Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6021 Crystal Continent Dominant King

The crystal continent is so huge that the power of crystal martial arts that it emanates from time to time makes any warrior dare not approach it.

Once you get close to the crystal continent, you will be eroded by the power of crystal martial arts, and your whole body will be crystallized, becoming a crystal warrior without consciousness.

No one knows what the inside of the crystal continent looks like.

But the more mysterious the crystal continent is, the more Chu Fengmian's curiosity is aroused. He wants to enter the crystal continent and explore it.

"Let's go!"

Thinking of this, Chu Fengmian did not hesitate at all.

He vaguely felt that if he could enter the depths of the crystal continent, it would be possible to unveil the mystery of the crystal continent in one fell swoop, and even discover many secrets in this end era.

Chu Fengmian took a step forward, and his figure turned into a ray of light, gradually entering the crystal continent.

The closer he got to the crystal continent.

The surrounding land was turned into diamond-shaped crystals.

This kind of crystal martial arts power seems to have the ability to assimilate everything.

Like many warriors, just approaching the crystal continent, they ended up as a crystal warrior.

This kind of power is indeed too overbearing.

Chu Fengmian didn't think so before.

But now, Chu Fengmian has already stepped into the level of the Lord of Thousand Laws.

But even with the strength of the Lord of Thousand Laws, Chu Fengmian is not enough to completely resist the power of the crystal martial arts. If Chu Fengmian stays in this crystal continent for too long, he may be eroded by crystallization and become a crystal warrior.

The power that the Lord of Thousand Laws cannot resist.

The power of this crystal continent is beyond imagination.

Chu Fengmian has also witnessed the fight between the old man of reincarnation and the Lord of Nine Heavens, as well as the battle with the Lord of Moment, which made Chu Fengmian have a certain understanding of the power of the Lord of Ten Thousand Laws.

But whether it is the old man of reincarnation or the Lord of Nine Heavens.

Their power is far less overbearing and powerful than the crystal continent in front of them.

The power of this crystal continent has already surpassed the Lord of Ten Thousand Laws.

And above the Lord of Ten Thousand Laws, Chu Fengmian can only think of one thing, that is the King of Domination.

In the End Era, a dominant king had fallen. With this crystal continent, Chu Fengmian could easily guess that this crystal continent must have a great relationship with the dominant king.

"So big? I have been flying for so long, but I have only flown over the area of ​​a crystal?"

Chu Fengmian flew all the way over this crystal continent, but after dozens of breaths, he realized that the area he was just in was actually just the area of ​​a crystal.

You should know that with Chu Fengmian's escape light, his breath of time is enough to cross tens of millions of miles, but it took so long for Chu Fengmian to fly to the end of a crystal.

And there are 129,600 such crystals on this crystal continent.

"How huge is this crystal continent?"

Chu Fengmian could not imagine the hugeness of this crystal continent. Even this crystal continent is even larger and boundless than the Epoch Sea.

Even Chu Fengmian had a feeling that this crystal continent was even larger than the End Era.

Originally, in the eyes of many people, this crystal continent was only a part of the End Era.

But after Chu Fengmian calculated the size of this crystal continent, he was surprised to find that compared with this crystal continent, the End Era seemed much smaller.

"Such a large crystal continent! 129,600 crystals? Was this crystal continent born from heaven and earth, or?"

Having been exposed to crystal martial arts for so long, Chu Fengmian couldn't help but have a guess in his mind.

That is, almost all crystal martial arts can only be practiced by living beings.

Whether it is those crystal beasts or the so-called crystalized warriors, they are all living beings, but they are finally crystallized by the power of crystal martial arts.

And warriors like Chu Fengmian who practice crystal martial arts rely on the mystery of this crystal martial arts to transform their flesh into 129,600 martial arts crystals.

This kind of martial arts crystal does not seem to appear out of thin air, but is transformed from the flesh and blood of living beings after practice.

And this crystal continent.

If it is not born from heaven and earth.

Then isn't it very likely that this crystal continent is the body of a powerful person?

The martial arts true body of 129,600 martial arts crystals?

Chu Fengmian was a little terrified when he thought of this possibility.

The physical body of a martial artist who practices crystal martial arts will become extremely huge.

But even Chu Fengmian's current eternal true body seems so small in front of this crystal continent, or even just in front of such a crystal.

Not to mention that compared to the entire crystal continent, it is not even an ant.

However, the feeling that this crystal continent gave Chu Fengmian was indeed very similar to his own eternal true body.

It didn't seem to be born from heaven and earth, but the body of a powerful person.

Chu Fengmian's figure also flashed repeatedly on the crystal continent, and he also found one crystal after another, which were all part of the crystal continent.

And soon on many crystals, Chu Fengmian gained something.

That is, huge cracks.

These cracks, like valleys, are distributed on crystals.

But Chu Fengmian could see that this so-called valley was actually cracks, cracks on the martial arts crystals.

If this crystal continent was born from heaven and earth, then it would be almost impossible for such cracks to exist, especially these cracks, which were clearly the result of these crystals being unable to withstand the force and breaking.

Chu Fengmian had practiced crystal martial arts for so long, and he had also experienced countless life-and-death battles. Many of the 129,600 martial arts crystals on his body had been broken and repaired.

And those broken and cracked martial arts crystals were almost exactly the same as the cracks Chu Fengmian saw on the crystal continent now.

"Is this crystal continent really the flesh of a person? Is it the flesh of the fallen master king?"

Chu Fengmian's eyes flashed with a bit of astonishment.

Because the crystal continent was really too huge.

So although Chu Fengmian thought at first that this crystal martial arts and crystal continent must be inseparable from the fallen master king.

But he never thought that this crystal continent might be the flesh of the fallen master king.

However, with Chu Fengmian's exploration this time, this thought appeared in Chu Fengmian's mind and could not be eliminated for a long time.

"If this is the case, the end, the end, this so-called end era, I'm afraid it is the tomb of the king of domination!"

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