Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6022 The Secret of the Crystal Continent

Chu Fengmian murmured to himself.

"If this is true, there must be something left behind by the Lord of Domination in this final era."

"And if this crystal continent is really the martial arts body of the Lord of Domination, then why is the power so strong after the death of the Lord of Domination?"

"No, if the Lord of Domination really fell, there must be news about the Lord of Domination in the Ancient Immortal City."

"A Lord of Domination, even if he fell, must have become an unrivaled giant in the long river of time, and his legend will be spread in the Ancient Immortal City."

"It is impossible that there is no news in the Ancient Immortal City."

Chu Fengmian also analyzed some of the news he got when he entered the Ancient Immortal City, as well as the speculation about the crystal continent in front of him.

Soon an idea appeared in Chu Fengmian's mind.

"Could it be that this Lord of Domination is not dead?"

"So his power is still so strong, but he is seriously injured and can no longer move?"

The power of the crystal martial arts is indeed strong, enough to give a warrior power beyond his own.

But the crystal martial arts also has this certainty, that is, once the 129,600 martial arts crystals on the body are damaged, they must be restored with huge power.

And the power required to restore the 129,600 martial arts crystals on the body will be ten times, or even dozens of times, the injuries of ordinary Lords.

For this Lord of Domination, it is even more so. So he is really as Chu Fengmian guessed, not dead, but seriously injured.

But with his own powerful strength, it will be almost impossible to completely repair all the 129,600 martial arts crystals on his body and restore his strength.

So if the crystal continent in front of him is really the Lord of Domination, but he is seriously injured, and he is no different from a dead person.

But all this is Chu Fengmian's guess.

He also kept walking through the crystal continent, looking for some clues.

But soon, Chu Fengmian felt that his body could no longer withstand the erosion of the surrounding crystal martial arts power and began to crystallize.

"I can't stay here anymore!"

Noticing this scene, Chu Fengmian immediately activated the escape light and flew out of the crystal continent.

Half a day later.

In a cave, Chu Fengmian slowly got up, and the crystal erosion on his body was finally temporarily suppressed by Chu Fengmian.

With his current strength, every time he enters the crystal continent, he can only explore a dozen crystals.

Based on the total number of 129,600 crystals in this crystal continent.

From this point of view, Chu Fengmian's entry into the crystal continent this time actually explored only one ten-thousandth of the area of ​​the crystal continent.

And this is already the current limit of Chu Fengmian's power.

"My power is still too weak."

Chu Fengmian also sighed.

Regardless of whether this crystal continent is the treasure left by the Lord of Domination or the flesh of the Lord of Domination, the power emanating from it alone is already difficult for Chu Fengmian to resist.

Chu Fengmian's current strength still cannot fully explore this crystal continent.


Chu Fengmian also vaguely felt that his current strength had already broken the critical point.

Originally, even if Chu Fengmian's strength had improved and he perfected the Eternal Law, he could only resist the crystal continent for less than a minute at most, which was the limit.

But this time, after returning from the Ancient Immortal City, Chu Fengmian stepped into the strength of the Lord of Thousand Laws, and he had been there for a full quarter of an hour, which was a leap-forward improvement.

It means that if Chu Fengmian's strength can be further improved, even if he cannot reach the level of the Lord of Ten Thousand Laws, he can still resist the erosion of the power of crystal martial arts for a longer time.

"It seems that I still need to improve my strength to fully explore this crystal continent."

Chu Fengmian also said to himself.

All the secrets of the crystal continent.

In fact, they are all in the crystal continent itself.

The Crystal Continent seems so mysterious now, only because no one has ever been able to enter and explore it.

Chu Fengmian is a rare exception, because Chu Fengmian has the strength of the Thousand Laws Master on the one hand, and also because Chu Fengmian has practiced the Crystal Martial Arts on the other hand.

The combination of the two is why Chu Fengmian can enter the Crystal Continent for such a long time.

This time, it can be regarded as a part of the mystery of the Crystal Continent that has been barely unveiled.

The easiest way to know all the secrets of the Crystal Continent is to explore the Crystal Continent completely.

However, with Chu Fengmian's current strength, if he wants to fully explore the Crystal Continent, he needs to enter the Crystal Continent at least 10,000 times.

The time required is too long.

In addition, Chu Fengmian is not sure whether he can enter the core area of ​​the Crystal Continent with his current strength.

So Chu Fengmian still does not plan to waste so much time, but is ready to wait until his strength is improved again, and then enter the Crystal Continent again to explore the Crystal Continent.

However, although the real secret of the Crystal Continent was not discovered this time, Chu Fengmian's venture into the Crystal Continent this time also gained a lot.

The more Chu Fengmian entered the Crystal Continent, the more he could feel the pure power of the Crystal Martial Arts. This power was also of great benefit to Chu Fengmian's practice of the Crystal Martial Arts.

In this half day.

Chu Fengmian not only completely solved the erosion of the crystallized power on his body, but he also constantly created and perfected the infinite law.

As Chu Fengmian continued to perfect his creation, the power of the 129,600 martial arts crystals on his body was also stronger than before.

This was Chu Fengmian's harvest from entering the Crystal Continent this time.

Of course, the improvement of the Eternal Law this time was so amazing.

It was not only because of Chu Fengmian's harvest from entering the Crystal Continent.

It was also because Chu Fengmian had experienced several battles in the Ancient Immortal City, especially the battle with the Lord of the Moment.

Seeing the martial arts comparable to the master of all laws, Chu Fengmian gained a lot.

After fully integrating all this into the Eternal Law, the 129,600 martial arts crystals on Chu Fengmian's body had such a great power improvement.

Chu Fengmian slowly stood up, and after calming down the aura of power in his body, he looked outside the cave.

"Since we have come to the end of the era, it is a good opportunity to see where the treasure left by the old man of the reincarnation is?"

Chu Fengmian has not forgotten.

The deal between him and the old man of the reincarnation.

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