Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 647: Herd of Beasts

Elder Bingli's sudden departure must have been an order from the top management of Beimang College.

Chu Fengmian has now shown his strength and defeated Sikong Jingsheng, the ancestor of the Sikong family. The top management of the college should have known about it.

That's why he was called Elder Bingli in such a hurry.

As long as the academy knew about it, Chu Fengmian was not worried at all. His current strength was enough to protect himself.

When Chu Fengmian passed through the catastrophe of life and death, his strength was enough to transcend life and death. Even if the senior officials of Beimang College came to deal with him, Chu Fengmian could easily resolve it.

"Let's go to King Wu City."

Chu Fengmian glanced at Han Yueli next to him and said directly.

Seven days later, it will be the day when the martial arts conference begins, although Chu Fengmian has just experienced continuous battles.

However, Chu Fengmian has divine veins, and the consumption of these spiritual powers means nothing to Chu Fengmian.

He must take any time to rest, that is, he has reached perfection.


Han Yueli also nodded.

The figures of the two people suddenly turned into a ray of light and left.

It's a long way to King Wu City, so go ahead to avoid missing out.

This Guixu Heaven will only open once every three years. Chu Fengmian does not want to miss this opportunity. If he misses this opportunity, Chu Fengmian will have to wait for three years.

Chu Fengmian didn't have three years to waste.

Two rays of escaping light left the Beimang Holy Domain directly and turned into one ray of escaping light, escaping into the void.

Although this Beimang Holy Land is extremely secretive now, Chu Fengmian already has an identity card and knows all the routes around him. Even in this chaotic void, he can find a way out at once.

Suddenly returned to the Northern Territory.

This King Wu City is at the northernmost point of the Northern Territory.

King Wu City does not belong to any one force, but it is maintained by countless sects in the Northern Territory working together. Among them, Beimang College also has some power in King Wu City.

Of course, the Earth Demon Sect still occupies a corner of the power in King Wu City.

Martial arts families such as the Sikong Family, the Canglan Family, the Feng Family, and some second-rate forces, among which the sects all have this part of the power, work together to run the King of Martial City.

It is precisely because of this particularity that Martial King City has become the place where the competition for quotas starts every three years in Guixu Tian, ​​so a martial arts tournament has been developed.

Every three years, the martial arts competition is the ranking of the younger generation of disciples in the Northern Territory. The moment of shuffling is enough to bring out many amazing geniuses every year.

This is not only a competition for the place in Guixu Tian, ​​but also represents the glory of warriors. The genius of the Northern Territory is not the proud one of heaven. Everyone wants to be the first and surpass the others in skills.

That's why this martial arts tournament attracts so many powerful people.

"In this martial arts tournament, all the disciples you encounter are likely to be random, so even if you encounter fellow disciples from Beimang Academy, you cannot show mercy."

Han Yueli started to explain from the side.

"The martial arts competition is just like the stage of life and death. Fighting in it is a fight of life and death. If you step down, you will be considered a loser. As long as you step down, you will not be able to kill anyone again."

"But in the ring, you can use any means, so even if you encounter anyone, you can't show mercy."


Chu Fengmian nodded. He also knew that casualties in this kind of martial arts competition every year were almost inevitable.

Only a true battle of life and death can determine the true strength of a warrior, so every battle in this martial arts tournament is a battle of life and death, where you can kill the opponent.

Up there, a soft-hearted person will only bring disaster to himself.

However, Chu Fengmian doesn't care. With his character, he will not be merciful. As long as he is an enemy, there is only one result in Chu Fengmian's heart, which is to kill him.

The martial arts competition is said to be for the quota of Guixu Tian, ​​but in fact it is also a trial, a trial between the disciples of the major sects.

No matter how high a warrior's realm is, he will not become a truly strong person if he has not experienced countless life-and-death battles.

This martial arts tournament is an opportunity for everyone to improve the strength of the Northern Territory from these cruel cultivations.

There is a three-year cycle, and now these three years are here again.

While Chu Fengmian was meditating, a large mountain range suddenly appeared in front of him. This mountain range was covered with giant trees. At a glance, Chu Fengmian felt that the evil spirit in it was overwhelming.

"This is the Corpse Mountain Range."

Chu Fengmian observed the surrounding terrain and said.

This Corpse Mountain Range was once a battlefield in the Northern Territory, where countless strong men fell. Countless monster beasts devoured the blood of those strong men. They thrived here and turned into a gathering place for monster beasts.

Among them, Chu Fengmian felt that there were many powerful demon gods, and even some powerful demon gods were close to transcending life and death. They were obviously the ancestors of the demon gods.

"This Corpse Mountain Range is full of dangers, but there aren't many treasures in it. It's an extremely barren place, and there's no point in entering it. We'd better take a detour soon."

Han Yueli said.

In the Desolate Corpse Mountains, except for the endless monster beasts, there is nothing else.

Entering one is asking for trouble.

"It seems a little late to avoid it now."

Chu Fengmian looked ahead and muttered to himself.

Han Yueli followed Chu Fengmian's gaze and saw that a dark area suddenly appeared in front of him.

Like a dark cloud, it flew directly towards Chu Fengmian.

However, this speed is by no means a dark cloud. It also contains extremely terrifying demonic power.


Han Yueli's expression changed slightly when she saw this black mass flying in like a dark cloud.

This herd of beasts is definitely one of the most troublesome things encountered in the Northern Territory.

Generally, there are at least a thousand or ten thousand monster beasts in a herd. A huge herd may even have as many as a hundred thousand or a million monster beasts.

With this kind of quantity, even a strong person who transcends life and death may fall into it.

The group of beasts in front of them, countless monsters, covered the sky and turned into a dark cloud. There were at least one hundred thousand monsters in them.

"Dark Iron Crow?"

Chu Fengmian unfolded his spiritual consciousness and took a closer look. He saw the monster, which was completely black and its feathers gave off a metallic luster.

This black iron crow is a wind-controlling monster beast that comes in groups. It is not considered powerful among the monster beast group, but it is extremely troublesome for warriors.

Because the feathers of the black iron crow are as hard as fine steel, it is very easy for any saint to kill one.

But as soon as the black iron crow appeared, there were tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of them appearing together, covering the sky and the sun. In addition, the black iron crow itself was difficult to kill.

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