Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 649: Forming a Sword Formation

"Who is this person? Killing these black iron crows is so easy?"

Gongyang Li said in disbelief.

His realm, like Chu Fengmian's, was at the limit of divine power, but he could only kill these black iron crows one by one.

The black feathers covering the black iron crow's body have extremely strong defensive capabilities. If the power is slightly dispersed, it is very likely that it will not be able to kill it.

But now, Chu Fengmian was chopping melons and vegetables, directly killing hundreds of black iron crows with one sword strike.

This kind of power was obviously completely beyond his imagination.

Even the second elder of the Gongyang Sect looked at Chu Fengmian in shock. Even he seemed to be unable to do such a killing method by Chu Fengmian.

However, these hundreds of black iron crows are nothing compared to the black iron crows. Chu Fengmian's killing seems to have angered these black iron crows even more. Countless black iron crows are frantically attacking.

Everything is covered in darkness in all directions, with no end in sight. It is almost impossible to escape now.

However, Chu Fengmian had no intention of escaping.

These black iron crows are all the best materials for refining the sword array, so how could Chu Fengmian let them go.

Chu Fengmian suddenly moved his left hand and grabbed it. The black iron crows that had just been killed by Chu Fengmian had all the black iron feathers on them.

The iron feathers on each black iron crow were condensed under Chu Fengmian's spiritual power and turned into black spiritual swords.

In an instant, hundreds of black spiritual swords appeared from Chu Fengmian's hand.


Chu Fengmian moved his palm, and these black spiritual swords were released in an instant.

Every spirit sword roared, and they fought crazily with these black iron crows in the air.

These hundreds of black spiritual swords seemed to have understood Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship. Sword lights flashed one after another, and the black iron crows around Chu Fengmian almost died as many as they came.

Especially once these black iron crows are killed, Chu Fengmian will directly capture the black iron feathers on their bodies and refine them into spiritual swords.

I saw more and more black spiritual swords around Chu Fengmian. Countless spiritual swords were enough to form sword formations, and they started to chase him crazily.

Looking at this scene now, it no longer looks like Chu Fengmian was besieged by black iron crows. Instead, it looks like Chu Fengmian is slaughtering these black iron crows.

"Beimang Academy, when did such a powerful person appear? This kind of strength is enough to be compared with those core disciples and giants in Beimang Academy, especially in the martial arts he displays, there is a bit of dragon clan. Aura, could it be Long Weiyang? But Long Weiyang doesn’t understand, this person’s swordsmanship is extremely accomplished!”

Gongyang Li looked at Chu Fengmian and thought to himself.

In his heart, he also breathed a sigh of relief. At least with Chu Fengmian, they were out of the crisis this time.

the other side.

Chu Fengmian has been killing countless black iron crows, killing tens of thousands of them. There are also tens of thousands of black spiritual swords around him.

Once these spiritual swords are drawn out, they are enough to kill countless black iron crows almost instantly.

Deep within the group of black iron crows, Chu Fengmian could kill hundreds or thousands of black iron crows almost every time he made a move.

"Damn it! Damn it! Kill! Kill!"

The Black Iron Crow, who had reached the strength of a demon god, seemed to have been angered by Chu Fengmian's behavior and roared crazily.

As he roared, these black iron crows suddenly concentrated their power to one point. The black iron crows with the strength of the demon god also suddenly grew in size in an instant, becoming countless times taller.

It is these black iron crows that have condensed all the power in them and condensed them together.

Although most of these black iron crows are not intelligent, they do know the art of combined attack from their blood. The fusion of the power of tens of thousands of black iron crows, the power in it is simply enough to shock the world.


The sky was filled with black feathers, all blasting towards Chu Fengmian at the same time.

Led by the black iron crow in the demon god realm, all the black iron crows exploded with all their strength and bombarded Chu Fengmian at the same time.

"You know a few combined attack skills, and you think you're enough to compete with me?"

Chu Fengmian's mouth showed a bit of contempt.

As soon as his mind moved, all these ten thousand black spiritual swords were condensed under the control of his mind.

Right in front of Chu Fengmian, it transformed into a huge sword formation.

This sword formation does not look like a semi-finished product that has not yet been condensed. There are countless black spiritual swords in it, seven in groups, turning into formation eyes.

Suddenly, an extremely exquisite sword formation was condensed.

Although the power of this sword formation is not as good as some of the mountain defense formations of those great sects, the various subtleties in it are enough to surpass those of many great sects.

Chu Fengmian spent his entire life practicing swordsmanship. The power of this sword array is the strength of the person who practiced and arranged the sword array.

Even though the sword array that Chu Fengmian has set up now is only a half-finished product, it still has mysterious and powerful power.

In this sword formation, there is the nine-domain swordsmanship that Chu Fengmian has understood, and the swordsmanship is the ultimate.


Then Chu Fengmian gave a clear drink.

The sword formation formed by these ten thousand black spiritual swords suddenly collided crazily with countless black feathers in the sky.

Suddenly, those black feathers were directly shattered

The sword formation formed by Chu Fengmian had perfectly practiced his swordsmanship.

"Die them all!"

Chu Fengmian activated his sword skills to break through the countless black feathers, and now he activated his power again.

Immediately, thousands of black spiritual swords separated and began to kill countless black iron crows crazily. The black iron crow in the demon god realm was the first to be killed.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and all the black feathers on the black iron crow of the demon god realm were directly caught in Chu Fengmian's hand.

After being injected with spiritual power and refined by Chu Fengmian, it suddenly turned into the most dazzling black spiritual sword.

The power of this black spiritual sword was already close to the heaven level, and then Chu Fengmian even took out the Sikong Daluo Sword from the Sky Ring.

There is no point in getting this Sikong Daluo Sword by Chu Fengmian. It is better to just refine it and integrate it into Chu Fengmian's sword formation.

The two swords immediately began to merge with Chu Fengmian's spiritual power and merged into one. This black spiritual sword directly transformed into a heaven-level spiritual sword.

With a wave of Chu Fengmian's hand, the black spiritual sword fell into the sword formation and became the core of the sword formation.

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