Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 645: The young and the old kneel together


Chu Fengmian spat out one word calmly and split the sky with a sword, completely shattering it.


With a loud noise, the sky-splitting sword was completely shattered.

The backlash force all fell on Sikong Jingsheng, knocking his body away directly.


A mouthful of blood spurted out directly. Sikong Jingsheng's body was trembling, and his heart was filled with horror.

"How can this be?"

Sikong Jingsheng, the ancestor of the Sikong family, is a person at the pinnacle of life and death. He is only one step away from being able to transcend life and death and step onto the steps of life and death.

In the entire Northern Territory, he can be regarded as a high-ranking figure.

But now, he was directly defeated by a junior like Chu Fengmian, a junior who was only in the divine power realm.

In terms of swordsmanship, he was actually no match for Chu Fengmian.


Elder Bingli also had a dull look on his face, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

Sikong Jingsheng actually lost. He actually lost in swordsmanship.

Swordsmanship is the foundation of the Sikong family. The strength of the Sikong family is due to the swordsmanship left in their bloodline, which is why they are called a martial arts family.

With that sword strike just now, Sikong Jingsheng showed no mercy at all, and even unleashed all the swordsmanship in his family. Now, Chu Fengmian was able to resolve it so easily.

Unless this scene was witnessed with one's own eyes, no one would believe it even if rumors spread.

At the realm of divine power, even an innate divine body cannot defeat the peak of the life and death realm.

"What kind of adventure did it take to be able to do this? Our Beimang College actually has such a number one figure."

Elder Bingli said to himself somewhat dullly.

When he met Han Yueli, Elder Bingli thought that Han Yueli was almost the most qualified disciple in the entire Beimang Academy.

But in front of him, Chu Fengmian's strength was even stronger than Han Yueli's.

What's even more shocking is that Chu Fengmian is at the extreme level of divine power.

He has not even passed the catastrophe of life and death.

Once a warrior survives the catastrophe of life and death, his strength will increase several times or dozens of times.

Chu Fengmian's current strength is enough to defeat Sikong Jingsheng, who is at the peak of the life and death realm. If Chu Fengmian survives the catastrophe of life and death, his strength will soar to what extent.

Beyond the realm of life and death? Or even leap onto the steps of life and death, transcending life and death?

Elder Bingli seems to be a little unimaginable in his heart now.

"Sikong Jingsheng? The ancestor of the Sikong family? Chu gave you a chance. Since you didn't leave when I asked you to leave, don't even think about leaving now!"

Chu Fengmian looked at Sikong Jingsheng who was vomiting blood from a high position and said coldly.

"Just kneel down and come and accompany your grandson!"


Chu Fengmian's big hand suddenly fell down, and a huge pressure pressed on Sikong Jingsheng's body, suppressing Sikong Jingsheng's body to death. No matter how much Sikong Jingsheng resisted, he could not escape. Chu Fengmian's palm.

"Impossible! How could a little warrior in the divine realm suppress me or defeat me! Impossible, I am the invincible ancestor, I will never be defeated!"

Sikong Jingsheng roared wildly and struggled hard, as if he wanted to break Chu Fengmian's suppression and get out of it.

Facing Sikong Jingsheng's struggle, Chu Fengmian just sneered.

As soon as his mind moved, the war dragon bloodline in his body was fully activated, and the suppressive power became much more terrifying.

The aura on Chu Fengmian's body turned into four huge ancient war dragons, which suddenly fell from the sky and directly aimed at Sikong Jingsheng to suppress them.

The suppressed power of these four ancient war dragons was about to tear Sikong Jingsheng's body apart directly.

Sikong Jingsheng's body was seen trembling continuously. He tried all his strength to resist Chu Fengmian's suppression, but it was of no use.


Sikong Jingsheng roared loudly, and his spiritual power was concentrated to the extreme, making this final resistance.

"Still want to resist? Kneel down!"

Chu Fengmian said coldly, and with a grab of his big hand, the last spiritual power condensed in Sikong Jingsheng's body was directly broken.

Suddenly, all the defenses on Sikong Jingsheng's body were broken, and Chu Fengmian's pressure directly pressed on Sikong Jingsheng's body.

In the blink of an eye, Sikong Jingsheng's body seemed to have lost all strength in this instant, and his knees weakened.

Just like Sikong Hong just now, he knelt down on the ground and knelt beside Sikong Hong.

The two grandsons of the Sikong family were all defeated by Chu Fengmian, and they knelt in front of Chu Fengmian together.

"The Sikong family is a martial arts family, so take all your wealth!"

Chu Fengmian looked at Sikong Jingsheng and Sikong Hong who were kneeling on the ground. He moved his big hand and grabbed them directly.

These two people seemed to still want to resist, but now they were kneeling on the ground, suppressed by Chu Fengmian's power, and there was no chance for them to resist.

Chu Fengmian grabbed it with his right hand, and two empty rings fell directly into Chu Fengmian's hands.

Chu Fengmian opened it and saw that there were countless adventures and wealth in it.

The Sikong family is, after all, a martial arts family. As the ancestor of the Sikong family, Sikong Jingsheng has an astonishing amount of wealth, at least tens of billions of spiritual stones.

"Yes, this wealth is considered as the compensation you gave me. As for the two of you, kneel here for seven days and seven nights, as a warning to others who dare to provoke me, Chu Fengmian!"

Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, ignored the two men, and walked back.

"Elder Bingli, these two people will kneel on the mountain peak first. If you feel it is an eyesore, I can also move them to another place."

When Chu Fengmian went back and saw Elder Bingli who was still surprised, he smiled and said.

"These two people should be taught a lesson if they come to provoke us."

"Chu Fengmian, you, did you really suppress the two of them like this?"

Elder Bingli seemed a little unbelievable.

Sikong Hong was suppressed and knelt down, which was beyond Elder Bingli's expectations, but it did not shock Elder Bingli. What really shocked her was the next scene, where Sikong Jingsheng was defeated and suppressed by Chu Fengmian. .

Sikong Jingsheng is not a weakling, but he is a big shot at the pinnacle of the life and death realm, a strong man at a high level of the life and death realm. Outside, he is a big shot who dominates one party.

The ancestor of the Sikong family was suppressed by Sikong Jingsheng in this way, and Elder Bingli was still a little frightened.

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