Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 646 Planting the inner demon

"Chu Fengmian, the people of the Sikong family are difficult to deal with. They have extremely close relations with the Canglan family and the Feng family. Now that you suppress Sikong Jingsheng, you have offended them."

Elder Bingli hesitated and said.

"Let them go now, and they can have a good death."

"A good death?"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Sikong Jingsheng and Sikong Hong.

Sikong Jingsheng and Sikong Hong are now kneeling on the ground, still roaring crazily, mobilizing their strength crazily, trying to break through Chu Fengmian's restrictions.

The two of them looked at Chu Fengmian, with the look that they wanted to tear Chu Fengmian into pieces.

"If I let them go now, they won't get a happy ending, so let them kneel here. As for the Canglan family and the Feng family, they are just martial arts families. If they dare to cause trouble, they will die."

Chu Fengmian said with a sneer.

When he was in Yan Gulong Emperor D's Mansion, Chu Fengmian had fought with people from these two aristocratic families. If they dared to cause trouble, Chu Fengmian would kill them.

Sikong Jingsheng and Sikong Hong, for the sake of Elder Bingli, Chu Fengmian may not kill them, but they will inevitably be punished with death, and they will be punished with life, so they will be allowed to kneel here for seven days and seven nights.

For people like Sikong Jingsheng and Sikong Hong who came from martial arts families, this kind of kneeling was simply an insult. They were of extremely high origins and were extremely arrogant.

Now that Chu Fengmian has shattered their pride like this, it means that a demon has been planted in their hearts. Now, unless these two people break through their own demons, they will... Trapped forever, unable to make any further progress in his life.

After hearing Chu Fengmian's arrogant words, Elder Bingli originally wanted to say something else.

But when she saw Sikong Jingsheng and Sikong Hong kneeling on the ground, she was speechless.

What Chu Fengmian said was not arrogance, but Chu Fengmian truly had the ability to do what he said.

Compared with the Sikong family, the Canglan family, the Feng family, and the Sikong family are all about the same strength. Now that the ancestors of the Sikong family have been defeated and suppressed by Chu Fengmian, if the Canglan family and the Feng family take action against Chu Fengmian, they will probably end up in the same situation. result.

Although Elder Bingli has some friendship with Sikong Jingsheng, it's hard to say anything now.

By sparing the two of them now, Chu Fengmian was actually giving some face to Elder Bingli. Otherwise, Chu Fengmian would have killed them directly.

With Chu Fengmian's character, it was not impossible to kill them.

"These two losers, let them kneel here and reflect on it."

Chu Fengmian said calmly, but suddenly Chu Fengmian changed the subject and spoke to Elder Bingli.

"Elder Bingli, do you know about the Guixutian martial arts tournament?"

Chu Fengmian suddenly asked.

At Xuanbei Sage, Chu Fengmian heard about it briefly and then left. Because Xuanbei Sage was coming to help Chu Fengmian win opportunities in the academy, he didn't talk much.

Chu Fengmian still attaches great importance to this martial arts tournament. If he wants to break through now, he must go to ordinary and new adventures.

This Guixu Tian is the ruins of the ancient sect, and it contains countless adventures. Chu Fengmian must enter it and look for adventures, so that he can break through the limit of the divine power realm in one fell swoop, survive the catastrophe of life and death, and enter the realm of life and death.

When Chu Fengmian stepped into the realm of life and death, Chu Fengmian could easily crush martial arts families like the Sikong Family, Canglan Family, and Feng Family to death.

There are many strong people in the Northern Territory. With Sikong Hong's strength, he can only be ranked thirty-fifth on the Northern Territory Hundred Ultimate Ranking. The strength of this front row of the Northern Territory Hundred Ultimate Ranking is definitely not bad.

Chu Fengmian still planned to understand one or two of them.

"Guixu Tian? Martial Arts Conference? This martial arts competition to compete for the qualifications of Gui Xutian is indeed about to be held. It seems that you are going to participate too."

Elder Bingli said calmly.

He was not surprised that Chu Fengmian wanted to participate. After all, in Guixu Tian, ​​as long as there were warriors who were strong enough to fight for it, who wouldn't want to enter it and find adventures.

With Chu Fengmian's current strength, he is indeed qualified to compete. It is extremely normal for Chu Fengmian to want to participate.

"This time the martial arts competition will still be held in King Wu City, but only the top ten warriors in the martial arts competition will be eligible to go to Guixutian."

Elder Bingli opened his mouth to explain.

"This martial arts competition is open to all disciples of the major forces in the Northern Territory. It is not limited to divine power realm warriors. Many life and death realm warriors can also participate."

"For example, some core disciples in our Beimang Academy, although they have reached the realm of life and death, but have not been promoted to deputy dean, can participate in this martial arts tournament. It can be said that they want to get the top ten from this martial arts tournament. Ranking is not easy.”

Elder Bingli looked at Chu Fengmian and said.

"There is no shortage of geniuses among the major forces in the Northern Territory. Almost all the disciples on the Hundred Jue List in the Northern Territory will go to participate."

"With your current strength, it is not difficult to get into the top ten, but if you want to compete for the top three, it will be a bit difficult. As for winning the first place, with your current strength, you should not be able to do it."


Elder Bingli's words made Chu Fengmian slightly surprised.

With his strength, he can only enter the top ten. It is not easy to compete for the top three?

Just now, when Chu Fengmian defeated Sikong Jingsheng, the strength he displayed was already approaching the stage of life and death.

Although it is not as good as the Realm of Broken Life, a realm beyond life and death, it is enough to defeat Sikong Jingsheng, who suppresses the peak of the Realm of Life and Death.

Chu Fengmian's strength is at least half-stepped into transcending life and death.

Chu Fengmian originally thought that it would not be a problem for him to win the first place in this martial arts competition with his strength.

Who would have thought that there would be someone on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List who could compete with him?

"Don't be surprised. Many of the characters on the Northern Territory Hundred Jue List have been practicing for hundreds of years and have had countless adventures. You have just arrived at Beimang College. Even with such strength, it will not be a problem to surpass them in the future. ”

Elder Bingli said aside, his face suddenly changed slightly, and then he spoke.

"I have already told Yue Li about this martial arts conference. The martial arts conference will be held in King Wu City in seven days. You can talk about it on the way. I have some things to do here and need to leave first."

After Elder Bingli finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and left in a hurry.

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