I heard something."

Han Yueli said casually, but was too lazy to answer Gongyang Fan's question.

The moment Gongyang Fan saw Han Yueli, his eyes showed a bit of greed.

"Innate Divine Body!"

Although this greed was swept away, it was clearly seen in Chu Fengmian's eyes, which made Chu Fengmian's eyes become cold.

The innate divine body is a huge treasure. If there is no strength, this innate divine body is actually a disaster, not an opportunity.

"Brother Fan, it was these two gentlemen from Beimang Academy who saved us so that we could survive the siege of the black iron crows."

"Oh? Can I save you from the black iron crows?"

When Gongyang Fan heard these words, he couldn't help but glance at Chu Fengmian. When he saw the spiritual sword in Chu Fengmian's hand, his eyes clearly showed a twinkle.

"Heaven-level spiritual weapon!"

"Heavenly spiritual weapon, innate divine body, what are the origins of these two people!"

Han Yueli alone, an innate divine body, is enough to surprise countless people, but they did not expect that the spiritual sword in Chu Fengmian's hand now is actually a heaven-level spiritual weapon.

The Gongyang family only has one heaven-level spiritual weapon, which was passed down from ancient times.

"This is a heaven-level spiritual weapon!"

"What a treasure! This sword is more powerful than the Changfeng Sword of our Gongyang family!"

Not only Gongyang Fan, but also several other disciples of the Gongyang family noticed the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword in Chu Fengmian's hand, and their eyes flickered, not knowing what they were thinking about.

"It turns out that the two of you are disciples of Beimang Academy. This time you saved our Gongyang family members and invited you two to come to your house to talk about it. We, the Gongyang family, will also treat you well."

Gongyang Fan suddenly spoke.

"I wonder what you two think?"

The moment Gongyang Fan opened his mouth, his eyes flickered.

"No need to entertain us, we two have something else to do, so we'll leave first."

The eyes of these Gongyang family disciples all had a fierce glint in their eyes, and Chu Fengmian naturally saw it.

If you stay here, you are causing trouble.

Chu Fengmian spoke directly and winked at Han Yueli. The two of them planned to leave directly.


A disciple of the Gongyang family suddenly stood up and stopped Chu Fengmian directly in front of Chu Fengmian.

"What? The young master of our Gongyang family invites you, don't you two intend to show some respect?"

"That's right. No one from our Gongyang family dares not to give this honor to someone invited. You two, please consider it."

Another disciple from the Gongyang family suddenly stood up and spoke coldly.

The eyes of the two of them were full of greed, and their eyes never left the Ancestral Dragon Sword in Chu Fengmian's hands or Han Yueli.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Gongyang Li and Gongyang Cai seemed to understand something. They glanced at Chu Fengmian and Han Yueli, but didn't say a word.

They also understood why these people wanted to stop Chu Fengmian.

The innate divine body and the heavenly spiritual weapon are simply two moving treasures that everyone wants to get.

Although their Gongyang family is known as a martial arts family, they only have one heaven-level spiritual weapon, and even less of an innate divine body.

If they could get these two things, the power of their Gongyang family would be enough to grow instantly.

Although his current behavior is a kind of repayment, but in front of the family, this kind of repayment is nothing. In this wilderness, no one will know even if he kills someone.

"Why, do you still want to force me to invite you? Is this the way the Gongyang family treats guests?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes were cold.

He was kind-hearted to save people, but he didn't expect that this member of the Gongyang family would repay kindness with hatred, and instead caused him such a big trouble.

Good people can be bullied. It seems that Chu Fengmian has good intentions to save people, but people think that he is easy to bully.

Looking at the current situation, it is almost impossible to have a good death.

"Of course not. We want to invite you two to the Gongyang Family just to verify one thing. Since Mr. Chu wants to leave, we now understand that if Mr. Chu wants to leave, we will never stop him. "

Gongyang Fan spoke slowly.

"How about this?"

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