Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 6020: The Fall of the First Genius of the Eternal Continent

But now, the Lord of the Moment has died like this?

Although everyone knows that the Lord of the Moment is not the real body of the Lord of the Moment, but an incarnation of the power of the Lord of the Moment.

But for the Lord of Moment, who is the pinnacle master of thousands of laws, he is infinitely close to being the master of all laws.

Even one of the incarnations of power cannot be resisted by ordinary Qianfa Lords.

What's more, Chu Fengmian killed the Lord of the Moment with just one sword strike.

"This sword is too terrifying!"

"Who can block this sword?"

Many people looked at Chu Fengmian with deep fear in their eyes. Facing the power of heaven and earth just now, many of them were unable to even stand up.

But Chu Fengmian could kill the Lord of Moment with one sword burst.

"it's over!"

Chu Fengmian muttered silently.

After hearing Chu Fengmian's words, many people looked over and found that Chu Fengmian had already arrived at the side of the Lord of Blood Cry.

In the disbelieving eyes of the Blood Crying Lord, the Purple King Sword in Chu Fengmian's hand had already penetrated the Blood Crying Lord's chest. There was no longer any vitality in the Blood Crying Lord's body.

The Lord of Blood Cry has fallen.

As the recognized number one genius in the Eternal Continent, the Lord of Blood Cry, whose strength was comparable to that of the Thousand Magic Masters, also died today.

He fell into the hands of Chu Fengmian, the master of the sword.

The incarnation of the power of the Lord of Moment was killed by Chu Fengmian, and the death of the Lord of Blood Cry, these two events can be said to be earth-shattering, enough to make the entire Eternal Continent tremble, but now they are all because of Chu Fengmian .

Before the Lord of Blood Cry died, there was still a look of reluctance in his eyes, but the outcome was already doomed.

When the Lord of Blood Cry chose to be the enemy of Chu Fengmian, the outcome was already doomed.

After receiving the Blood Cry Lord's divine weapon and the blood-colored long sword into the main world, Chu Fengmian also looked around and said coldly.

"Everyone who doesn't want to die, get out!"

"In one day, all the masters in Lu Ming's territory will die!"

Chu Fengmian's words were extremely arrogant.

But to other masters, this sounded like the declaration of death. No one dared to doubt the truth of Chu Fengmian's words.

The Lord of Blood Cry, the number one genius in the Eternal Continent, died in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

And the Lord of the Moment is the patriarch of the Jiujia Family and a big figure in the Jiujia Family among the nine aristocratic families. The incarnation of his power, Chu Fengmian can kill at will.

Therefore, no one dared to doubt Chu Fengmian's words anymore, because they knew that Chu Fengmian would definitely keep his word.

After hearing Chu Fengmian's words, the surrounding masters all fled towards Lu Ming's territory. Even many masters who had hidden themselves and wanted to reap the benefits chose to flee one after another.

In Luming Territory, no master dared to enter and stay.

Seeing those masters leaving, Chu Fengmian also descended and came to the side of the Lord of Black Sky.

"This time, the matter is settled."

Chu Fengmian looked at the Lord of Black Sky and said with a smile.

Although he did not expect that because of the mere inheritance of the Black Ancestor, he could actually attract the number one genius of the Eternal Continent, the Lord of Blood Cry.

But after all, this battle yielded good results, especially the bloody sword magic weapon obtained from the Lord of Blood Cry, which was even more valuable.

And the battle with the Lord of Moment also gave Chu Fengmian something to gain.

Although what Chu Fengmian faced was just an incarnation of the power of the Lord of Moment.

However, although this incarnation of the power of the Lord of the Moment is not strong, the martial arts he displays are indeed the martial arts of the Lord of the Moment, the martial arts of a top powerhouse comparable to the Lord of All Laws.

In the martial arts of the Lord of the Moment, he also understood something, especially the power of heaven and earth, the power of heaven and earth, seemed to have some special connections with the crystal martial arts, which made Chu Fengmian want to go there for a while. In the final era, go to understand the Crystal Continent and practice Crystal Martial Arts.

"It's time for me to leave too."

Chu Fengmian looked at the Lord of Black Sky and said.

He is indeed not very interested in the inheritance of the Black Ancestor, because Chu Fengmian has already embarked on his own path.

"So urgent? Don't you want to be a guest at Lu's house for a while? I also got some treasures left by the Black Ancestor. If Brother Chu needs it..."

The Lord of Black Sky heard Chu Fengmian's words and quickly wanted to speak to persuade him to stay.

But he didn't wait for him to finish his words.

Chu Fengmian had already disappeared in front of him.

This speed was so fast that the Lord of Black Sky didn't even understand how Chu Fengmian left.

This also made Lord Krishna sigh.

"I didn't expect that the gap between me and Brother Chu would be so big."

"However, I have entered the realm of domination and can truly practice the martial arts left by the Black Ancestor. I may not be able to catch up with Brother Chu in the future, but I will not be as helpless as I am today!"

The Lord of Black Sky muttered silently. After this disaster, his desire for power became even more intense.

the other side.

After Po Kong left, Chu Fengmian directly opened a space passage leading to the end of the era.

Originally, when Chu Fengmian went to the end of the world, he still needed to use the power of the boundary-breaking stone to open the space channel and go to the end of the world.

But now Chu Fengmian's power has reached the level of Thousand Dharma Master. Opening the space channel is also an extremely easy task for Chu Fengmian's current power.

He quickly opened the space channel and entered the Doomsday Era.

This battle with the Lord of the Moment really gave Chu Fengmian a lot of gains. He also needed this time to understand the crystal martial arts in order to further perfect the eternal method.

Chu Fengmian had the coordinates of the Doomsday Era, and he quickly opened a space channel very close to the Crystal Continent.

As Chu Fengmian comprehended the Crystal Continent again and again and continuously perfected the Eternal Law, the resistance of the 129,600 martial arts crystals on his body to the power of crystallization has also become much stronger.

If Chu Fengmian had only stayed around the Crystal Continent for a few breaths before, his body would have been in danger of being eroded and crystallized by the power of Crystal Martial Arts.

So now Chu Fengmian can at least stay around this crystal continent for a quarter of an hour.

This is the result of Chu Fengmian's improvement in power and continuous improvement of the eternal law.

"In a quarter of an hour, we can try to get closer to the interior of the Crystal Continent."

Chu Fengmian's figure appeared in the Doomsday Era. In front of him was the endless crystal continent.

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